Friday, October 8, 2010

With Gratitude

Good Morning!  The sun is shining, the dogren fed, my plan for the day set out and TGIF!!  By the way, Friday is my favorite day of the week.  It's a jump off day to the weekend!

For the past two days, my blogs have been on the heavy side so today, let's take a break and chat about something on a lighter note as we share a cup of coffee and a yummy muffin!

"I trust your love, and I feel like celebrating because you rescued me.  You have been good to me, Lord, and I will sing about you."  Psalm 13:5,6

Do any of you remember the Johnny Appleseed table prayer?  "Oh the Lord is good to me and so I thank the Lord for the sun, the rain and the apple seeds ... oh, the Lord is good to me!"  I think that's the way it goes...  Anyway kind of appropriate for the apple harvest in the Fall and the wonderful cider it makes.  As I have said before, I love Fall and everything about it and it's funny all the remembrances I have about it...good ones!

I was raised in a little town in central Minnesota where trees were plentiful.  In the Fall, the townsfolk would rake their leaves in huge piles then burn them.  I would love to roll in those leaves and burrow my way in to make a fort.  When the leaves were  burned, the aroma filled the air with Fall.  Even now, I can close my eyes and take myself back to that time.  Hmmmmm...the smell of the leaves mixed in with the almost cold crisp air!

Fall brought the county fair and folks from far and wide brought their prized handiwork, foods, and animals to be judged.  I was always jealous of the 4H kids...I thought it would be great to bring a calf to the fair and sleep with it while it was there.  Way back in time, there were horse races, fireworks and all sorts of good things that went on in the grandstand area.  Since I haven't been "home" in many years, I don't know what's left of the fairgrounds or what goes on there.  As a child, it was Disneyland for me and for many.   My grandmother Maggie would bring her handiwork and samples of her favorite dishes and would often come home with prized ribbons.  I was so proud of her.  I loved my Grandmother Maggie!  There is also one very important thing I remember about the fair...I'm not sure how old I was, but my father was standing amongst a group of fairgoers chatting.  He reached down and picked me up so that I could see above the heads of the people.  He gave me a hug and pointed to the lit ferris wheel.  It's the only time I remember my father picking me up.  I cherish that memory of that Fall night!

Fall also brought the start of school.  I lived across the street from the school - no carpools in those days!  School meant seeing friends and learning new things - I was a good pupil.  School was a sweet escape ... my teachers were bright ladies who brought the world of learning into the classroom and from there, into our minds.  As I write this, I recall a photo taken of a group of classmates - we were cheerleaders.  I was the one in the center holding the tiger.  We all had big grins...I wish I knew what happened to the old photos because I would love to be able to post them here.  School and life in general was different in the 1950's and 1960's than it is now...I don't remember any bullying and, of  course, our homes usually had one phone in a centralized location where we would talk to our friends laying on the floor, feet proped up on the wall.  Clicques were nearly non-existent and friendships went very deep.  Letters and notes were commonly passed in class.  All my years at school (all grades K-12 were in one building) were good ones and I am grateful for that!

Fall also brought the harvest of crops at the many farms in the area.  My mother's family had a farm and I remember the total chaos (to them I am sure they knew exactly what they were doing!) of the gathering of the crops and the filling of the silos.  My Grandmother Belle and Aunt Margaret were busy all day preparing lunches and meals for the workers.  I would perch myself on a stone close to the action and laugh at all the commotion going on around me.  It was an important time for the farmers and some of the kids at school would get off to help at home at this time.  My Aunt Eleanor and Uncle Rudy had a dairy farm and I also loved spending time there - in the Fall or any other time of the year.  Those dairy cows were so beautiful and it was fun watching the cows head to the barn in single file for milking.  Uncle Rudy humored me one day, and I got to (try) milk a cow.  The cow's tail hit me, I fell off the little stool and my bucket tipped over.  I still laugh at that...

I was christened in the Lutheran faith and Fall meant the start of Sunday School.  The church was beyond beautiful with dark oak pews and many stained glass windows.  I loved being there...wandering through the church, looking for God.  After all, my parents took me to church and they said that God was there and I believed them.  Sunday School was great fun - the stories created on flannel boards made the Bible come alive.  I got so excited when we got to sing ... I got a little too exuberant one day and the teacher asked me to tone it down a bit.  I was crushed...I was having so much fun blasting out Jesus Loves Me!!

Fall in Texas is one of my favorite times of the year here as well.  Since I live in the northern part of the state, we do get four distinct seasons.  My garden is at best in the Fall and the colors seem to come alive.  Not far from where I live is Trade Days (which started in the 1800's).  Fall is a wonderful time to wander down the rows looking for treasures.  You can purchase just about anything there from chickens to dogs to produce to antiques to just about anything you can think of.  The food is delicious and I always have to have my corn on a stick dipped in butter.  Yum!  I am looking forward to next weekend to purchase some local honey.  The weather here can be quite rainy in the Fall but this year it has been stellar...pleasant sunny days and chilly nights.  The air conditioner is off and the windows wide open!

Fall in Texas also means local football games.   Texans are NUTS about high school football.  My son played football and I was at every game cheering him on.  He was one darn good receiver besides having quite an arm for getting the ball where it needed to go.  Now, my little grandsons love to toss a football...we'll see if they get bitten by the bug as they grow older.  My husband (a native Texan) is a Cowboys fan, my son a Packers fan, my daughter in law a Vikings fan, and my daughter a Cowboys fan ... Personally, I watch the Cowboys but have really enjoyed watching and cheering on the New Orleans Saints.  Any time where there is action, I love to be a part of it and, believe me when favorites in the family oppose each other there is much teasing, cheering and heckling going on.  Our family can be quite vocal & demonstrative about the teams they support!

I'm not big on Halloween but do enjoy the little kids getting dressed up in costume.  At church we are having a "Trunk and Treat" party for the kids.  We will be in the parking lot, trunks open giving candy to the little ones as well as tracts inviting them to come to Sunday School.  My other option is to go to my son's house where they really do the creepy haunted house theme - my son dresses up as a gorilla, my daughter in law a wench and the kids...well, don't know yet.  It is fun watching the little ones enjoy the scarry strobe lights, halloween music, and smoke puffing up around the porch.  It's nice to have choices!

I hope your memories of Fall are as precious as mine are.  And, speaking of Fall, it's time for me to finish my Fall decorating in the house today so I better get busy!  Thanks for coming in this morning...I've enjoying sharing another bit of my life with you.

"Our Lord, I will remember the things you have done, your miracles of long ago.  I will think about each one of your mighty deeds.  Everything you do is right, and no other god compares with you."  Psalm 77:11-13

Talk with you tomorrow and until then, consider yourself prayed for.  Have a blessed day!

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