Thursday, March 24, 2011

Family is About Living Life!

Living Life with Serenity
Good Morning, Readers!  Yesterday, I spent all day outside getting the back porch cleaned up and two garden areas refreshed.  I was one tired puppy at the end of the day!  I couldn't wait to get up and have coffee in my own little Eden this morning.  It was chilly but the air was so refreshing.  The birds are chirping and love to nest in the trees.  Won't be long and the Spring babies will start appearing!

Family is about living life one day at a time.  You just never know what is just around the corner!  There has been so much on TV about Elizabeth Taylor ... one thing is for sure, she lived life with gusto.  Not always in ways that were proper ... she was and will forever be known as a gutsy broad.  What so many live in private, she lived in the public eye.  I can't image what that would be like.  YET, here I am blogging about the dark corners of my life and bringing light to my inner sanctum.

Living Life with Determination
 We all live our lives based on where we came from, life's experiences and the road of learning that we choose.  There was a story that I've heard many many times about two brothers that grew up impoverished with an alcoholic father who beat their mother.  One of the brothers was an accomplished attorney, a fine Christian with a wonderful family.  The other brother was the town drunk, a violent man in and out of prison.  The reporter asked the first brother the secret of his wonderful life ... he replied, "What would you expect, my father was a drunk, I learned what I didn't want to be like."  The other brother replied, "What would you expect?  My father was a drunk and taught me well."  Two brothers raised in the same home ... their own choices determined their destiny.  I've learned that we can't choose the family we are born into but we can learn and grow.

I tell you this story because we do have choices and our fate is about making more of the right ones than wrong ones.  We can either "soar with the eagles or grovel with the turkeys" ... Proverbs talks a lot about a fool and those fools never learn giving way to a life of pain and misery.  "The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."~~Proverbs 12:15  

Living Life with Family
 I wake up in the morning wondering what treasures the day will bring.  Because I am retired and live on a very limited income, the little things of life mean so much ... I praise God for having eyes to see and look at the beauty all around me; I praise God for my hearing that I am able to hear my family, friends and nature speak; I praise God for my clear mind that I am able to reason and make good choices; I praise God for His blessings no matter what they might be.  I am living life with joy!  The time I spent in Florida with my daughter and family was like a dream come true and I savored every moment of our time together.  Tomorrow, I will cheer my grandson on as he plays baseball!  I live in the today and look forward to my tomorrows. 

Living Life with Laughter!
 Each day we are given only has so many minutes.  I am more aware of those minutes and guard them making the most of my days.  I work hard, I love to play, and seek positiveness.  "As a man thinks, so is he!"  I believe that!  Living life is about balance.  At a seminar on time management, I learned that sometimes our lives mean putting more time into one area but all in all, the best life is one of knowing what's important.  Seasons of life mean adjusting the areas every now and then.  For me, it's been important to set aside time to set goals, make a plan and work my plan.  That may be too structured but left to my own devises, I would fritter away my time and get nothing accomplished.

There is no better place to live life than within the family and a group of cherished friends!  For better or worse, in richer and poorer, in sickness and in health ... may we all enjoy our days as gifts from the Lord!


1 comment:

  1. Those pictures bring back some great memories. Proverbs is a wonderful book in the bible. I like how there are 31 chapters--perfect to listen to a chapter a day every single month. There is advice for every age and life situation.

    I like setting goals as well....most of the time. After accomplishing a difficult goal it is nice to take a little time to relax and relish.

    My goal for the evening is get caught up w/ your wonderful blogs.

