Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Morning Sunshine!

I will cling to the old rugged cross...

Can you believe that a year has passed since I began blogging?  It's almost time to greet 2012 which blows my mind ... this year has flown by!!  In September 2010, I didn't quite know what a blog was much less write one myself ... my blogs have evolved over time and, I am sure, they will continue to be molded by my own growth and activities.

It is so beautiful here today.  The road construction workers have quit for the weekend and it is quiet except for the birds fussing.  I picked up a bird feeder yesterday and hung it outside my dining room window.  I remembered my Grandmother Maggie and how she enjoyed sitting in her rocker watching the birds outside her window.  So soothing!  Hopefully Toby and Sadie won't chase the birds away nor will the squirrels snatch the seeds and nuts.  We have lots of critters around here -- my neighbor in the next street over has seen coyotes and a bobcat.  I am glad that we fenced the backyard.  I go out at night with the dogren to make sure it is safe.  Mom S had also installed a light that comes on at dusk -- the crazy thing lights up most of the backyard!

It's nearly time for Hamilton Elf to wake up from his nap.  He was so worn out from our trip to Florida that he crashed when we got home.  I haven't had the heart to wake him as he's been sleeping so peacefully.  He loves it when it's chilly enough for a fire in the chiminea and I think once he smells the pinon wood, he'll be opening his eyes and beckoning me to come get him.  As much as I love Fall, I always get the itch to start decorating for the holidays right after Halloween.  There's just something about the lights and festiveness that stirs my soul.

This morning was perfect for being outside to read my Bible and do my study of John.  Michael (bless his heart) brought me my breakfast -- Ahhhh, coffee and strudel!  I read John 1-7 -- in fact, I read it twice.  The words seemed to leap from the pages and my eyes were opened to things I had always wondered about.  How could I have missed those passages in years past??

There was a time in my life in the early 1990's that I thought my life was perfect.  I had plenty of money in the bank, my family had been knit tightly together, my businesses were flourishing, I was attending a great church and had plenty of close friends.  Although, I was close to the Lord, I took Him and so much else for granted thinking life would go on being wonderful.  It only took a few months of complete destruction to topple my world ... I lost my businesses, my family was fractured, I was wrongly accused of some pretty hurtful things, and my bank account plummeted.  I remember sitting by a pond wondering what in the world was going on.  I pleaded with God to restore my life.  He didn't and life went from bad to worse.  I pleaded with God to restore my family.  He didn't and it's never been the same.  I pleaded with God to use me in all of the muck and mire to minister to others giving me strength, courage, and wisdom.  Guess what?  He did!!

God held my hand and walked me through some pretty muddy waters.  He used my voice to reach out and lift up others.  If I had not gone through the valleys of sadness and pain, I would not be able to appreciate all the blessings that come my way each day.  He doesn't bring us through our trials for us to keep them a secret!!

"Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required."~~Luke 12:48

God is faithful in every way.  He is faithful to forgive, redeem, bless and provide.  He is also faithful to chastise when I wouldn't readily listen to Him.  Believe me, He knows exactly how to get my attention!!

Lord Jesus, I thank you for your hand in my life and in the lives of my Readers.  I would be a basket case if it weren't for you and I know that many of my Readers are going through trials that they wonder if they are going to be able to survive.  I am so grateful that you hear our cries ... I know that I have fewer expectations these days and am happier.  Father, on this, "Your" day, I pray that you will use your people to lift up those less fortunate.  Fill us with joy and peace everlasting!  In Jesus holy and precious name I pray as ... Your Servant, "."

Have a wonderful day!!


1 comment:

  1. God has used you in some pretty amazing ways. You have no idea how many people are touched by your openness, honesty, and forthrightness. I for one, have learned so much about my heritage since you have started your blog. I have gotten a deeper look into your life and what you went through and what you cherish. All of this is priceless!

