Saturday, March 26, 2011

Family...A time to just be!

Hook 'em horns!

I was up with the chickens today ... it was still dark when I headed for Providence.   It was opening day of baseball and tball for my grandsons Zachary and Nicholas and we needed to be on the ball field by 8am.  I hadn't seen the boys in awhile and their smiles lit up my heart as soon as I saw them.  My how fast they change in just a short period of time!  They were raring to go and I was still trying to keep my eyes open!  Where was my coffee when I needed it?!

What a hit!
Zachary was lead batter today (no pressure!) and, true to form, he came through ... 2 scores out of 3 times up to bat.  He has such confidence and is quite a leader.  When he was at bat, I chuckled ... he was pawing his feet across home plate.  One thing about Zachary ... he doesn't lack showmanship!  Watching him play baseball and excel in school is such a treat!

Nicholas 3/26/2011
Nicholas's tball team, the Reds, didn't play today but they did dress up for the Opening Ceremony.  Nicholas is so precious ... he comes into a room and lights it up.  Dad, Tommy, is one of the coaches on his team which has helped him with his shyness.  World watch out, this little guy is winding up for greatness!

Tommy & Nicholas
It was so fun watching my son and his sons get into baseball and tball.  I was one proud grandma sitting on the benches!  It makes my heart sing knowing that Tommy takes such an interest in the boys in all areas of their lives ... physical, emotional, spiritual and in their day to day activities.  It is hard for dads (and moms too) to balance everything going on in their lives ... Tommy does a good job of putting the important stuff first.  He walks his talk!

It is so beautiful in North Texas I can hardly stand it.  The trees are covered with blossoms and the garden centers are ablaze with color.  The grass should be completely green in a couple weeks.  I think that I'll put some pinon wood in the chiminea tonight and make some smores.  What a way to end the day!  A trip to the grocery store has to come first.  Oh the joys of mingling with the shoppers and carts!

Sometimes it's nice to just enjoy a day and not have exaggerated ups and downs ... a time to just be!  There were seasons in my life that seemed to be so ... well, filled with drama.  I wonder how much I created for myself?  These days, I prefer a more serene existence ... KISS (keep it simple stupid!) is my motto!!

Today the Opening Ceremony for baseball/tball was dedicated to a young man by the name of Caleb who succumbed to a brain tumor last night.  Caleb's best friend threw out the first ball of the season and Caleb's father caught the ball.  It was touching to listen to the prayer given by the pastor of the church Caleb's family attends.  Never mind being politically correct.  Is is because we live in the Bible Belt?  I'm not sure, I'm just glad that so many joined in singing the National Anthem and praying the prayer.  Jesus take the wheel of this season of baseball and tball ...


As I close today, I will end with the song that Caleb's family played after his passing last night ... Chris Tomlin's I Will Rise...


My deepest sympathy goes out to Caleb's family in their time of mourning and learning to live without him in their lives ... another reason for us all to cherish the people in our lives young, old and every age inbetween!  And you, my precious readers, I pray that you are having the best Saturday ever!

Take gentle care and take time to

smell the proverbial roses!



1 comment:

  1. It is never easy to read about a child passing. Their life, being cut short, never got to show their God-given talents. I am amazed at the strength of family and community when a child dies. I hope and pray I never have to experience such an event.

    I am so proud of my brother!! Tommy is not only a great dad, he is a great person. His heart is gold and his character is steady. I love how he has come so far in just a few months. I get to sit back and watch his daily growth, which is awesome!

    Love you,

    p.s. Yeah Zachary and Nicholas!!!
