Friday, October 28, 2011

Sleepy Friday

Take me out to the ballpark!!

Good Morning, Readers!  (Yawn)  Anyone watch the World Series game last night?  I had parked myself on the couch, popcorn popped, Diet Coke in hand ready for a game of baseball between the Texas Rangers and the St. Louis Cardinals ... 6:30pm.  Hours later, I was still on the couch eyes glued to the tube.  Talk about getting cardio exercise!  My heart rate went up and down like a yoyo and I would cover my head with my blanket when I thought I couldn't bear to watch ... didn't work, I peeked out from under a corner just in time to see the Cardinals win the game.  Arghhhh...  Same time, same place tonight ... I'm either a glutton for punishment or a die hard fan ... I'll choose to be the latter!!

Toby and I made the trip to North Texas without incident.  I had my yearly physical yesterday ... EKG ok ... tetanus/whooping cough booster and flu shot done ... bp perfect ... will wait on pap, blood work and urinalysis results.  I've been seeing Dr. Khoury since she got out of medical school and just love her.  She always makes me feel so good about myself and about life in general.  I am fortunate, she will take me on as a Medicare patient and will research Medicare doctors for me.  Yeah!!

Michael and I met and had lunch at El Fenix yesterday to celebrate my good health.  Oh my gosh, their fajita nachos are to die for ... well, almost!  We munched over the shared plate and tried to put a plan of action for the next couple months on paper.  After being laid off, he has not found a job and with two house payments, we are finding (along with gillions of other Americans) ways to cut costs.  With the holidays around the corner (gulp), we will be faced with a different scenario than in years past.  We are givers and it's tough not being able to give as freely.  We wonder ... will our families understand?  How about our grandchildren?  Will they understand?  I know there are other readers out there going through those same thoughts.  I have no answers...

My reading in the Bible, book of John, continues and I am in hog heaven!!  Today, I read John 13-17 ... Sermons from the Son of God.  I thoroughly enjoy the devotional and educational notes in the Daily Walk Bible as well as the written word of God.  I read the chapters designated then read the devotional part which gets me thinking about what I've read and how that applies to my own life.  Yes, I said my own life NOT the lives of others!!  "...Wash each other's feet."~~John 13:14 " each other just as much as I love you."~~John 13:34    "I am leaving you with a gift -- peace of mind and heart."~~John 14:27.  "...don't be troubled or afraid."~~John 14:28  "I demand that you love each other, for you get enough hate from the world."~~John 15:17-18  "...So since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you..."~~John 15:20  "...Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and your cup of joy will overflow."~~John 16:24

I am one that believes that EVERYTHING is Father filtered and happens for a reason.  The book of Job is a perfect example.  I look back over my life and realize that with every valley I learned something valuable and grew closer to God.  No one could fill the voids in my life or ease my sorrows.  I am who I am probably more because of my valleys than the peaks in my life.  Walking through the valleys, I grew in strength, courage and wisdom.  Walking atop the peaks gave me joy, gratitude and well being.  There is nothing that takes the place of the years of living life.  Nothing...  It is a shame that our young people don't value the wisdom of the family elders so much these days.  Then again, I think each generation goes through the same trials and tribulations of the one before in order to learn themselves.  Hmmm, I am happy to be where I am.  Believe me, each day is a gift and an adventure!!

I just finished the book, THE BEST OF ME written by Nicholas Sparks.  I am a romantic softy so I enjoyed each twist and turn of the story.  I'm sure it will make a great movie.  Never under estimate the deepness of love felt and experienced by the human heart.  It's more than a few dozen roses or gifts of diamonds, it's a kind of love felt in the rawness of life only seeking to give and want the best for another.  Ah, yes, I am a sentimental lady who loves with my whole being cherishing each relationship hoping they will last forever.  Some come into my life for only a season but in that season I am touched forever by their presence.

Tonight, the Rangers will give their best to win the World Series.  May God bless and keep them safe, confident and elevate their abilities to match no other baseball team.  As for me, I will be sitting front and center ... popcorn and Diet Coke in hand!

Hope your Friday is a great one and that your weekend will be filled with family, friends, and the joy of living with the gusto of a charging locomotive!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Even the grocery stores are in the Fall spirit!!
Central Market
McKinney, TX


1 comment:

  1. Reminding us to love one another seems so basic and simple, yet needed. I know that my family often times treats perfect strangers better than each other. To love someone in actions and words takes conscience effort. Especially, if you have been married 10+ years (and if you have a teenager). Thanks for the gentle nudge. :0)

