Sunday, October 30, 2011

Baseball ... A family affair!

The Anderson Family ... Nicholas, Angie, Zachary, Tommy

October 29, 2011

Hi Readers, it's Miss Dottie reporting in on Saturday from the fine state of Texas!  Michael's alarm didn't go off this morning at 6:30 (oops) and we had to scurry around to be at the ballpark in Frisco by 9am.  Good thing they had plenty of coffee and hot cocoa at the refreshment stand!  I did manage to go prepared for a chilly sit, blankets in tow.  It wasn't long til the sun came out to warm us in the stands which made for a perfect morning of baseball!

Ever heard that saying "the family that plays together stays together"?  I don't think it goes exactly that way, I substituted prays for plays.  Anyway, I believe both to be true.  Baseball has become a family affair for my son's family.  It has been such an inspiration for me to watch them grow separately and together over the past year.

Dad, Tommy, has led the pack by volunteering his time and energy to coach Nicholas's t-ball team, the Reds.  Tommy has the patience of Job, a way of loving the boys into being the best they can be, and an encourager out on the field directing those little guys to stay focused when they would rather play in the dirt.  He and Coach Dan are amazing fathers spreading their love of baseball to those under their care.  What examples they are and the fruit of their labor is very obvious!

Angie (Center)

Mom, Angie, is the baseball mom behind the wheel driving the boys to and from practice, washing grimy baseball uniforms, helping out in the dugout, and encouraging Tommy, Zachary, and Nicholas to be and do their best.  It takes a special lady to raise Godly boys!

Great pitch, Zach!

Zachary is a mover and a shaker ... a leader.  Nothing keeps him from standing out and being a star on his team, the Mets.  He's played different positions rising to the top as pitcher.  Zachary is a lean machine with long arms and legs (thanks to mom Angie!).  He's not afraid to be in the spotlight whether he loses or wins a game.  Does he cry after bombing out ... yes ... that's because he cares so much.  Zachary is not calloused!  Tuesday night, he will lead his team in the baseball tournament.  I laugh because he couldn't wait to share the news with me after the game.  His joy radiated!!  Go Zachary!!

Great hit, Nick!
Little Nicholas...  What can I say to describe my youngest grandchild??  A year ago, Nicholas was so shy just the thought of walking up to the t-ball home plate scared him to death.  He clung to dad and mom pleading for them to take him home.  Dad stepped up to the plate as head of his family, holding his son's hand until Nicholas could make that first step to the plate ... the second step to run the bases ... the third step, the fourth step and on and on.  This didn't happen overnight.  It took hours of loving patience, teaching, and encouragement for this small fellow to rise to a newness of character.  Never doubt the importance of a father's involvement in his children's lives.  Today?  Nicholas has an arm that can make double plays possible.  Home runs?  Yep!  Catcher?  Yep!  Shortstop?  Yep!  Third base?  Yep!  Second base?  Yep!  Those little legs and arms (compliments of dad, Tommy!) can run those bases and hoist that ball unbelievable distances.  Is Nicholas still shy?  Yes, he is ... but, out on that field, Nicholas becomes a warrior and all business!  I'll bet he sleeps with that trophy he got today ... he deserved it!!

Romans 2:12:  " transformed by the renewing of your mind...."  Nicholas's life was transformed by the thoughts of I can't to I can do this.  Not only can I do this but I can excell!

Grandpa and Grandma?  We get to sit back and enjoy watching our grandsons grow into fine young boys.  We sit in the stands, cheering and taking photos of special moments.  I always give the boys blessings before each game and let them know that I am there for them.  Grandpa does the guy thing ... rah, rah, rah!  I do the softer stuff of comforting after a loss or bad play and offering Grandma kisses and hugs after a win!  We love those boys win or lose, no matter what.

Zach & Friend Etta
Family and fans?  Etta, loves the excitement of the kids and the game.  The boys remember her giggles and presence.  Their grandfather, Tom, was present at the games yesterday as well as their Aunt Jill and Uncle Glenn.  What a fan base they had with camera's popping photos and all those cheers and hugs.  Don't you know those guys felt loved and important.  Way more important than ex-spouses sharing the same space in the stands ... more important than my estrangement from my daughter.  It was a time when, love took prescidence over feelings of uncomfortableness.

Zachary, Aunt Jill, Nicholas

A Family Gathers

Grandpa Tom, Tommy, & Nicholas Anderson

For me, yesterday was another milestone.  I have had to be so very careful of stressors that could lead to PTSD episodes.  When my son gave me a head's up that Tom and Jill were going to be at the games and at the party at CiCi's afterwards, my first reaction was to stay home and "be safe."  In my prayer time, my heavenly Father spoke to me giving me a sense of peace and encouragement letting me know that I needed to do the right thing and leave the rest to him saying, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  I put on the armor of God and attended the game and party with confidence.  You know what?  I felt a sense of well being and love for my former husband and daughter.  I walked out of CiCi's and raised my hands to the sky saying, "What a beautiful day ... it's good to be alive!!"

When you think you can't, remember God can.  Look up to Him rather than down at your feet.  Walk tall knowing you are a son or daughter of the most high God.  If I can, you can too!!!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

The two faces of love ... Ah, life truly is good!!!

Nahum 1:7:  "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in him,..."

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh I wish I was there to share in the event. I just think it is amazing that my siblings and parents were at the same place/time. How long has it been? (possibly my wedding). What an amazing day.

    Thank you for the fantastic pictures and description of the day-my heart is smiling.

