Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 23, 1998

Khelsea aka Queen Bea

Pete & Angel
In Memorium 10-23-1998

In October, 1998, I resigned my position of Member Advisor/Author of the Dr. Romance Column, Author of the Relationship Corner and professional matchmaker.  It was a bittersweet parting...I LOVED everything about my work yet the hours made having a personal relationship difficult.  I was thinking retirement looked pretty inviting.

To celebrate, my husband and I decided to take a trip through West Texas and New Mexico.  It was cool so we decided to take our two Pomeranians Pete and Angel with us.  We were having a grand time stopping at each place of interest ... Pete would entertain anyone who would stop to watch him - he'd have made a great circus dog... anywhere he could do his slips in the air and tricks, he was "on"!  Bystanders would clap and egg him on and then he'd REALLY get going!

Our trip changed on October 23, 1998.  New Mexico (Santa Fe), Land of Enchantment.  We arrived in Santa Fe about noon, parked our car near the capital and went to eat at a quaint little restaurant.  The food was divine and we had a fun time tasting the Mexican foods of New Mexico (quite different than TexMex),  When we came out, our Blazer had been stolen along with the dogs.  I remember standing in the middle of the parking lot screaming.  "Someone stole my dogs - someone stole my dogs."  I was hysterical.  My first feeling after I calmed down as that we must have parked in a different place...then, there was this horrible feeling of panic.  We went into the Visitors Information building for help.  It seemed like forever for the police and state troopers to arrive.

Tears...reports...a realization of how much we didn't know in a time of emergency.  The folks at the Visitor's Beaureau were so kind to us.  They guided is moving forward to find our car and dogs.

The lady (Jane) at Enterprise  got us get a rental car (no charge).  The Eldorado Hotel provided us with a room and a place to wait (again no charge).  When we got to our to our room, I decided to write down what I'd remembered.  I've always been a big journaler, so I took pen in hand...

"I am in a beautiful room exquisitely furnished southwestern style.  If I were staying here under any other circumatances, I would be in awe at the beautiful colors, paintings and view.  For now, it is here that we wait.  My husband made calls to the police department to talk to the chief of police in the town where we lived in Texas.  They had already been in contact with the police in Santa Fe.  The thought is that we had been followed by a gang and a key had been made for the Blazer.  Little dogs are prizes given to gang members girlfriends.  We were targeted.  It was a blessing though to be able to be able to get the news from two sourses, Santa Fe and our home town.  All I could do is cry and pray.

It is 5:50pm Texas time and our Blazer had been located in a remote sandy area frequented by gang members.  We wait.

Lord, please ... I don't care about the material stuff but my pain is for Pete and Angel.  I pray that they are safe and that they will be returned to us.  If my prayer is that of begging, then I am pleading...  If they aren't safe then I pray that you will watch over them and somehow give me the strength to cope with the loss.

To be quite honest, Lord I've wondered if you are really with us.  Such pain  ... my 5'1" body is trembling and I ask that Satan be bound and that a sense of joy be restored.

I see people going by and living their lives oblivious to what is happening to us  We were/are the same way.  We hear of tragedy but do not really know what they are going through.  Only when it happens, does the horror really begin,

Did I love Pete and Angel and care for them?  Yes, but it still hurts.  Do I believe there is a God and that He loves me?  At this minute that's a tough one...  Lord, if you are there and you do love me, it's time to step up to the plate and let me know.  Help me calm my unbelief.  Restore me to a place of serenity,  Lead me to where I can serve you and others.  Is it working with my hands, mind, mouth?  I ask for strength, courage, and wisdom.  I ask for a road map and a lamp to guide me through the darkness.  Stand beside me Father...please hold my hand as I face the night.

Selfishly I want my dogs back.  I'm asking that you intervene Lord.  Only you can pull this one off.  My body and heart are numb.  I am trying to keep a sense of positiveness.  It's tough.  The minutes pass...

Later:  The police picked us  up at our hotel.  It's 7:19PM and we have seen the Blazer.  It had been stripped and the dogs were gone.  My heart is filled with sorrow.  I am afraid for my dogs.  My God, my God, why oh why has this happened?  Am I such a wicked person?  Father please help the police catch whoever took our dogs and return them to us.  It says in the Bible that we are to pour our hearts out to you and I am.  If you are there, I need your help to restore my faith.  A mustard seed is about all I have right now.  Please, Lord, watch over Pete and Angel  and protect them.

I hope this isn't the end of the story ... now I wait to hear from you."

The news carried the story of Pete and Angel as did the local newspaper.  A reward was offered for their return but we never heard anything.  The local Chevrolet dealership fixed our Blazer (again, at no charge) and we headed back to Texas to wait for any news.  The policenen assigned to the investigation keep us up to date.  We knew what it must feel like to lose a child.  The "what ifs", the pleading with God, the denial... I remember that day like it was yesterday.  It took a long time for the nightmares to subside and a long time for me to reaize just how much God was with  us at this time - protecting and providing for us.

A miracle:  On October 23, 1998, the same day our pomeranians were stolen a little Pomeranian was born.  We adopted her and named her Khelsea Marie.  Khelsea will soon be 12 years old and we call her Queen Bea these days.  She's a stubborn littlle queen of 4 pounds and lets us all know that she is the Alpha dog of the family.

Loss of any kind is difficult and it takes time to go through the grieving process.  It's easy to get stuck in the blaming God or self part but with time, trust and faith every thing is gonna be ok!

Remember: "Your advice has been my guide, & later you will welcome me in glory... My body and mind may fail, but you are my strength and my choice forever."  Psalm 73:24,26

Have a great day...praying for you!

1 comment:

  1. Wow-- so heartbreaking!! I hope and pray that God is with your dogs. Sometimes the Lord is invisible and it is difficult to have faith-- It is a touching story--many people stepping in...., yet I still wonder what happened to Pete and Angel. I am sure you wonder as well.
