Sunday, March 27, 2011

Family...It only takes a spark to get a fire going!

Sadie loves to drink from the fountain!
Good Morning! It's Sunday, the Lord's day, let me rejoice and be glad in it!  It looks like rain today ... wouldn't that be wonderful?  I wouldn't have to haul out my hoses today to water my plants!  For some reason they always do better when watered from above!

Isn't that the way with us too?  We always do better when we are nourished by the man upstairs.  I woke up this morning singing this song and wanted to send it to you to sing along.  It's a lovely arrangement and so appropriate for the Lord's Day and for Spring!  Come on ... I want to hear you singing!!

The words to this song move me and invigorate me!  With God I am never alone!  And, YES, I do want to pass that on.

It only takes a spark to get a fire going ... in families a spark can get a bonfire going ... arguments, misunderstandings, hatred, passive aggressive and impulsive actions...  People are wounded, stomped on and hung out to dry.  We hear about those types of sparks every day on the news.  Domestic violence is topping the charts ... murder, wars...  The smallest word or action ignites the worst of man...  We've all experienced this in one way or another.  I have many times ... BUT, God came to me and set me free.  When I couldn't come to where he was, yes, he came to me ... over and over and over...

My sparks are meant to share my faith with others and when the fires are raging around me, I am able to experience peace.  Am I able to do this perfectly?  Heck no!  But when all seems lost, I know God is working on my behalf.  I just have to do the next right thing and leave the rest to him!!  Angry people burn themselves out.  My way to handle angry, hurtful people is to become quiet and move away from the fire ... I guess you could consider that being a coward but somehow, God has shown me that I don't need to fight my own battles ... Now, if someone hurts my children or grandchildren, I can rare up and protect them when they aren't able.  I didn't get the name Mama Bear for nothin'!!  If I will do that, won't my father in heaven do the same?  As the Norwegians would say, "Ya, you betcha!"

The day is before me and I am filled with the sense of peace and tranquility.  My husband filled my tummy with some of the best pancakes ever ...  It's Stephanie's birthday tomorrow and we are going to take her to lunch today.  Our actress is turning 26!  Happy Birthday to a successful young lady who is livin' life to the fullest!!

I pray that you will find happiness all around you today.  Remember that everything is "Father filtered" and we are given the tools to meet the task at hand!!

"All the darkness of the world cannot extinguish the light of a small candle."
St. Francis of Assisi

1 comment:

  1. "darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that." Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Great blog- I always thought of a spark as being a positive thing, yet, you are right, it can also spark a negative chain of events. The spark of happiness can quickly be extinguished when a negative person comes into the mix. Engaging in their tactics will only fuel the negative fire. I like that you walk away. We always tell our girls that if someone says something to hurt your feelings, to respond with, "Raspberries". He!he! It is a quote from the movie, Thoroughly Modern Millie. At this point it is still working with our 8 year old, yet the 14 year old is a different story. :0)

