Friday, October 7, 2011

It is well with my soul...

It is well with my soul...

As usual, this morning, I woke to the words of song, "it is well with my soul."  I looked for the song on You Tube and found not only the song but the story of the songwriter and the circumstances that caused him to write so passionately.  If you will watch the video, you will get a glimpse into the soul of Horatio Spafford.

Today is Thursday, October 7.  2011 is coming to an end faster than I would like.  I am savoring each day stretching them out and making them count.  Even in rest, my mind draws close to my Readers and fellow travelers in life.  I was going to head south late today but it looks like that's not going to be a good idea.

We are getting a new road in front of the little casa.  For now, we aren't able to get into or out of our driveway.  It will be nice when it's finished but quite a mess right now.  Michael talked with the road foreman and he said it was probably going to be another two weeks before we would have a completed road.

My daughter, Jane, telephoned yesterday morning and we enjoyed a few minutes of connection.  My talks with her are always a bright spot in my day and we have moved to a level of deepness that we truly can say we are more than mother and daughter ... we are best friends.  I can truly say that I admire her as a person.  I am so fortunate to be blessed to have this relationship with my child and I don't take this gift lightly.

The news has been filled with the accounting of the death of Steve Jobs.   Mr. Jobs was a college dropout, fired tech executive ... an unsuccessful businessman who turned his failings into monumental successes.  He'll probably be most fondly remembered as speaking out and encouraging others to use failures as stepping stones to making a difference in this world.  Not too long ago, I watched a news program announcing that he was stepping down from his position as chief executive of Apple because of ongoing health problems.  Jobs was one of the richest men in the world.  I found it interesting watching Nightline last night, that he had a fear of death and that his last days were a race against time.  I wonder if it was well with Steve Jobs soul?  Only the Father knows but with that last breath won't we all search for the living God?

I looked up Steve Job's religion on the Internet and most accounts say he practiced Buddhism.  States Brigalow Bloke, "Tell you something for free sonny boy, if Mr. Jobs had been a Christian there is zero chance he would have been an evangelical.  While I have never knowingly bought an Apple product in my life, the man could actually think.  Which is more than evangelicals do, they seem to switch their brains off at the age of 22 if not earlier."  Why is it that so many non-Christians have such anger towards those of deep faith?  Sign of the times we live in...

Guess what?  It's boot weather!  Wednesday, I put on a pair of my favorite boots and decided to spend my exercise time walking through the stores looking at the new Fall clothing lines.  After a half hour, my previously broken ankle was getting swollen and letting me know that I needed to give up my high heeled boots at least for this season.  Bummers!  I had to stop at the shoe department at Belks and find a pair of lower heeled boots so that I could walk to the car.  My ankle is all black and blue.  Yesterday was one of those "watch a movie" and "read a good book" kind of day!  Oh, anyone seen the new fascinator (headband) hats in the stores?  They are so fun ... wish I had a place to wear one.  Do ladies ever wear hats to church any more????

It really looks like Fall outside today.  It's rather cloudy and do I dare say, a couple of the trees in the back yard are starting to turn.  While other parts of the country are experiencing the full richness of Fall foliage, Texas is far behind.  We have a rather lengthy Fall ... a season I absolutely love.  I do need to go get more Pinon wood.  I just love to have a fire going while I am outside!

The Spafford Children
 How's your soul today?  Do you have that kind of faith that Horatio Spafford had when he lost all of his children and his business?  Rather than being bitter and angry towards God, Horatio and his wife, gave their lives to Him in their mourning.  My soul is content and connected with the Lord God.  I feel His presence around me throughout the day and into the night.  No matter what, I know for sure, that He is watching over me.  Do bad things happen to me?  Yes, I am not exempt from the tragedies of living life.  No longer am I numb nor do I zone out ... it is so wonderful to stay in the moment and truly feel what I am going through.  It is in that time, I am able to turn my thoughts to my creator and say, "Lord, thank you for the hard times ... for the rainbow ... for your promise to never leave me or forsake me."  I cannot control other people or many of my circumstances.  However, I can move beyond.

When my body is in pain, I feel very tired and drained.  It tells me when I need extra rest and a filling of positiveness.  The TV shows I enjoyed last year (i.e., Criminal Minds) aren't drawing me in this year.  I am finding the need for some good belly laughs and feel good shows.

Take good care of yourselves and your souls, my friends.  Until tomorrow, please know that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Who says our kids aren't kind, loving, and helpful?
If our move should take place, I will truly miss my visitors from next door!!



1 comment:

  1. What a tragedy, yet amazing this man wrote a beautiful hymn during a sorrowful time in his life. God is always there--I think of the poem Footprints. It is difficult to keep faith when life is difficult, yet important to understand that God should be praised during times of sorrow and joy.

    Sorry to hear about your ankle. I know you're frustrated that you aren't able to wear your 1st choice boots, yet love the fact that you went out and bought a pair that would work. Lemonade out of Lemons!!!!

