Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Encouragement of My Son

Father, because of Your Word I am an overcomer.  I overcome the world, the flesh and the devil, by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony.  (1John 4:4, Rev. 12:11)

My blog contains snapshots of different times in my life that are relevant to me.  There are many events that have transformed me and given me strength in ministering to others.

On December 16, 1974, I gave birth to a little boy.  My labor and his birth were difficult and we both faced death.  We're both fighters and thank God we are here to celebrate life together.  This little boy was wise beyond his years and now as a young man he is still a fighter and an overcomer.  I feel so fortunate to have had the experience of not only being Tommy's mom but also mother to Jill and Jane.

In 1972, our family moved to Plano, TX and we became charter members of Resurrection Lutheran Church.  The time our family was involved there was a time of fellowship, growing and giving.  Today, I want to share my journal entry from Summer 1986.

It was a warm summer night in 1986.  I tossed and turned  in my bed trying to make sense of the Bible passage before me.  I felt lost and couldn't concentrate.  Even the hum of the ceiling fan was a major distraction.  Tears welled up in my eyes blurring the words I needed so desperately to digest.

Whoa...my young son, Tommy bounded into my room, crawled in beside me and with an impish grin placed his newest masterpiece in my hands.

Der Mom,
Take your cacume down off
the shelf
try it on
and be youre self
be pashent and wait
a week
break rite out and
go an seek and seek
Love, Tommy

I smiled and gathered this enthusiastic little man into my arms.  "Be patient...go and seek..."  Well, he was right but where did I go from there?  I was afraid - my friend, Joan, had talked to me about the Stephen Ministry Program as had Yutaka.  "Who, me, Lord?"  Somehow, I heard the calling and vowed to make that phone call to Yutaka in the morning.  My tears dried that night and the words of  "here I am, Lord, please guide me" filled my heart and I rested.

After weeks of sharing, caring, and instruction in the Stephen Ministry Program, I was soon to be an official Stephen Minister.  Was I ready?  You bet!  I had some delay when surgery interrupted my readiness and my fellow ministers ministered to me and to my children.  First hand, I learned the value and importance of the Stephen Ministry Program.

For me, being a Stephen Minister has meant a new way of relating to those around me and has become a way of life.  My sensitivity and awareness has increased.  I can't help noticing that tear in someone's eye; a lowered stance; and, yes, I'm even more aware of the different sounds of laughter!  More importantly, being a Stephen Minister has meant "action".  In our world of "me first" and "looking out for #1" those "me firsts" have given way to lending an outstretched hand, listening, and caring.  Before taking the Stephen Ministry class, I had taken a Word & Witness class which had supplied the "seed".  Now, with the Stephen Ministry Program ... I just had to remember:  "Supply the caring - and, let God supply the cure."

I'm still scared - especially when my own troubles overwhelm me.  It's strange though, by helping others, my troubles seem smaller.  I've learned that Stephen Ministers don't have to have all the answers...they only need to have a willingness to be of service to others and have faith that God is working behind the scenes.

I thank God for allowing me to grow through the Word & Witness Program of 18 months and the one year Stephen Ministry Program at Resurrection.  I especially thank  Him for speaking through my son that night as he shared his poem with me.  As I venture out discovering all that I can be, I hold out my hand for those who want to walk along with me.

It's time for a rest on the back porch...Have a great day and God bless you all!  Talk with you tomorrow..

My #1 Son, Tommy & his #1 Son, Zachary!

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