Good Morning, Readers! Oh my goodness, what a beautiful morning it is in North Texas! I noticed that one of my rose bushes has it's first rose. Yippee! The scent as I pass by is unmistakeably "rose." I think my beloved fountain has a leak as it's not holding water well. Have to find a way of keeping the water in!
Actress, Elizabeth Taylor has passed away. It's interesting ... she is best known for her eight marriages as well as her superb acting abilities. She was an astute businesswoman ... a kind humanitarian. So much is known about her as well as the unknown ... the unsaid turmoil that haunted her. To Elizabeth, happiness was just one marriage away. I can relate... For so many years, I thought that happiness was "just one marriage away." The odd part of that is that I kept marrying the same person ... a man who was emotionally unavailable. Insanity at it's best! It took some deep digging to find out the "why" behind my quest .... once I did that, it took me a long time to connect head knowledge with my heart. That's when the Lord really took my hand. First, I had to surrender all my hurts and the crap that kept me captive. I was addicted to smooth talking, romantically inclined men who were successful, outwardly charismatic to others, and able to charm me into thinking that they would love me like none before me. Oh, good grief!! I learned that I needed to learn to love myself and believe that I was worthy!
Some years ago, I had a best friend who mentored me and was there for me throughout my fourth marriage as it collapsed around me. She was able to help me in ways that built me up ... she shared her love of the Lord with me and I felt comfortable asking her to be my accountability partner. For her friendship in that time of my life I will be eternally grateful. As I began to regain my composure and feel good about myself something changed in our relationship. If I did not take her advice and do what she thought, I was chastised. The day came when she told me that she could not be my friend anymore because she didn't agree with my choices. I was living my life as best I could with the knowledge I had. Grace was absent in our relationship ... the freedom to choose was absent in our relationship ... I was not doing anything illegal or immoral ... I was just not living my life the way she thought I should. Our friendship was based on control and I didn't want to be controlled ... I wanted to be able to use my accountability partner to bounce my feelings and actions off of. I wanted another pair of eyes and ears to speak truth. What I received was judgement ... I began to shut down and feel bad about myself. When I felt bad about myself, the choices I made got worse not better. The tapes in my subconscious began to run at a rapid rate and I was headed for a brick wall!
Dottie and Madison 2000
Grace ... God gave me an invitation to take his hand, He talked to me through meditation, prayer and the Bible. He accepted me where I was at and loved me to wellness. He did not judge or leave me. When others ran away, He stayed. He was patient with me, guiding me and educating me through church, friends, family, books including the Bible, and the world about me. He did not insist on me doing my life His way ... He just gave me grace as I stumbled in my path to wellness. He was my constant ... my rock. In my weakness, he gave me strength ... in my strength he gave me perseverance. My God became the perfect accountability partner and has given me other partners who held me accountable in a constructive way. Given freedom to make mistakes and learn gave way to a deeper relationship with God, my family and my brothers and sisters in Christ. As a Stephen's Minister commissioned in the mid 1980'a I learned that I was to supply the caring ... God would supply the cure! Amen! I know that I have used the song Amazing Grace before in my blogs but I want to use it again today. Listen to the lyrics, close your eyes and ask the Lord God to speak to you as He did to me!
Beauty in thegarden 3/23/2011
Is your life grace-filled? Do you confront in love or in anger? As human beings we make mistakes ... we are all imperfect human beings trying desperately to live good lives. When someone makes a mistake, do you walk away from them thinking yourself above them? Lots of questions for thought. It is my hope and prayer that you will fill your heart with grace ... do your part and leave the rest to God. Sadly enough, we often play God judging...
"God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other." ~~Reinhold Niebuhr quotes (American theologian, 1892-1971)
Have a great day ... Toby is going to help me water the garden!! Always remember, you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!
I heard a quote on the news this morning from Kenneth Cole who was a close friend of Elizabeth Taylor. Before I get to the is a little background. In 1983 Dr. Michael S. Gottlieb and Dame Elizabeth Taylor spearheaded the creation of the National AIDS Research Foundation. Mr. Cole is now in charge of the foundation. The foundation is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy.
Here is what Mr. Cole said, "People supported Elizabeth and she was very convincing and very compelling. And she didn't ask you to do anything she would not have done herself. She had the courage to do this early on when others weren't and that's invariably when you make the most impact. And, you know, you can whisper in a quiet room and people hear you. It was very quiet in those days, and she wasn't just whispering."
****I love that about her*** Sometimes we have to do what is right in our heart and mind and remove ourselves from popular culture.
I heard a quote on the news this morning from Kenneth Cole who was a close friend of Elizabeth Taylor. Before I get to the is a little background. In 1983 Dr. Michael S. Gottlieb and Dame Elizabeth Taylor spearheaded the creation of the National AIDS Research Foundation. Mr. Cole is now in charge of the foundation. The foundation is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy.
ReplyDeleteHere is what Mr. Cole said, "People supported Elizabeth and she was very convincing and very compelling. And she didn't ask you to do anything she would not have done herself. She had the courage to do this early on when others weren't and that's invariably when you make the most impact. And, you know, you can whisper in a quiet room and people hear you. It was very quiet in those days, and she wasn't just whispering."
****I love that about her*** Sometimes we have to do what is right in our heart and mind and remove ourselves from popular culture.
Love you, Mom :)