Friday, October 22, 2010

The Priviledge to Work

Dottie at 50!
The big 5-0!! Oh, what an exciting day that was!!

One thing that you can't say about my life is that it has never ever been unexciting or dull.   My curiosity has always spurred me on to try something new.  For the most part the jobs I have chosen have been interesting, adventuresome, challenging and fun.  It has been at the forefront of my mind that when a job becomes dull, uninteresting, or demeaning, it was time to move on!

For many years I was a wife, mom and household engineer.  I loved it!  When my marriage of 15 years fell apart, I did too.  I think I nearly scrubbed the kitchen floor until there was no linoleum left!  Oh I had sold Avon...babysat...gotten my real estate sales license...the usual things to earn some extra money but as far as holding down a job that would support me and my three children, I was lost and didn't know how to begin.

I've always been a survivor and overcomer and when it came to supporting my kids, I was a Mama Bear.  I interviewed at a company as a typist.  I didn't know much about interviewing but at the interview I remember saying, "Look, I have three kids to support and I want this job.  I can start tomorrow!"  The engineer I was talking to looked pretty surprised and I almost fell over when he told me I was hired.  It wasn't long before and I was promoted and an even shorter time when I was recruited to work for a vice president for an insurance company.  I would worry about not being able to "do the job" but somehow, it would just work out.  I was once again recruited as a Human Resources secretary...then, as an administrative manager for  a computer company.  It was when I was about 40 that I began to use my writing skills and received an award as world-wide employee for the company I worked for.  I needed to feed my kids and God provided more than enough for us.  My new husband and I started a company called Guardian Medical.  It was a good time in my life and I was reveling in good fortune.

With the ups of life, there are also the down times.  There came a time when I needed to pick up the pieces of my life and move on.  The hard part in all of this is that it is most difficult to pick yourself up when your heart and mind are falling apart.  Then, again, I've learned that when times are the toughest, I can get down on my knees, check out every possibility and keep on keepin' on!

One night, I was perusing the newspaper for job ads and came across a job as a Member Advisor for a dating service.  I think because it was worded so interestingly, I circled it and called the next day.  I drove in to Dallas for look see of what the dating service business was all about.  The building was beautiful and as I walked up the winding staircase, I stopped to look at the portraits of couples who had met and married through this service.  I interviewed with several different people and was most interested in the owner of the company who quizzed me most about being commissioned a Stephen's Minister.  He asked me about what I could bring to the Centre and I realized that this position was composed of ALL the things I had done in the past and wanted to do in the future.  It was another one of those times that I asked for a job and got a whole lot more than I asked for.

The five years that I worked for this dating service was one of the most fun years of my life.  I started out as Member Advisor to +/- 5,000 singles.  The service had a library where members could shop for dates, a photo studio, a video studio, a make-over studio and on and on.  I took over writing the Relationship Corner as well as the Dr. Romance column.  I had also taken over the matchmaking of our elite members who were not in the library books and developed the Dating University.  I became engrossed in anything having to do with matchmaking and relationships.  Susan Bradley, who wrote HOW TO BE IRRESISTIBLE TO THE OPPOSITE SEX, was a great help besides being an optimistic, funny friend to be around.  I did some flirting safaris with Susan and participated in a radio program.  One night we decided to take a group to Dallas to a bar/restaurant to teach them to flirt.  One little lady had just come from a square dancing class and was still in her dance wear.  She walked up to this young, good-looking guy and said "I'm here to learn how to flirt, would you mind if I flirted with you?"  Pretty soon everyone in the bar/restaurant knew there was a Flirting Safari going on and lots of laughing and learning being passed around.  It seems odd to open a magazine, newspaper, or turn on the TV and recognize some of my clients.  I smile remembering.....

In the 2000's, I entered the insurance world.  I was so fortunate because, I had a great teacher, fun bosses, and a group of employees that became like family.  Time flew by and at the end of my fifth year, our division was sold.  We have quarterly breakfasts, email and keep in touch.  I miss all of them soooo much!

In 2003, I had a 360 back surgery and from there six foot surgeries, another 2 back surgeries and a short time ago fusions in my neck.  Yesterday, I had a discogram and could face another fusion in my neck.  I am grateful for the doctors who have helped me live a pretty normal life.  The one thing though that has become blatantly clear is that IT'S A PRIVILEGE TO WORK.  My days in the work force are probably over and I mourn that.  I've searched my mind as to how I can serve my fellowman.  My blog is one way, I can tell my story and help others to be encouraged.  I am about to start a card ministry at church and oh how I love spending time with my children and grandchildren.  I keep thinking about ways I can keep busy ... my garden ... my dogren ... interior design ... Bible study...  It's just a different time of life...

"Sometimes people have a hard time figuring out what to do in certain situations.  Answers aren't always clear.  Psalm 143:10 says "You are my God,  Show me what you want me to do, and let your gentle Spirit lead me in the right path."

Relax, and remember, it's not the destination, it's the journey!!  Enjoy every moment of your day!!

God bless you and wrap you tightly in his arms!

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