Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Family is about being yourself!

Bianca & Katrina
Good Afternoon from sunny Florida!  What a pleasure it has been to wake up and toddle out to the lanai and have coffee and do my Bible reading!  It reminds me of my back porch at home in North Texas!  The sound of the water falling off the spa into the pool sounds similar to my angelic fountain.  Ahhhhh ... inspiration at it's best!!

This morning, I was reading in Deuteronomy 31-34 ... the conclusion of Moses' life.  After a parting message to the Israelites, Moses climbed Mount Nebo to catch a glimpse of Canaan then died and was buried in a location only known to God.  There has never been another prophet like Moses (v 34:10)!!

Nicholas the Fireman!
 Have you ever wished you were someone else?  My grandson, Nicholas, loves to dress up in costume and "be" that particular character.  Our teens model themselves after their favorite movie stars copying hairstyles, clothing and makeup.  As adults, we often wish we were like a popular personality, successful executive, decorator and on and on. 

Sometimes it's difficult just being happy with who we are.  There's always the danger of forgetting who you are "not" and the real you showing up.  Trying to make yourself into someone you aren't can be potentially harmful because we don't feel comfortable in our own skin.  It's tough living a lie.  God never asks us to be someone we are not or to do something He does not equip us to do.  When God asked Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, He did not expect him to be another Moses.  For deliverance from Egypt, Moses was the chosen man, right for the job.  For military conquests and leading the people into Canaan, General Joshua was God's choice.

This is totally me ... casual with a smile!
 For many years, I was a copycat because I wanted to learn to be a better me ... I wanted to learn how to cook so I bought a good cookbook;  I wanted to be fashionable so I learned what clothes looked best on my shape; I wanted to be the hostess with the mostest (!) so I observed those who entertained with ease; I devoured books taking a little from this book and a little from another maturing in many areas.  I chose people that I admired and learned from them; yet, I always marched to the tune of my own drum choosing to learn then lead.  From the time I was small, people saw me as a leader and a good person.  The problem was that my parents saw me as too talkative, too bossy, a pest and never good enough.  Little children tend to believe the view their parents have of them and even though I fought them like crazy, their voices moved into my subconscious.  I learned that God doesn't make junk and that included me!

As a young adult, I was always worried about what people thought of me.  Then, I learned that people have busy lives of their own and realized that they really could care less.  I had a serious surgery in the mid 1980's and the first thing I asked for when I woke up was my make-up.  God forbid should someone see me less than perfect.  I still battle those thoughts.

God has had jobs for me where I have been able to use my talents, gifts and abilities in service to him and my fellowman.  How about you?  All you have to do is ask Him to show you what it is He wants you to do.  Whatever He does ask of you, He won't ask you to be someone you are not.  Allow Him to use you and equip you.  Some years ago, I taught the class, The Power of a Praying Wife.  I would sit at my computer to write the lesson plan until the Lord began moving my fingers on the keyboard.  He used every weakness I had for His glory!! 

"Don't be afraid, for the Lord will go before you and will be with you; He will not fail or forsake you."~~Deuteronomy 31:8

Tim & Teddy ... A man & his dog!

My time in Florida has been such a blessing.  I feel so energized ... Just to be here for Teddy's adoption, to be able to see first hand the girls do cheerleading and gymnastics, and to spend time with Tim and Jane getting to know them better has been such a gift.  There is such peacefulness here yet a liveliness that is hard to describe. 


Madison came home from school today and I just had to grab her and give her a bear hug!  She is an outgoing teenager with a mind of her own.  I like that.  She makes me smile.  Soon, Katrina will be bounding through the door.  I look forward to being here to welcome them.  I have this window of time and I want to make the most of it!!  Aren't grandchildren the best?  I see bits of me in them and selfishly, I like that!!

Katrina - Ready & raring to go!

Katrina is abuzz with questions and activity.  Her mind goes a mile a minute.  She is definitely a decisive leader yet she has this soft sensitive side that endears her to everyone around her.

I hope that you are enjoying my world here in Florida along with me.  I know that many of you have family who live a distance away and, like me, you don't see them often.  I have learned so much in the few days I have been here ... the most important being that I need to make coming here a priority.  People are important ... some other less important things need to take a back seat!!

It is time for me to head for the kitchen.  I made homemade chicken soup with salad and fresh bread for dinner tonight.  Ahhhhh ... another evening of family togetherness!!  I love it!!

Jane, Tim, Madison, Katrina

As the day is coming to an end, I am filled with awe at how much love I feel for my family.  Each moment has been filled with specialness ... I do believe I could fly!!

Blessings and love sent out to all of you ... always remember, you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!


1 comment:

  1. So true- it's about being yourself and striving for the best. Possibly certain people are put into our lives to inspire and ignite a spark. Yet family and friends should support with love, not criticism. Your talents are endless and your energy is impressive. You should feel proud of all of your accomplishments!! I think you have a few big ones left to conquer; right Hamilton?!
