Thursday, October 6, 2011

The night grows late...

Canadian Tenors ... Always There For Me

It is late ... I decided to take a big mug of hot cocoa out to the back porch, light a candle and enjoy the crispness of a beautiful Texas Fall evening.  The sound of water trickling from the fountain is so soothing.  Luckily, we have electricity on the porch and I can plug in a lamp and a radio.  I have enough light to blog away...  My Readers tell me that they miss my blogs when it gets to be a few days in between them.  It's not that I don't think about writing, it's just that I don't post everything I write ... I sometimes put my fingers on the keyboard and just let them go.  Good grief ... you'd wonder, "What was she thinking!"  Sometimes there are things just best left unsaid!

Since I have journaled for many many years, I often go back and pull my logs and see what I've been up to as the years have gone by.  Today I read my entry from October 5, 2001. 

"The Lord shall preserve thy going out and coming in from this time forth,
and even for evermore."~~Psalm 121:8

Angie-Ready for Halloween!
My day on October 5, 2001 was a relaxing one.  I had gone shopping with my now daughter-in-law, Angie, for a wedding dress at Brides Mart in Dallas.  She looked like a beautiful princess.  I was so honored to be able to support her and let her know what a wonderful bride she would be.  She wanted a dress with straps ... I convinced her to try something strapless.  Guess what?  She came out of the dressing room with a shy grin, tip toeing like a little girl ... "I think this is the one!"  As she walked down the aisle in 2002, I remembered that day ... the little girl had become a woman!

The day was a busy one with other errands to run and dinner at the Martinez Cafe.  I am wondering if it is even there anymore...  I need to pay attention on my next trip to Plano.  It used to be a place my family went often for quite a few years.

My son and his future wife had purchased a home in Little Elm and were busy settling in and getting ready for the wedding.  I made a trip to see them that evening and ooh'd and aah'd over their new refrigerator, washer, and dryer.  It made my heart sing to see them so very happy.

As I signed off, I had prayed the Prayer of Jabez ... "Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil that I would not cause pain."  Amen and amen!!  I was content ... I had experienced a perfectly wonderful run of the mill day filled with inner joy and peace.  I think it's important to remember days like that one just to know that life is filled with the specialness of just plain living... 

The journal I used in 2001 was titled, God Calling.  It has been one of my favorites and, I plan to use it again in 2012.  If you have never tried journaling, I encourage you to do so.  I think that you would be amazed at how much writing can inspire and help you sort through your thoughts.  It's also a way of knowing how often God answers prayers ... I read several days before and several days after October 5 ... I was amazed at how the Lord heard my cries and moved positively on my behalf and on the behalf of others.  It's also a personal family history keeping; i.e., Jane and Tim left for Ireland on October 12.  I wonder if they remember that?  It's also a way of having an accurate record ... we are prone to embellishing memories either making them more important than they were or not remembering them at all.

As I think about my ordinary days, I remember my own God Calling.  The times spent in prayer for my Readers and others who need someone to stand in the gap for them give me a sense of purpose.  I go about my day fully aware that others are looking at me and judging Christians in general.  I keep hearing, "Do your simple tasks for Me."  When someone cuts in front of me on the freeway ... when someone hurts my heart ... when someone I meet has a tear in their eye ... I look up and say, "Bless them Father."  Only God knows what they are thinking about or what they are going through and I give them the benefit of the doubt and a blessing besides.

Believe me, I am not a holier than thou person.  On the contrary ... I have my own demons that challenge me every day I open my eyes.  I struggle, fail, and get up again hoping to be a better person.  I make mistakes and cringe when I realize what a sinner I am.  I thank my Lord each day for His grace and tender mercy.  If he does that for me should I not do that for others?

My candle light grows dim, my yawns grow closer together, and it's time to head fo the comfiness of my waiting bed.  It is also garbage day tomorrow and time to wheel my bins out to the street.  I am missing my family and after a few days of quiet, I am ready to connect with them again.

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy lord."~~Matthew 25:21

Peace be with you ... always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

One little candle makes a big difference
in the darkest corners of our world!



1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures--I love your patio. It is comfy and allows perfect views of your gorgeous backyard. The candle reminds me of a church service we went to and the pastor explained that lighting the candles is representative of spreading Christianity / Love of Jesus Christ. After we lit the candles from each other he had us lift them high into the air; I still get chills when I think of that moment.

    Writing is a gift that you have enjoyed for as long as I have known you. How wonderful that you have an account of your history. Moments we think we would never forget fade as time goes by. You inspire me--may be time to dust off the old journal and start writing my thoughts.

    Love ya-
