Friday, March 4, 2011

Family is being accepting of each other's talents

Good Morning!  It is just beautiful here this morning.  In just the short time I have been here, everything has become more lush and green.  I am sitting out in the lanai this morning gazing into the trees behind the house.  It's Friday and I can hear the lawn maintenance people freshening up the yards for the weekend.  It reminds me of the sights and sounds of home in North Texas!

Samson - fulfilling his purpose
My Bible Study today was on Judges 13-16 ... the famous story of strongman Samson and the lovely but cunning Delilah.  From the time he was born, Samson was blessed with godly parents, favor from God, amazing supernatural strength and was the envy of his countrymen.  Samson had everything he needed to live the life he was created for.  But, in the end, Samson was blind, impoverished and living the life of a beast of burden.  The Lord had given Samson the power and might to deliver the Israelites from the oppression of the Philistines.  However, he spent most of his time violating his Nazirite vow and compromising his purpose.  Samson's last act of heroism came when he was taken to the temple.  He asked to rest his hands on the pillars supporting the roof.  With his last breath he prayed for strength to pay back the Philistines and to die with them.  The rest is history...  His relationship with the beautiful Delilah has been immortalized on film and in story form.  By now, you're probably asking, "What does this have to do with you or me?"

We need to be thankful for our God-given talents and be very careful of self-given deceit.  In Luke 12:48, Jesus told his disciples, "Much is requiredfrom those to whom much is given for their responsibility is greater."  Often times, when that passage is used, people think of $ which is only part true.  Samson had so much yet he used it selfishly.  What about the abilities God has given you and me?  Do you play an instrument...have the gift of hospitality...are you able to console a broken heart...teach God's word to others...I could go on and on.  I asked myself today, "Am I using or abusing my talents?"

Each member of my family is unique and special.  How do I know?  Because I spend time with them, listen to them, and appreciate our differences as well as our likeness.  We were created and brought together in the name of FAMILY - FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  It is impossible to change the God-given personality of another ... yes, we can influence but change only comes when that person has a teachable, contrite heart.

I am a writer, a homemaker, a complex woman who LOVES God and her family and friends.  I am intuitive and read people well - this has been a curse as well as a blessing at times.  I have spent countless hours reading books on human behavior and wellness.  My husband tells me that I have a PhD in human behavior because of my studies and life's experiences.  Thank you, Michael for saying that.  I am a free spirited lady who loves new experiences.  The world is my playground.  Although I am very much a people person, I also need my time alone to reflect, pray, and write.  I think I am doing what God created me to do ... love his people as he loves them ... unconditionally.

Since I have been in Florida, I am enjoying sharing my talents and encouraging my family here to get involved in my work.  I must say, they have been very supportive.  I love each of them in their own way and will sorely miss them when I return to Texas.

Tim, my son in law, is a man I admire and respect.  He loves God and my daughter and his children.  His commitment to his family amazes me each day.  We've taken the opportunity to talk quite openly and I like that.  Tim is a leader and a teacher.  The hours he spends with Madison and Katrina have born much fruit and they feel secure knowing that "Pops" is there for them.  As for Jane, she can't say enough good things about her husband and best friend.

Jane, my daughter, blows me away.  She is a pharmacist who specializes in women's health.  She is quieter than Tim but so fun to be around.  We know each other inside and out and already our hearts are hurting for the time we know is coming that I will return home.  Jane also loves the Lord and her family and uses her talents to help others.  Whatever she does, she goes above and beyond what's necessary.

Madison is my 14 year old granddaughter.  MaddyBelle (as I call her) is a ball of fire ... always on the move ... always befriending ...  Right now, her passions are friends and cheerleading.  Her body moves in ways I can't comprehend!  She is animated and has this deep voice that I love.  Tonight we are going to spend some alone time after school.  I love knowing what makes her smile!!

Katrina 3/3/2011
 Katrina ... Miss Katrina ... the logical little spitfire princess ... Katrina will soon be 8 and his making plans for her birthday.   Katrina is a girly girl ... smart, sensitive, did I mention logical (?!), and devoted to her special friend, Bianca, and her family including the pets.  She loves to sing, dance, read...  We've shared hugs and she has caught my bug of writing.  I sure will miss connecting with her on a daily basis!!  We are going to get some 1 on 1 time tonight as well as we go to pick out her birthday present.

I am thankful for my unique family in Florida 2/2011

I hope that you will look at each member of your family today and give them a thank you for their God-given talents.  Encourage them and love them for who they are not what you'd like them to be!  How about your friends, is a call in order?  A note?  I like this Billy Joel song, I Love You Just the Way You Are...

As I leave you today, always remember that you are loved an prayed for ... I declare this Celebrate Your Talents Day!!



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the nice words--I'm blushing as I type. I enjoyed reading your view of Tim, Madison, and Katrina. You are spot on- all of those books on human behavior have paid off. :0)

    Here is my take on you- Mom....a special piece of heaven. She loves family and friends. Her circle of friends is small and intimate--strong, devoted, and a phone call away. She is a talented gardener, cook, decorator, writer, reader, and exudes endless energy. She chooses to see the good in her children and grandchildren and focuses on the positive. She wakes up smiling and decides to get out of bed, even though her body aches. She starts her day connecting to God, praying, and studying the bible. She has a special way of bringing blessings to those she prays for--I for one have experienced blessings because of her. She would give her last dollar to her children, and always has an open door for them.... She is the best!!!
