Friday, October 21, 2011

A Lazy Friday Morning!

Give Me Jesus...

 A top of the morning to you my Readers!  I woke to some slobbery "Mommy Kisses" ... I had slept soundly through the night and Toby was letting me know that it was time to go outside.  He's a funny little rascal ... smart as a whip and very able to let me know exactly what he wants.  As long as Toby was up, Sadie decided to stretch and join him as he raced to the door.  Her legs are too short to jump off the bed on to the wood floor so I lift her.  There's no grumpy dogs in our house come sunrise ... they are rested, happy with tails wagging, and set for their romp outside.  Breakfast is next followed by another potty run.  Michael has the coffee going and my plan was to head outdoors.  Ahhhh ... a new day!  I wonder what will unfold...

 Brrr, it's chilly here this morning.  I opened the back door to let some fresh air in and got the shock of my life.  Not only was it chilly, it was downright cold!  Fall is officially here!  Oh, I just love this time of year!  It's a time of Trade Days, Fall festivals, football, baseball, and spending time gazing at the Fall flowers and turning of the leaves on our trees (God's paintbrush!).  We get all four seasons in North Texas ... Winter just happens to be our shortest season which is fine with me!

Sadie gets invigorated by the crisp clean air.  The neighbor behind us got a new hunting dog.  My dogs can see her through the chain link fence and they run back and forth playing with each other.  Life is simple for Sadie and Toby ... they eat, poop, play, sleep then start the whole cycle all over again!  I had a landscaper once tell me that when he died he wanted to come back as one of Dottie's dogs.  I think that was a compliment??!!

As usual, my mind was going a mile a minute when I woke up.  First of all, I hadn't slept well in a week ... my legs don't bother me during the day but goodness, at night they feel like volts of electricity are going through them.  I have a high tolerance to pain so when I wake up crying, Michael knows I am really hurting.  I am finding though that the more active I am during the day, the less pain I have at night ... go figure.  Let me make a note of that: exercise = a good (pain free) night's sleep.

I have asked God to use my blog to wrap my arms around my fellow travelers in life.  When my talks with friends and my children, my study of John, and my Bible readings all have a common thread, I use that as a sign that it is a topic that needs addressing.  I pray about it then place my hands on the keyboard ... sometimes, my hands rest for what seems like hours then all of a sudden they take off.  Strangest thing!  In one of my next blogs, I will be doing something new -- my daughter is brave enough to share part of her story so you, Readers, will get a glimpse of an occurrence from her perspective as well as mine.  Stay tuned...

By now, I hope that you have realized that I am a very strong advocate for the health and safety of children.  I teach and live the values of honesty and truth.  I always figure even if the truth hurts it is better than living with a false sense of reality.  My husband reminds me that reality is perception based on each person's beliefs.  I guess that is true; however, some people's perceptions of what is right is pretty skewed.  My daughter is reading a book on Charles Manson ... he was a evil man whose actions were downright horrific.  He thought his perceptions were right but did that make them right?  I would say absolutely not!

"......As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"~~Joshua 24:15

When you enter my home in McKinney, you will see the words above written on the wall.  Some years ago I took the class entitled, The Mind of Christ ... what an eye opener.  There definitely were some changes I needed to make in my own perceptions of living life.  I am a work in progress and the Lord is gentle with me.

My friend, Beverly, and I took a short trip to Cleburne yesterday to pick up some horse apples.  We saw some from the road and skidded to a stop.  I made a u-turn and we tromped into the woods.  It's always fun to go with Beverly ... she has an adventuresome spirit like me.  Now, I need to decide where to display my trophies!  I think they will make a great addition to a Fall table centerpiece!!

I am now into the New Testament in my Daily Walk Bible reading.  I've read through the synoptic gospels and will start John tomorrow morning.  John is called the supplemental gospel because it is strikingly different.  John's purpose is to bring people to spiritual life through belief in Jesus Christ.  When I meet a new believer who asks where to start reading in the Bible, I always recommend John.  I am also coming to a close on the Beth Moore self-study on John, the beloved disciple.  I am so excited to have made it through the Old Testament ... this year, I can truly say that I enjoyed each and every book!!  Now, learning from Matthew the tax collector who wrote to a Jewish audience, Mark who wrote in the presence tense involving his readers in the dramatic immediacy of Christ's life, and Dr. Luke who, different than Mark and Matthew, did not write from first hand experience, I am thrown back into Biblical times ... the time of Jesus.  If you claim Him as Savior, I would highly recommend getting to know Him.  The words on the pages have jumped out at me ... and, I bask in the sunshine of being "one called."  Why?  I can't say why ... all I know is that I have always been drawn to the light and have never known a time when I didn't know who my heavenly father was.  I come from a long line of believers and know first hand that "His mercy goes on from generation to generation, to all who reverence Him."~~Luke 1:50.

It is night fall and I realized that I didn't finish my blog ... distractions, distractions!  Michael and I made a trip to Waco today to my favorite store ... Lowe's.  We chatted with Scott, the manager, and I told him how excited I was about having such a beautiful kitchen.  He blushed ... such a cutie ... and, a great store manager besides!  He he!

When we got home, I made bread pudding from Michael's mom's recipe box.  I guess, it passed the "son" test as he said it was absolutely delicious.  I will take some to Mom tomorrow at the nursing home.  Maybe that will brighten her spirits!!

Okay, Readers, I am going to sign off ... my tub full of bubbles awaits me!  Another day filled with fun ... another day around the corner to be explored.  G'night!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... ya you!!


1 comment:

  1. Okay - I need to get you my story. It's coming as life seems to be settling down a big after the holidays.

    That is a great picture of you and Michael's mom. She looks so happy (as do you). I am sure she appreciated the pudding. You'll have to make for us the next time you are in Florida.

    Have a great day-
