Friday, October 14, 2011



It is still as darkness descends on the little casa.  The sounds of the workers dumping and shoveling on the street have subsided giving way to a quiet presence of peace.  I sat on the front step for a few minutes taking in the sight before me ... dirt, dust, cement, trucks.  It is hard to tell that in just a short period of time we will have a beautiful new street on which to drive.  Until then, I am content where I am and  Lilly is enjoying her rest under the driveway cover.

Every now and then, I just need to take time to breathe.  To experience the stillness inside of me that quiets my soul.  I cannot hear God's calling or even my own thoughts when my life is chaotic.  I seek my Secret Place where I can allow my thoughts to prayerfully wander as faces are brought before me ... some I know, others I don't.  It's a time to bless my fellow travelers, to stand in the gap ... to offer up oils for healing.  God's storehouses are overflowing but to fully know this, I must see it in my mind and feel it in my heart.

It is necessary to breathe in fresh air and allow the freshness to energize the mind and body.  Ever taken a walk on a crisp Fall day, hands deep within the pockets of a jacket,  senses in full gear?  It always seems easier to make decisions and revel in the thanksgivings of life that time of year.  When air about me is stagnant and hot, I have a harder time thinking straight.  I am definitely an outdoors person ... I think Texas has suited me well because I can be outside most anytime of the day except for August.  My ideal home would have a huge screened in porch and patio.  If I am indoors very long, I feel that yearning to be out smelling those proverbial roses.  In fact, my rose bushes in North Texas are blooming like crazy and oh how wonderful the aroma is.  The last night I was there, I grabbed my blanket and made myself a bed out on the settee ... I would wake up, smell the roses and drift back to sleep.  Now, that's living!

I have crossed over into the New Testament in my Daily Walk Bible reading ... In fact, tomorrow, I will start the book of Luke.  I get so excited when I get to the New Testament and read about the man I choose to follow and call Lord.  It is in my time with Him that I find peace and contentment.

"So don't be anxious about tomorrow.  God will take care of your tomorrow too.  Live one day at a time."~~Matthew 6:34

The more I learn and grow in faith, the more I protect my times of solitude and prayer.  Tonight, I had another marathon chat with my daughter and we talked about a time that was very frightening for her then another then another...  I sat in my chair with tears running down my face.  As a mother, I have always prayed for my children ... to hear how she was protected blows me away.  It made me realize how important prayer is and how much, we as parents and grandparents, influence the heavenly protection of our children and grandchildren.

I think I will fix me a big mug of hot cocoa and sit awhile outside.  I wish I could see some stars in the skies ... Rest assured I will be in prayer for you, my Readers!  For those out there reading my blogs that say, "God doesn't care about me," I tell you, it's not true.  There are many intercessors just like me who God appoints to step in and pray for you.  Honest!

Until tomorrow!  Sleep tight!!


1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh - I didn't mean to make you cry. Hopefully, they were tears of joy since God DID protect me. He still does on a daily basis.

    I know what you mean about the crisp air. I love walking outside and feeling a cool breeze in the air. Living in Florida, I have really learned to appreciate those days, because they are few and far between.

    Here's to a great week!
