Thursday, February 10, 2011

Family ,,, Revenge

Whoa ... it is cold outside.  It was 10 degrees this morning when the sun came up.  Those flannel sheets felt mighty good last night!  I was so looking forward to Winter and having a time of indoor activities and rest ... now, I am ready to feel the warm sun and get back to being able to spend some time on the back porch.

As I prayed for a topic for my blog today, revenge came to mind.  One of my favorite TV shows is Criminal Minds and there is a thread that goes through each segment ... revenge.  Revenge is ugly whether it is passive aggressive or down right meanness.  I do want to emphasize that revenge is a choice.  On my journey of life, as I began to peel away at the hurts and abuse, I was angry.  I had to deal with this anger before I could address "it" with others.  The Lord says that vengeance is His and if I believe in him as my savior, I must trust that what he is telling me is true and I do.  I still struggle with hurt and anger when I am attacked ... it is my pattern to become very still, then go away and address the issue inside of me.  Those that attack the innocent seem to be able to justify their actions and leave a wake of destruction behind them.  I've seen God's vengeance, and it's not pretty.

"Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude
is a burden and revenge a pleasure."~~Tacitus

A gentle spirit, a caring heart, random acts of kindness seem to be lost with the slightest of error.  Personally, I could not have dealt with the abuse in my life without my Savior.  I think about what man did and does to Him and I cringe.  How many fathers would allow their son to be hung on a cross to save sinners ... the bad guys?!?  I am humbled.

To tell my story without vengeance has meant praying over each blog and examining my motives.  Are my words true?  Will my words be of benefit to someone traveling the roads that I have and am?  And, am I being honest or just plain down out vengeful?  It is important for me to acknowledge my hurt yet I do not want to hate...  I want people to understand that there is light in the midst of hurt, anger and sorrow.

The biggest hurdle I have had to jump over has been the one of getting over hurt feelings.  I heard the words "shame on you" my entire life ... I had to be the one to forgive, no matter how badly my heart was mutilated.  My life was shame based ... My second husband beat me until I bled but I did not press charges.  I was the one flawed.  It was my fault.  Why was I being punnished?

It is so difficult for young people now ... sex sells on TV and in magazines.  They give their hearts away far too early and mistake the hormones raging for love.  Living together is normal now although God says it is not.  When they are rejected for another love, vengeance becomes cyber bulling, texting unkind messages and gossip.  Photos can be photo shopped and can ruin the best of reputations.  Too much too soon ....  It started with my generation and we spoiled our children and now our grandchildren are being spoiled in ways that are unhealthy.  Ever hear the song, "Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets"?  We are a microwave society ... can't afford _____?  Put it on a credit card ... we don't want to disappoint anyone...

Often times, the Lord speaks to me through the Psalms.  When it first started happening, I was in awe and how He would answer my questions and prayers.   As I struggled with the vengeance that I was experiencing at different times in my life, He always brought me back to Psalm 55.  I love the entire Psalm; however, verses 16-18 were of such comfort:  "But I call to God and the Lord saves me.  Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.  He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me..."

I want to leave you with this quote by John Billings (1818-1885) today:  "There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness."  Think about that today as you go about your daily comings and goings.

Until tomorrow, always remember that you are loved
and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

How about dunking a donut with someone special today?  Let's teach our youth to voice their sorrows that they would not be prone to vengeance and hate!  Have a great 
rest of the day everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Easier said than done as sometimes emotions do not want to let go. I get frustrated with myself when I know an event should not bother me, yet I can't seem to stifle the feelings. Sometimes prayer is what we have to lean on.

    Can't wait to see you in a few days! Thank you for your words of wisdom.

    I love you-
