Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones but Words May Never Hurt Me!

Welcome to my world ... won't you come on in ... miracles occur every now and then ...  Oh how I love that song!  It's such a beautiful day and the outdoors is beakoning!

We've all heard the saying, "Na, na, na, na ... sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me!  How very untrue.  Today's blog is on the power of words.

This past week, I was talking to an old friend about a business transaction and he asked me how I was doing.  I proceeded to tell him about my surgeries but that I was getting much better.  Before I could finish my sentence, he said that he was going to send me a tract written by Charles Capps on God's Creative Power for Healing.  He also asked that I let him know what I thought of it.  I WILL be making that phone call this week.

I am a word person...I love reading the printed word, writing, crossword puzzles...  I even have words stenciled in my kitchen and the first room you see when you enter my home.  My husband has a very soothing voice and I love it when he reads to me.  I often take words quite literally and I abhore scarcasm. 

To let you know how easily words enter our minds, let me share an event with you.  Some years ago, I was at a Chamber of Commerce event and was invited to attend a new church.  The church was quite different than any I have ever attended.  They had a rockin' choir and jumped up and down when they sang their songs.  I was quite taken back at all the commotion but at one point, they started singing a song over and over ... FAITH...FAITH...FAITH CAN MOVE A MOUNTAIN.  I've never forgotten those words.  In one of my more playful moods, I thought, "Hey, I'm going to try this out."  Now imagine a woman in her 50's standing in front of a full length mirror jumping up and down shouting FAITH...FAITH...FAITH CAN MOVE A MOUNTAIN.  I laughed until tears streamed down my face.  But, something happened inside of me that day and I have never been the same since.  Later at my own church, I was tested for spiritual gifts to see how I could best serve in church...what was my highest score?  Faith!!

Charles Capps says that our words are building blocks of which we contruct our lives and futures.  Our words set the cornerstones of our lives and we live within the confines of those boundaries we create with our own words.  Situations, circumstances and conditions are all subject to change, but with the support of our words we can establish them in our lives forever.  I believe that ...  I had to take out the old tapes and replace them with words of truth, confirmation and affirmation ... words that built me up to be the woman I was created to be.  I'm never going to be perfect but I am a work in progress going in the right direction.  I can choose to accept words spoken to me or literally hold my hand up and say "no".  I can be assertive without feeling guilty.

I have had this drive since the mid 1980's to be whole in mind, spirit, and body.  Something inside of me wouldn't let me rest.   As it says in Scott Peck's book, I took the road less traveled and that has made all the difference.  I have marched to the tune of my own drum and have found my adventures filled with twists and turns some good some not so good.  Through it all, I am convinced from my study of the Word of God that my own words can change me for better or worse.

The Lord is the Great Physician and it is He who I consult with.  Am I saying that I don't believe in doctors?  Heck no...without Dr. JC, I wouldn't be walking...without Dr. CC, I wouldn't have a strong spine and neck.  BUT, both doctors have been totally amazed at how quickly I have bounced back from some pretty intensive surguries.  My husband and I have made a pact not to continually discuss how I "feel".  I keep him informed of doctor's reports and visits but prefer to focus on wellness.  I can feel pretty miserable but I have a choice whether to lay in bed and dwell on that OR, get moving and do something of interest.  So many times, I feel so much better doing it that way.

When I speak about my faith, it creates a stronger image inside me.  On my path to wholeness, the new image I have of :me" has been perfected and I see myself as God sees me - not as a victim but as an overcomer!  Mr. Capps says that hope is important but hope lacks substance until filled with faith.  HOPE is only a goal-setter.  FAITH gives substance to my hope of wholeness.

God says that His Word will not return to Him void.  As an intercessor, I stand in the gap for many believing in the power of prayer.  I've prayed to be put on the front lines as a prayer warrier.  It's a scarry prospect because believe me, when you put on the armor of the Lord, the evil one is on the move.  And, he is a force to be reckoned with.  I pray whenever the urge strikes...I am sure that people have wondered who in the world I am talking to driving down the freeway ... oh well ...  

Guess, I've rattled on long enough today.  My reminder is this ... be careful what you say ... speak words that build up not tear down.  If you must confront, do it in love not anger.   Michael, Toby and Sadie are gone for the day.  It's just me and Khelsea and I think Khelsea's motto is a good one ... LIVE LAUGH LOVE!  Enjoy your day!!



1 comment:

  1. Wow - words of wisdom!! I look forward to reading your blog every day. I selfishly pray for your healing because I would love to see you more often. More importantly, I want you to have a physical presence in Madison and Katrina's life--they would benefit from your unconditional love, life experiences, and faith. I KNOW you would benefit from their spirit, energy, and their #1 desire in a relationship---time. I love you so much- Jane
