Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's a Fabulous Tuesday!!

One day at a time...

Hey, how's everyone today?  This lady slept in til 9:45am ... Michael's wonderful coffee always stirs my senses and gets me going ... well, that and Toby's Mommy Kisses!

Mom S &
her roommate, Paula

Michael read one of my blogs to Mom S on Sunday.  She got tears in her eyes and loved the story.  She requested that I put her favorite song at the top of my next blog so, Mom, One Day At A Time sets the stage for today.

I am 3rd from L bottom row
Michael hopped up on the bed and had coffee with me.  A great discussion about Martin Luther (he is listening to a podcast on him) followed.  It brought back memories of my growing up years at Glenwood Lutheran Church and the confirmation classes I took for two years.  Is there anyone out there reading my blog that remembers sitting in the choir loft having to recite Bible verses, the books of the Bible, Lord's Prayer, the creeds and on and on?  When we were confirmed, we had a very solid base in Lutheranism.  Sometimes, I wonder if religion isn't watered down so much these days that we don't have to truly "get" the basics.

Several days ago, I was purchasing an item that was on discount.  Unfortunately, the cash register hadn't been updated and the cashier had to figure out the cost by hand.  Well, guess what?  I had to show her how to multiply and divide.  Our young folks are so used to computer, calculators, and other gadgets thinking for them that when those gadgets break down, they aren't able to add, subtract, multiply and divide.  Now, that's scary.  The other thing I have noticed is that our children are so used to spell check that they don't have to learn how to spell and grasp the concept of speaking and writing correct English.

I had always wondered why my Norwegian grandmother (and all her children) spoke such fluent (perfect) English since my great grandparents came from Norway.  I found out that my great great grandfather was a professor at the University of Oslo and when he came to this country, he taught English to Norwegian settlers in Wisconsin.  Being in America meant speaking the language and adjusting to the ways things were done here in this country.  My mother was also from a family who valued education -- her grandparents were teachers and very much a part of the leadership in the formidable days of Stevens County Minnesota.  I so much enjoy learning about my heritage because it helps me understand why I am drawn towards some activities and why I love "words".  I've always wanted to learn calligraphy making beautiful letters, words, and sentences ... gotta put that on my bucket list!

Just gave Toby a bath and a rub down.  After running about the house shaking, he decided to crash in a pile of clothes ready for washing.  Sadie went back to Dallas with Michael today and she will go to the groomers tomorrow.  She just loves getting all gussied up!  I will stay another day at the little casa and get things put away and closed up here.  The workmen on the road told us today that they will be paving the road next week so our street will be closed off.  Will be a good time to spend some days in North Texas.  I still remember my mother telling me to wear clean underwear when I went out in case I was in an accident ... well, I feel that way about the little casa.  It's always wonderful to come home to a sparkling house with clean beds!!

When I think about it, I am not a great, proper English writer.  I'm more of a story teller.  When I was 22 and had my thyroid removed, the surgeon did an oops(!) and paralyzed one of my vocal chords.  Before that, I had a nicer voice and could sing ... now, sometimes, my voice don't cooperate and I sound more like a squawking chicken.  Fortunately, Michael has a wonderful bass singing and speaking voice and can read my stories with feeling.  What a blessing!  I so enjoy it when he reads to me.

My friend, Beverly, gifted me with a surprise this morning.  She knew that I had been a bit under the weather and brought me a gorgeous garden mum to grace my garden for years to come.  I hadn't seen her for a few days so it was nice to catch up on what's happening in the neighborhood.  I have been working diligently to create a garden here at the little casa.  Having limited funds makes me use the resourceful creative part of my brain.  She was enamoured at what I had done just moving some plants around and making little destinations in the yard.  Michael brought Mr. Runny Babbit down here from my garden in North Texas.  He looks so cute standing watch.  Maybe he will be a deterrent for all the squirrels we have!!

One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking of you ...  Ah yes, one day ... and, this day is special.  It's special because I woke up without pain; I had a great conversation with Michael about an interesting topic; the word of God refreshed me; I am able to wash my own clothes, dry them and make the beds; I am able to walk among the flowers in my garden and smile at their beauty; I have friends and family who I love and who love me back; and, I could go on and on filling pages.  Now, those are my blessings in an ordinary day.  Add something extra special ... like my grandsons' baseball/t-ball games on Saturday and I am on overload!!

Let me leave you today with this thought from John 1:5, "And the light shineth in darkness; and, the darkness comprehended it not."

Is your light shining today so that other's may see it?  Are you such a porcupine that other's can't get close to you?  Do you look at other's faults without seeing your own?  Are you joyful, thanking God for the blessings of each new day?  Something to think about!

Always remember that I am loving and praying for you ... YA YOU!!

Mr. Scarecrow says,
"Happy Fall Ya'll!"

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard that song in so long. Tell Michael's mom that I like her taste in music.

    I remember memorizing parts of the Bible to meet the requirements to be confirmed. I know I didn't get much out of the process, yet am glad that I have that in my back pocket for reference. The non-denominational churches of today focus more on life lessons than memorizing. I think a middle ground would be nice.

    Thank you for sharing about our heritage; it is enlightening. I always enjoy learning about them-the good, the bad, and the ugly. (lol)

