Monday, October 31, 2011

Win or Lose ... It's all in how you play the game!

I come to the garden alone...

It's an absolutely fabulous Fall day in North Texas.  I ventured outside to do my Bible reading and study of John, coffee and blanket in hand.  The morning sun warmed me up in a hurry and I actually went back inside to finish my studies.  I got some pinion wood yesterday so I plan on firing up the chiminea later this afternoon.  I feel almost giddy inside ... if life got any better I don't know what I'd do!!

I want to tell you something that I've been realizing lately.  When I started writing my blog, I had all this infection and pus inside my being.  I took a chance by opening up all the sores and draining them publicly.  It's been a long time of healing and removing the old tapes and replacing them with new ones.  I am a survivor ... not only am I survivor but also an overcomer ... not only am I an overcomer, I am truly joyful inside and out.  When the old tapes run, I immediately recognize them and stop them replacing them with truth.  For so many years, I wanted God to make me whole. He took His own sweet time but over the years, He flooded my life with mentors, studies, and gave me His Word to guide me.  I will be forever grateful!!

So often, we want to win.  We do everything in our power to win ... we sacrifice relationships, our jobs, our health just to stay on top.  Ever heard the saying, "He won the battle but lost the war."  Unfortunately, that's often the case.  In Alanon, there is a saying, "Let go and let God."  I believe that with all my heart.  There was a time in my life when things were so messed up that I became a control freak.  I knew best and didn't hesitate to let others know that I was on top of things.  I took care of everyone and everything.  I spent hours worrying because, after all, I knew what was best.  I think the term codependent fit me to a tee!  I was so busy running other people's lives that I didn't have time to look at me.

It took some pretty hard knocks to get me to realize that God was and is in control, not me.  He expected me to look at myself and fix me before fixing others.  Being stubborn and having abandonment issues, I had a tough go for many years.  "It" was always my fault so "it" was up to me to fix it.  If I couldn't, I was a failure. 

What finally got through to me?  Jesus did.  As I read the Bible, I looked at Jesus as the perfect example to follow.  What did He do?  He held out His hand and gave us all free will.  He didn't force me, yell at me, manipulate me or scare me.  He let me suffer the consequences of my actions whether positive or negative and was the perfect Father.  His word convicted me over and over again.  I finally dropped the pasted smile from my face and began to live life in total freedom.  I like to use the term "bidding" because, I ask for what I want.  I also have dropped my expectations of others allowing them to say yes, no, or maybe.

My old self used to feel so deflated when others hurt me by what they said or did.  Then, I remembered ... Jesus was perfect and He was loved by some and rejected by many.  When someone told me "no" I could accept their answer and move on and plan something else.  I had to be the woman God created me to be ... human, not perfect.  I also had to realize that there were consequences for my own responses to and behavior towards others.  I had to drop my own defensiveness and really listen to what others said to and about me.  Truth can sting but it's in truth and light that I walk.

These days, I know that I don't have to win every battle.  If I played by the rules of fairness and honesty, losing isn't necessarily a bad thing.  To lose may mean allowing someone else to save face ... to lose may mean learning a valuable lesson.  Yes, win or lose, I want to enjoy the game of life.  I know who I am and when I walk in the light, God has my back.

I am a gardener and I love everything about it.  I learn from the plants I put into the ground and realize that even when I fail to get the outcome I envisioned, I have enjoyed the journey.  This summer's drought took it's toll but the fresh air and rain in the fall have brought my plants back to life.  I walk among them praising them for hanging in there when they could have just as soon dropped over with heat exhaustion ... I am proud of my survivors!!

I hope that you have enjoyed a walk through my Fall garden today.  It's always nice visiting with you and sharing my thoughts!  I pray that you will have a beautiful day filled with love!!

Until tomorrow ... be safe in knowing that win or lose,
it's all in how you play the game!!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Baseball ... A family affair!

The Anderson Family ... Nicholas, Angie, Zachary, Tommy

October 29, 2011

Hi Readers, it's Miss Dottie reporting in on Saturday from the fine state of Texas!  Michael's alarm didn't go off this morning at 6:30 (oops) and we had to scurry around to be at the ballpark in Frisco by 9am.  Good thing they had plenty of coffee and hot cocoa at the refreshment stand!  I did manage to go prepared for a chilly sit, blankets in tow.  It wasn't long til the sun came out to warm us in the stands which made for a perfect morning of baseball!

Ever heard that saying "the family that plays together stays together"?  I don't think it goes exactly that way, I substituted prays for plays.  Anyway, I believe both to be true.  Baseball has become a family affair for my son's family.  It has been such an inspiration for me to watch them grow separately and together over the past year.

Dad, Tommy, has led the pack by volunteering his time and energy to coach Nicholas's t-ball team, the Reds.  Tommy has the patience of Job, a way of loving the boys into being the best they can be, and an encourager out on the field directing those little guys to stay focused when they would rather play in the dirt.  He and Coach Dan are amazing fathers spreading their love of baseball to those under their care.  What examples they are and the fruit of their labor is very obvious!

Angie (Center)

Mom, Angie, is the baseball mom behind the wheel driving the boys to and from practice, washing grimy baseball uniforms, helping out in the dugout, and encouraging Tommy, Zachary, and Nicholas to be and do their best.  It takes a special lady to raise Godly boys!

Great pitch, Zach!

Zachary is a mover and a shaker ... a leader.  Nothing keeps him from standing out and being a star on his team, the Mets.  He's played different positions rising to the top as pitcher.  Zachary is a lean machine with long arms and legs (thanks to mom Angie!).  He's not afraid to be in the spotlight whether he loses or wins a game.  Does he cry after bombing out ... yes ... that's because he cares so much.  Zachary is not calloused!  Tuesday night, he will lead his team in the baseball tournament.  I laugh because he couldn't wait to share the news with me after the game.  His joy radiated!!  Go Zachary!!

Great hit, Nick!
Little Nicholas...  What can I say to describe my youngest grandchild??  A year ago, Nicholas was so shy just the thought of walking up to the t-ball home plate scared him to death.  He clung to dad and mom pleading for them to take him home.  Dad stepped up to the plate as head of his family, holding his son's hand until Nicholas could make that first step to the plate ... the second step to run the bases ... the third step, the fourth step and on and on.  This didn't happen overnight.  It took hours of loving patience, teaching, and encouragement for this small fellow to rise to a newness of character.  Never doubt the importance of a father's involvement in his children's lives.  Today?  Nicholas has an arm that can make double plays possible.  Home runs?  Yep!  Catcher?  Yep!  Shortstop?  Yep!  Third base?  Yep!  Second base?  Yep!  Those little legs and arms (compliments of dad, Tommy!) can run those bases and hoist that ball unbelievable distances.  Is Nicholas still shy?  Yes, he is ... but, out on that field, Nicholas becomes a warrior and all business!  I'll bet he sleeps with that trophy he got today ... he deserved it!!

Romans 2:12:  " transformed by the renewing of your mind...."  Nicholas's life was transformed by the thoughts of I can't to I can do this.  Not only can I do this but I can excell!

Grandpa and Grandma?  We get to sit back and enjoy watching our grandsons grow into fine young boys.  We sit in the stands, cheering and taking photos of special moments.  I always give the boys blessings before each game and let them know that I am there for them.  Grandpa does the guy thing ... rah, rah, rah!  I do the softer stuff of comforting after a loss or bad play and offering Grandma kisses and hugs after a win!  We love those boys win or lose, no matter what.

Zach & Friend Etta
Family and fans?  Etta, loves the excitement of the kids and the game.  The boys remember her giggles and presence.  Their grandfather, Tom, was present at the games yesterday as well as their Aunt Jill and Uncle Glenn.  What a fan base they had with camera's popping photos and all those cheers and hugs.  Don't you know those guys felt loved and important.  Way more important than ex-spouses sharing the same space in the stands ... more important than my estrangement from my daughter.  It was a time when, love took prescidence over feelings of uncomfortableness.

Zachary, Aunt Jill, Nicholas

A Family Gathers

Grandpa Tom, Tommy, & Nicholas Anderson

For me, yesterday was another milestone.  I have had to be so very careful of stressors that could lead to PTSD episodes.  When my son gave me a head's up that Tom and Jill were going to be at the games and at the party at CiCi's afterwards, my first reaction was to stay home and "be safe."  In my prayer time, my heavenly Father spoke to me giving me a sense of peace and encouragement letting me know that I needed to do the right thing and leave the rest to him saying, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  I put on the armor of God and attended the game and party with confidence.  You know what?  I felt a sense of well being and love for my former husband and daughter.  I walked out of CiCi's and raised my hands to the sky saying, "What a beautiful day ... it's good to be alive!!"

When you think you can't, remember God can.  Look up to Him rather than down at your feet.  Walk tall knowing you are a son or daughter of the most high God.  If I can, you can too!!!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

The two faces of love ... Ah, life truly is good!!!

Nahum 1:7:  "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in him,..."

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sleepy Friday

Take me out to the ballpark!!

Good Morning, Readers!  (Yawn)  Anyone watch the World Series game last night?  I had parked myself on the couch, popcorn popped, Diet Coke in hand ready for a game of baseball between the Texas Rangers and the St. Louis Cardinals ... 6:30pm.  Hours later, I was still on the couch eyes glued to the tube.  Talk about getting cardio exercise!  My heart rate went up and down like a yoyo and I would cover my head with my blanket when I thought I couldn't bear to watch ... didn't work, I peeked out from under a corner just in time to see the Cardinals win the game.  Arghhhh...  Same time, same place tonight ... I'm either a glutton for punishment or a die hard fan ... I'll choose to be the latter!!

Toby and I made the trip to North Texas without incident.  I had my yearly physical yesterday ... EKG ok ... tetanus/whooping cough booster and flu shot done ... bp perfect ... will wait on pap, blood work and urinalysis results.  I've been seeing Dr. Khoury since she got out of medical school and just love her.  She always makes me feel so good about myself and about life in general.  I am fortunate, she will take me on as a Medicare patient and will research Medicare doctors for me.  Yeah!!

Michael and I met and had lunch at El Fenix yesterday to celebrate my good health.  Oh my gosh, their fajita nachos are to die for ... well, almost!  We munched over the shared plate and tried to put a plan of action for the next couple months on paper.  After being laid off, he has not found a job and with two house payments, we are finding (along with gillions of other Americans) ways to cut costs.  With the holidays around the corner (gulp), we will be faced with a different scenario than in years past.  We are givers and it's tough not being able to give as freely.  We wonder ... will our families understand?  How about our grandchildren?  Will they understand?  I know there are other readers out there going through those same thoughts.  I have no answers...

My reading in the Bible, book of John, continues and I am in hog heaven!!  Today, I read John 13-17 ... Sermons from the Son of God.  I thoroughly enjoy the devotional and educational notes in the Daily Walk Bible as well as the written word of God.  I read the chapters designated then read the devotional part which gets me thinking about what I've read and how that applies to my own life.  Yes, I said my own life NOT the lives of others!!  "...Wash each other's feet."~~John 13:14 " each other just as much as I love you."~~John 13:34    "I am leaving you with a gift -- peace of mind and heart."~~John 14:27.  "...don't be troubled or afraid."~~John 14:28  "I demand that you love each other, for you get enough hate from the world."~~John 15:17-18  "...So since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you..."~~John 15:20  "...Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and your cup of joy will overflow."~~John 16:24

I am one that believes that EVERYTHING is Father filtered and happens for a reason.  The book of Job is a perfect example.  I look back over my life and realize that with every valley I learned something valuable and grew closer to God.  No one could fill the voids in my life or ease my sorrows.  I am who I am probably more because of my valleys than the peaks in my life.  Walking through the valleys, I grew in strength, courage and wisdom.  Walking atop the peaks gave me joy, gratitude and well being.  There is nothing that takes the place of the years of living life.  Nothing...  It is a shame that our young people don't value the wisdom of the family elders so much these days.  Then again, I think each generation goes through the same trials and tribulations of the one before in order to learn themselves.  Hmmm, I am happy to be where I am.  Believe me, each day is a gift and an adventure!!

I just finished the book, THE BEST OF ME written by Nicholas Sparks.  I am a romantic softy so I enjoyed each twist and turn of the story.  I'm sure it will make a great movie.  Never under estimate the deepness of love felt and experienced by the human heart.  It's more than a few dozen roses or gifts of diamonds, it's a kind of love felt in the rawness of life only seeking to give and want the best for another.  Ah, yes, I am a sentimental lady who loves with my whole being cherishing each relationship hoping they will last forever.  Some come into my life for only a season but in that season I am touched forever by their presence.

Tonight, the Rangers will give their best to win the World Series.  May God bless and keep them safe, confident and elevate their abilities to match no other baseball team.  As for me, I will be sitting front and center ... popcorn and Diet Coke in hand!

Hope your Friday is a great one and that your weekend will be filled with family, friends, and the joy of living with the gusto of a charging locomotive!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Even the grocery stores are in the Fall spirit!!
Central Market
McKinney, TX


The Joy of the Fall Harvest

The falling leaves...

October 26, 2011:

Good Morning, Readers!  I was thinking this morning about the wonderful flavor of the fall harvest.  Why don't you grab a cup of coffee and let's visit awhile.  With Michael and Sadie in North Texas and Toby and I here in Central Texas, we're in need of some company!!

My mother's family homesteaded a farm in Stevens County Minnesota and my father's families homesteaded farms in Pope County Minnesota.  The farms from my father's side of the family had been broken up by the time I was born but my mother's family farm was in full swing for many years.

Time:  Late 1940's and into the 1950's

The harvest was always an exciting time of the year.  The seeds had been planted in the Spring and watched over until harvest in the Fall when wheat and corn crops were ready for picking. It was a time when all hands were on deck from the youngest at the farm to the oldest.  Everyone had a job to do.

The women cooked and baked, which to a young girl like me, seemed like from morning to night as the table was always full of hungry workers.  Those that couldn't stop working received lunches in the fields.  There was breakfast ... mid morning lunch ... noon lunch ... afternoon lunch ... then, a big supper at night.  That's a lot of meals to prepare besides keeping up with the laundry, house cleaning, and tending children.  My mother would join her sisters and mother to wring the necks of the chickens, get the feathers off (pluck), scald, then can them.  What an ordeal ... all done outside except for the canning.  Chickens were running all over without their heads ... what a gory sight for kids.  On the one hand, we thought they were funny looking and on the other we weren't too keen on how those heads got wrung off.  When those women were busy, we (kids) knew to stay out of the way!!

I can understand how farm accidents happened.  My gosh, the tractors and farm equipment of that day weren't safe ... many men got arms, hands, legs, and fingers ripped off.  Some were killed.  There was no such thing as being too young to drive a tractor or help bring in the harvest.  I used to stand and watch as the grain went into the silos wondering what would happen if one of those men slipped and fell in.  Thank goodness that didn't happen ... at least not on the Hall Farm.  Men and boys worked from sun up to sun down ... this was the culmination of their hard work and this bounty was what they would sell and live on for the next year. 

During harvest, my cousin, Sandy, and I would head for the apple orchard and eat apples til we were nearly sick.  We filled our wicker baskets with apples to be baked in cakes, pies, and canned.  As little ones, we were so proud of our own harvest gathering!  When my cousin, Gordy, was done working in the field, he, my brother, Sandy and I would play in the hay mow in the big barn.  We would swing on ropes into the hay chasing away the mice.  We would laugh when we heard them squeak.  Sandy would say, "The cats will get them!"  We had no fear of the bats, mice, and rats lurking in the corners of the barn ... they were just part of barn life.

My mom talked about barn dances and so did my dad.  Harvest was a time when family bands could gather and friends could enjoy hours of fun in the crisp cool air or in warm shelters.  After a long day of harvest, I remember standing out in the middle of the farm yard looking up at the sky ... it was so dark but the stars were twinkling ... I wrapped my coat around me tighter and knew I would remember that night forever.  I have, too!  Even now, I am able to shut my eyes and place every building on that farm including seeing the cows drinking water from the tank to the right of the barn.  My mother and dad would bundle my brother and I into the back seat and we would sleep soundly from Hall Farm to my hometown of Glenwood.  If my father and mother were needed for the next day's work, we would be up and in the car come sunrise!  I can hear my dad now, "I hope Marge has the coffee on!"

Because I have such fond memories of my days at the Hall Farm, my love of Fall and the harvest has always been a favorite time of year for me.  I love tromping out in the woods gathering twigs, grasses, and horse apples; I love wandering through Trade Days looking at the wares brought in by artisans, farmers, and others selling their goods;  and, I love bonfires and cooking smores. There's nothing like spiced hot cider to warm the cockles of my heart at a football game; and, how can I forget the beautiful bounty of nature in the colorful trees, flowers and shrubs.

Looking back, I have a treasure sack filled with special memories of Hall Farm:
  • The outhouse in the woods ... toilet paper? ... the Sears catalogue
  • Cooking on the wood stove
  • Canning jars of fruits and vegetables for the Winter
  • Watching my grandmother and aunt use a broomstick handle to fish laundry out of a scalding-hot tub of soapy water in a wringer washer
  • Visiting a house where the only running water is in the kitchen sink
  • Storing garden produce in a dirt-floor cellar
  • Talking on party-line telephones
  • Going to town on Saturday nights ... my five cents burning a hole in my pocket

Although my childhood had some times of trial that wounded my soul, I also witnessed first hand what it meant for families to band together.  No one asked my mother and father for help, they just knew that it was the right thing to do.  My father would say, "Hard work never killed anybody, but laziness will."  He was right, hard work keeps our bodies strong and develops self-esteem.  My father also told me something else that helped me in life, "You figure it out."  I learned to use my brain for problem solving and was so proud when I did figure "it" out!

I pray that the seeds you have sown in your own lives will bring you harvests of peace, love and joy.  Once again, I have started new gardens at the little casa.  My hands are dry and chapped, my face wind burned, and my arms and back ache.  Yet, at the end of my day of work, I sit on the patio and can admire the fruits of my labor.  I tend to the relationships that God has placed in my life doing my part to nurture and fertilize them.  Life is good.

I will be closing up shop at the little casa in a few hours and heading North.  I am always sad to leave but am looking forward to reconnecting with family and friends in North Texas.  My little grandsons have their last t-ball and baseball games on Saturday and I wouldn't miss those for the world!!

Until next time, always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Blessed is he who has found his work;
let him ask no other blessedness.
Thomas Carlyle ~ Scottish historian and essayist (1795—1881)

Fall flowers are ablaze at a little nursery in Cleburne, TX!



Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's a Fabulous Tuesday!!

One day at a time...

Hey, how's everyone today?  This lady slept in til 9:45am ... Michael's wonderful coffee always stirs my senses and gets me going ... well, that and Toby's Mommy Kisses!

Mom S &
her roommate, Paula

Michael read one of my blogs to Mom S on Sunday.  She got tears in her eyes and loved the story.  She requested that I put her favorite song at the top of my next blog so, Mom, One Day At A Time sets the stage for today.

I am 3rd from L bottom row
Michael hopped up on the bed and had coffee with me.  A great discussion about Martin Luther (he is listening to a podcast on him) followed.  It brought back memories of my growing up years at Glenwood Lutheran Church and the confirmation classes I took for two years.  Is there anyone out there reading my blog that remembers sitting in the choir loft having to recite Bible verses, the books of the Bible, Lord's Prayer, the creeds and on and on?  When we were confirmed, we had a very solid base in Lutheranism.  Sometimes, I wonder if religion isn't watered down so much these days that we don't have to truly "get" the basics.

Several days ago, I was purchasing an item that was on discount.  Unfortunately, the cash register hadn't been updated and the cashier had to figure out the cost by hand.  Well, guess what?  I had to show her how to multiply and divide.  Our young folks are so used to computer, calculators, and other gadgets thinking for them that when those gadgets break down, they aren't able to add, subtract, multiply and divide.  Now, that's scary.  The other thing I have noticed is that our children are so used to spell check that they don't have to learn how to spell and grasp the concept of speaking and writing correct English.

I had always wondered why my Norwegian grandmother (and all her children) spoke such fluent (perfect) English since my great grandparents came from Norway.  I found out that my great great grandfather was a professor at the University of Oslo and when he came to this country, he taught English to Norwegian settlers in Wisconsin.  Being in America meant speaking the language and adjusting to the ways things were done here in this country.  My mother was also from a family who valued education -- her grandparents were teachers and very much a part of the leadership in the formidable days of Stevens County Minnesota.  I so much enjoy learning about my heritage because it helps me understand why I am drawn towards some activities and why I love "words".  I've always wanted to learn calligraphy making beautiful letters, words, and sentences ... gotta put that on my bucket list!

Just gave Toby a bath and a rub down.  After running about the house shaking, he decided to crash in a pile of clothes ready for washing.  Sadie went back to Dallas with Michael today and she will go to the groomers tomorrow.  She just loves getting all gussied up!  I will stay another day at the little casa and get things put away and closed up here.  The workmen on the road told us today that they will be paving the road next week so our street will be closed off.  Will be a good time to spend some days in North Texas.  I still remember my mother telling me to wear clean underwear when I went out in case I was in an accident ... well, I feel that way about the little casa.  It's always wonderful to come home to a sparkling house with clean beds!!

When I think about it, I am not a great, proper English writer.  I'm more of a story teller.  When I was 22 and had my thyroid removed, the surgeon did an oops(!) and paralyzed one of my vocal chords.  Before that, I had a nicer voice and could sing ... now, sometimes, my voice don't cooperate and I sound more like a squawking chicken.  Fortunately, Michael has a wonderful bass singing and speaking voice and can read my stories with feeling.  What a blessing!  I so enjoy it when he reads to me.

My friend, Beverly, gifted me with a surprise this morning.  She knew that I had been a bit under the weather and brought me a gorgeous garden mum to grace my garden for years to come.  I hadn't seen her for a few days so it was nice to catch up on what's happening in the neighborhood.  I have been working diligently to create a garden here at the little casa.  Having limited funds makes me use the resourceful creative part of my brain.  She was enamoured at what I had done just moving some plants around and making little destinations in the yard.  Michael brought Mr. Runny Babbit down here from my garden in North Texas.  He looks so cute standing watch.  Maybe he will be a deterrent for all the squirrels we have!!

One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking of you ...  Ah yes, one day ... and, this day is special.  It's special because I woke up without pain; I had a great conversation with Michael about an interesting topic; the word of God refreshed me; I am able to wash my own clothes, dry them and make the beds; I am able to walk among the flowers in my garden and smile at their beauty; I have friends and family who I love and who love me back; and, I could go on and on filling pages.  Now, those are my blessings in an ordinary day.  Add something extra special ... like my grandsons' baseball/t-ball games on Saturday and I am on overload!!

Let me leave you today with this thought from John 1:5, "And the light shineth in darkness; and, the darkness comprehended it not."

Is your light shining today so that other's may see it?  Are you such a porcupine that other's can't get close to you?  Do you look at other's faults without seeing your own?  Are you joyful, thanking God for the blessings of each new day?  Something to think about!

Always remember that I am loving and praying for you ... YA YOU!!

Mr. Scarecrow says,
"Happy Fall Ya'll!"

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Morning Sunshine!

I will cling to the old rugged cross...

Can you believe that a year has passed since I began blogging?  It's almost time to greet 2012 which blows my mind ... this year has flown by!!  In September 2010, I didn't quite know what a blog was much less write one myself ... my blogs have evolved over time and, I am sure, they will continue to be molded by my own growth and activities.

It is so beautiful here today.  The road construction workers have quit for the weekend and it is quiet except for the birds fussing.  I picked up a bird feeder yesterday and hung it outside my dining room window.  I remembered my Grandmother Maggie and how she enjoyed sitting in her rocker watching the birds outside her window.  So soothing!  Hopefully Toby and Sadie won't chase the birds away nor will the squirrels snatch the seeds and nuts.  We have lots of critters around here -- my neighbor in the next street over has seen coyotes and a bobcat.  I am glad that we fenced the backyard.  I go out at night with the dogren to make sure it is safe.  Mom S had also installed a light that comes on at dusk -- the crazy thing lights up most of the backyard!

It's nearly time for Hamilton Elf to wake up from his nap.  He was so worn out from our trip to Florida that he crashed when we got home.  I haven't had the heart to wake him as he's been sleeping so peacefully.  He loves it when it's chilly enough for a fire in the chiminea and I think once he smells the pinon wood, he'll be opening his eyes and beckoning me to come get him.  As much as I love Fall, I always get the itch to start decorating for the holidays right after Halloween.  There's just something about the lights and festiveness that stirs my soul.

This morning was perfect for being outside to read my Bible and do my study of John.  Michael (bless his heart) brought me my breakfast -- Ahhhh, coffee and strudel!  I read John 1-7 -- in fact, I read it twice.  The words seemed to leap from the pages and my eyes were opened to things I had always wondered about.  How could I have missed those passages in years past??

There was a time in my life in the early 1990's that I thought my life was perfect.  I had plenty of money in the bank, my family had been knit tightly together, my businesses were flourishing, I was attending a great church and had plenty of close friends.  Although, I was close to the Lord, I took Him and so much else for granted thinking life would go on being wonderful.  It only took a few months of complete destruction to topple my world ... I lost my businesses, my family was fractured, I was wrongly accused of some pretty hurtful things, and my bank account plummeted.  I remember sitting by a pond wondering what in the world was going on.  I pleaded with God to restore my life.  He didn't and life went from bad to worse.  I pleaded with God to restore my family.  He didn't and it's never been the same.  I pleaded with God to use me in all of the muck and mire to minister to others giving me strength, courage, and wisdom.  Guess what?  He did!!

God held my hand and walked me through some pretty muddy waters.  He used my voice to reach out and lift up others.  If I had not gone through the valleys of sadness and pain, I would not be able to appreciate all the blessings that come my way each day.  He doesn't bring us through our trials for us to keep them a secret!!

"Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required."~~Luke 12:48

God is faithful in every way.  He is faithful to forgive, redeem, bless and provide.  He is also faithful to chastise when I wouldn't readily listen to Him.  Believe me, He knows exactly how to get my attention!!

Lord Jesus, I thank you for your hand in my life and in the lives of my Readers.  I would be a basket case if it weren't for you and I know that many of my Readers are going through trials that they wonder if they are going to be able to survive.  I am so grateful that you hear our cries ... I know that I have fewer expectations these days and am happier.  Father, on this, "Your" day, I pray that you will use your people to lift up those less fortunate.  Fill us with joy and peace everlasting!  In Jesus holy and precious name I pray as ... Your Servant, "."

Have a wonderful day!!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blog on a Saturday morning!

Count your blessings...

Come on in to my world ... as you can tell from the song, I had one of those "no sleep" nights and this was the song that kept coming into my head.  I counted sheep ... I counted blessings ... I prayed ... nothing seemed to do the trick.  Besides that, I couldn't move my hands, arms or legs without pain.   I know that some of you, my Readers, face those nights as well.  The good news is that when I woke up, I still felt sore but am mobile and am looking forward to a great day!!

I probably overdid it with all my raking and carrying of basket loads of leaves to the garden by the house this past week.  I so enjoy being outdoors and the air was so fresh and invigorating.  Do you ever just get lost in what you are doing?  Guess that's what happened to me.  I took my coffee (compliments of hubby Michael) out to the garden this morning and the fallen leaves looked so pretty as they wrapped around my flowers and shrubs.  Nature has such a way of offering beauty to feast my eyes upon.

About 55 years ago, Dad S planted an American Elm tree in the backyard ... you can imagine how big this tree is now.  It has been limping along the past couple years shedding huge branches and is becoming a safety hazard.  We had two landscapers give us different views on how to deal with the tree and we finally called in an arborist.  Seth was a bright young man ... very patient  ... answered all our questions and gave us three options in dealing with Mr. Big Tree.  Good grief (!) it costs a lot to have a huge tree taken out or to have it pruned.  We've decided to go with Option Three and have it pruned and fertilized hoping and praying that it will last it's normal lifespan of sixty-five years!  Michael is sentimentally attached to the tree and, I must admit, it is a formidable addition to the landscape.  We laugh, the little casa, has become a bit of a money pit!!

Yesterday was a day chock full of blessings.  I felt so full of joy, I could hardly contain myself.  Everywhere Michael and I went, God blessed us.  We got front row parking at each store we needed to go to PLUS the bargains were amazing.  Michael was unemployed as of June 20 and since I am retired, money has been something that has gotten really tight.  We have had to cut back in every area of our spending and use our noggins to become more creative (like using leaves rather than buying mulch). 

Anyway, last Spring, we purchased an outdoor wicker dining set for the patio.  After much prayer and consideration, we returned the set knowing that our money needed to go elsewhere.  We were able to gift another couple to help them through a tough time.  Now, here's the blessing:  yesterday, we dropped in at Pier One to window shop.  We happened by the clearance section and there was a sign - 30% off lowest marked price.  There were the four chairs we had purchased ... they had been marked down to a ridiculous amount plus we would get another huge discount on top of that.  We talked to Mary, the store manager, and asked about the table that matched the chairs.  No table.  Michael got on his new phone and located a table at the Pier One in Mesquite, TX.  The store managers got on the phone and agreed that we could purchase the table at the store in Waco and get the sale price plus the extra discount.  We would not have to drive to Mesquite to pick it up ... it would be delivered to Waco saving us more time and expense.  Between, the deep discounts and the work of the two managers, we were able to purchase the same dining set we had returned at less than 50% off.  Now that's the Lord at work!!  I hugged Mary and told her that she had made my day!!  Michael and I high-fived each other on the way home with two of our chairs in the back seat.  Today, we will pick up the other two then in a couple of weeks we can eat outside!!  Yea!!

Why am I telling you this story?  Because sometimes we have to postpone what we want in order to do what is right and what God wants us to do.  I have found that when I am obedient to what God is asking of me, the reward is always so sweet and joy filled.  I never expected to be able to own the wicker patio dining set.  Now, it will grace my patio and I will remember it's story.

The Lord always prepares us for what is ahead.  My daughter, Jane, participated in a run last February.  A man running beside her had a heart attack and she joined a cardiologist in saving the man's life.  This past week, she was at work, and a man collapsed with the same symptoms.  While many employees were paralyzed with fright, she stepped in taking charge of the situation.  Afterwards, she told me, "Mom, God prepared me eight months ago for what happened today.  Without learning from the cardiologist, I wouldn't have been able to be as effective."  God is good!!

It is my hope that you, my precious Readers, will have an absolutely wonderful Fall day ... don't forget ... you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Tidbit for today:  "God wants you to serve Him on His terms, not yours.  He wants you to leave the 'why's' ... and the 'whens' ... and the 'wherefores' to Him and concentrate instead on the role of being restfully dependent and instantly obedient!  Are you willing to do that today?  Then carry this thought with you.  'I try ... I fail, I trust ... He succeeds ... through me!'"~~Daily Walk Bible