Saturday, October 1, 2011

In my Father's mansions there are many rooms...

A Fall morning in Texas!
And a good morning to you, my Readers.  I hope that this day is a great one for you.  As for me, I opened one eye then the other ... no, the boxes were not gone and I was surrounded by stuff I still don't know what to do with.

In my Father's mansions there are many rooms.  In any case, that doesn't mean when I get to Heaven I get to fill them up!  Having a passion for interior design has been both a blessing and a curse.  I'm not into clothes much but goodness gracious, give me a beautiful painting, a Mark Roberts Santa/Fairy, or other amazing seasonal things, I am hooked at first sight.  I am a deep discount shopper and tell myself that since my "find" is a bargain, I need it!  Wrong...  I forget what I have in my seasonal tubs and end up with more than what I really need just because...

When we renovated the little casa, we shopped at our own home and had plenty to fill each room and equip the kitchen!  I have had no trouble keeping my decorating itches under control and have found freedom in less dusting and caring for stuff.  Maybe that's why I have been on a mission to clean out more here at our main residence.  Our home is just under 1800 square feet so you'd think that I would have been limited to what I could cram in here.  I am a master organizer and one of the reasons we chose our floor plan was because of the storage capabilities.  Everything is neatly arranged by season and, believe it or not, there has always been plenty of room to walk around without feeling like you were in a furniture store!  Yet, I realize that I am paying a house payment to store my stuff each month whether I use it or not.

A couple of times, I watched the hoarder shows on TV and found myself repulsed at how people could amass so much junk and get to the point where they were jeopardizing their health and well being by keeping literally everything!  If I look within myself, I could be one of those people ... I could hoard dogs needing homes, hoarding stuff because it belonged to someone who gave it to me, and, in general, having a complete store under my own roof.  I can understand how it happens ... one thing at a time!  God tells us to be watchful of our own bad habits ... being aware helps me keep them under control.  I know when I step over that line.

Yesterday, I wrote about being sixty-four.  That's one of the big reasons I want to pare down.  I don't want to be encumbered by things that keep me from doing what is important to me in my Winter years.  I want to be free so I can go with my gal pals on their travels, I want to be able to go visit my daughter and her family whenever I feel the urge, I want to be able to leave without worrying about the yard, the house, the garage and stuff.  I keep those goals in front of me when I hold something in my hands and am deciding whether to keep it or not.  My husband tells me that I won't get what "it's" worth at my garage sale.  Maybe not, but my load in life will be lighter!

I began my shopping quests in the early 1990's.  I had always appreciated quality items whether it was the way a house was built, art, or furnishings.  I would wander through the many upscale decorator shops in the Dallas area and copy their designs at a much lower cost.  I developed my own style and have certain things that I have not seen other decorator's do.  I have lived in tiny quarters and a huge home ... each were decorated in style.  It's never been about the cost or size, it's always been about making something pretty.

There are addicts of all kinds trying to fill empty places in their hearts.  I am continually asking myself if I am addicted to filling spaces with pretty things because I am missing something.  My husband laughs at me and says "no."  He enjoys living in a festive environment.  He says he likes it when I open my tubs and my eyes light up like a kid opening a precious gift at Christmas.  Believe me, he would tell me if he didn't have room to stretch his 6'2" frame out or if I was stretching the budget to buy things we couldn't afford!!

We'll see what happens from now on out.  I am chiseling away at my quest a little each day.  I will get some tables come Garage Sale day and continue to fill them up until my stash is moved to someone else's home.  My friend, Etta, has agreed to help me and I am putting out feelers for others to help as well.  Maybe I will have a back yard sale so that I don't have to put things away at night.  In the meantime, although I am feeling overwhelmed, I know I am doing what is right.  Some times doing what's right stings and is hard work.  In the end, when I greet sixty-five, I will be raring to go sans stuff holding me back!!

Do you have closets, sheds, garages, attics packed?  How much of it has been forgotten for years?  Could someone else use what you don't use and need?  Those are questions I asked myself before I began my cleaning out process...  A couple months from now, I'll be okay ... I just know I will!

Often though my blog, I feel like I'm just throwing out emotional garbage for the world to look at.  My trash.  Your eyes.  Somehow, I know I am not alone in my struggles and and if just one reader can relate and feel better, it is worth my transparency.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Even though I am processing through my precious things and readying them for sale, I never forget to pray for you, my Readers ... you are loved ... YA YOU!!

May the coolness of this Fall morning fill your heart
 and mind with refreshment encough for the entire day!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you have hoarding qualities at all. If you watch the show, their homes are full of absolute crap. Filthy items that are infested with God knows what....don't be so hard on yourself. It is a talent that you should be proud of; your decorating skills have made many a house 'a home'. I loved growing up with a home beautifully decorated, yet comfortable. Yet, if it is cumbersome, then it is time to let the stuff go. Hoarders is not you!! ;0)

