Friday, March 25, 2011

Am I My Mother's Daughter?

Blooms on Purple Leafed Plum Tree
 And a good morning to all my readers from sunny North Texas!  It's been so nice not to have to use the heat or air conditioning the past several days.  Perfect weather!  I can't believe how fast everything is greening up in my gardens.  I had set a goal for myself yesterday to clean my house BUT I just couldn't help myself ... the outdoors just drew me out and my shovel just flew into my hand.  Well, not really...

"Children learn best from example: the trouble is, they don't know a good example from a bad one." ~~Daily Walk Bible

My Mother & Father

Ever heard the saying "like father like son or like mother like daughter"?  The influence of parents on their children is hard to overestimate.  Children are born mimics...  I love the saying, "what you do speaks so loud I can't hear what you are saying."  We can't overlook the value of a proper example.

Dottie- 30's - A Time of Examination & Change
There was a time in my life when I had to hold up a mirror and take a good look at "me."  I made a list of the things that I liked and didn't like about myself.  I asked myself, "what if my children grow up to be just like me ... will I like them?"  It was then that I decided that I needed to make some life changing corrections.  Am I my mother's daughter ... absolutely!  My mother will always be my mother and I will forever respect and honor her as such.  There came a time that I had to take a good look at her life though as ask myself if I wanted to follow in her footsteps.  Sadly, I had to say "no" and decide what parts of her examples I wanted to keep that were healthy and seek counsel on changing the bad parts.  After many years of scrutiny and hard work, I am comfortable in my own skin.

This morning, I was reading in 1 Kings 12-16.  It was a time when King Solomon had died and his son, Rehoboam, was enthroned.  King Solomon had been the richest, wisest man in the country ... for many years, he followed his father David's example in loving the Lord and serving  him.  His spreading fame and mushrooming wealth began to fill his heart with pride and he developed a love of foreign wives and tolerated the worship of pagan deities.  Not so smart!  His son was headstrong, not willing to seek wise counsel.  When the people of Israel came to him complaining about high taxes brought upon them by his father, he sought the advice of two groups of men.  The first group was older men who advised him to be good to his people and serve them.  The second was a hotheaded group of young men who advised him to be even harder on his people and to increase taxes.  Guess whose advice he followed?  The moral of the story?  Be careful who you ask advice of...

In my quest for wellness, I sought out counsel, took classes, read my Bible and built on who God created me to be.  I didn't like some of the advice I got so I foolishly sought out ill-advised counsel because they told me what I wanted to hear.  Needless to say, I backslid and had to start my quest again.  The good news?  I never stopped growing and learning.  In my 12 Step Program in Alanon, I learned more about me and was able to think less about "him" and "others".  The sad part was that the real root of my issues lay within the subconscious of my mind and created such turmoil for me.  I would continually sabotage my successes and be drawn to punish myself.  Wholeness was a constant battle ... the battle of good and evil, right and wrong.  I held myself captive to the wrongs I had committed against others and myself.  "I" was the problem.

A Pretty Little Target
 Children who have been repeatedly sexually, emotionally and physically abused have a difficult time understanding why they do the things they do.  Often times, the abuse is hidden within the confines of the mind and it is only by examining behavior that the real truth is revealed.  To make light of abuse is abuse in and of itself.  Why do children return to their abusers time after time?  I can only answer for myself.  Since I wasn't good enough, I kept trying to "make it right".  I was such a good child and girl and tried so hard at being the perfect wife.  I couldn't understand why life was so hard...  The unfolding of my hidden dark memories continue and, sometimes it is overwhelming.  I look at my behavior ... I had all the signs, why didn't someone speak up for me?  'Cause it would have caused problems within the family, that's why...  Some secrets are best kept secret?  NO!!!!!!

So long to the past ... hello to a better life!
I am my mother's daughter ... I am bright, pretty, a hard worker, accomplished in my God-given talents ... And, I am me ...a loving, considerate, respectful Christian woman of kindness and grace.  I am soft of heart and love my family and friends dearly.  I make mistakes and am quick to apologize and make amends.  I live in the light and am not afraid of my past any longer.  For the past several years, I have been able to stand up for myself when I am hurt.  I set boundaries for myself and others in my life.  BY THE GRACE OF GOD IT CAN BE DONE!!!  Abuse victims can overcome and live good lives without resorting to the patterns set by their parents, grandparents and others in their lives!

Spring - Newness of Life!
Look up at the sky today and thank God for your sanity and ability to live a good life.  You have the opportunity and the ability to decide who you shall serve ... Personally, I choose to follow Jesus and strive to be more like him.  It's not easy but the blessings far outweigh the work!

You have a wonderful day ... The birds are chirping ... the world is full of wondrous things to behold!  Always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Yes, I did hear His voice in the garden and I still do!!



1 comment:

  1. People are influenced by many factors, yet you are correct, family is one of the most influential--specifically our parents. The innate need to be loved unconditionally by our parents gently, and persistently shapes our personality. The day in and day out comments, affection, and guidance tell a child if they are loved. I am proud to say that in spite of the negative events in my life, the underlying love and support from my parents catapulted my success. In short, I felt valued and loved. So, I choose people and situations that valued and loved me as well, because subconsciously, I felt I deserved it.

    Thank you for stopping the cycle. You were able to give to your children what you didn't receive from yours, which is rare! I love you for that and so much more.

