Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blog on a Saturday morning!

Count your blessings...

Come on in to my world ... as you can tell from the song, I had one of those "no sleep" nights and this was the song that kept coming into my head.  I counted sheep ... I counted blessings ... I prayed ... nothing seemed to do the trick.  Besides that, I couldn't move my hands, arms or legs without pain.   I know that some of you, my Readers, face those nights as well.  The good news is that when I woke up, I still felt sore but am mobile and am looking forward to a great day!!

I probably overdid it with all my raking and carrying of basket loads of leaves to the garden by the house this past week.  I so enjoy being outdoors and the air was so fresh and invigorating.  Do you ever just get lost in what you are doing?  Guess that's what happened to me.  I took my coffee (compliments of hubby Michael) out to the garden this morning and the fallen leaves looked so pretty as they wrapped around my flowers and shrubs.  Nature has such a way of offering beauty to feast my eyes upon.

About 55 years ago, Dad S planted an American Elm tree in the backyard ... you can imagine how big this tree is now.  It has been limping along the past couple years shedding huge branches and is becoming a safety hazard.  We had two landscapers give us different views on how to deal with the tree and we finally called in an arborist.  Seth was a bright young man ... very patient  ... answered all our questions and gave us three options in dealing with Mr. Big Tree.  Good grief (!) it costs a lot to have a huge tree taken out or to have it pruned.  We've decided to go with Option Three and have it pruned and fertilized hoping and praying that it will last it's normal lifespan of sixty-five years!  Michael is sentimentally attached to the tree and, I must admit, it is a formidable addition to the landscape.  We laugh, the little casa, has become a bit of a money pit!!

Yesterday was a day chock full of blessings.  I felt so full of joy, I could hardly contain myself.  Everywhere Michael and I went, God blessed us.  We got front row parking at each store we needed to go to PLUS the bargains were amazing.  Michael was unemployed as of June 20 and since I am retired, money has been something that has gotten really tight.  We have had to cut back in every area of our spending and use our noggins to become more creative (like using leaves rather than buying mulch). 

Anyway, last Spring, we purchased an outdoor wicker dining set for the patio.  After much prayer and consideration, we returned the set knowing that our money needed to go elsewhere.  We were able to gift another couple to help them through a tough time.  Now, here's the blessing:  yesterday, we dropped in at Pier One to window shop.  We happened by the clearance section and there was a sign - 30% off lowest marked price.  There were the four chairs we had purchased ... they had been marked down to a ridiculous amount plus we would get another huge discount on top of that.  We talked to Mary, the store manager, and asked about the table that matched the chairs.  No table.  Michael got on his new phone and located a table at the Pier One in Mesquite, TX.  The store managers got on the phone and agreed that we could purchase the table at the store in Waco and get the sale price plus the extra discount.  We would not have to drive to Mesquite to pick it up ... it would be delivered to Waco saving us more time and expense.  Between, the deep discounts and the work of the two managers, we were able to purchase the same dining set we had returned at less than 50% off.  Now that's the Lord at work!!  I hugged Mary and told her that she had made my day!!  Michael and I high-fived each other on the way home with two of our chairs in the back seat.  Today, we will pick up the other two then in a couple of weeks we can eat outside!!  Yea!!

Why am I telling you this story?  Because sometimes we have to postpone what we want in order to do what is right and what God wants us to do.  I have found that when I am obedient to what God is asking of me, the reward is always so sweet and joy filled.  I never expected to be able to own the wicker patio dining set.  Now, it will grace my patio and I will remember it's story.

The Lord always prepares us for what is ahead.  My daughter, Jane, participated in a run last February.  A man running beside her had a heart attack and she joined a cardiologist in saving the man's life.  This past week, she was at work, and a man collapsed with the same symptoms.  While many employees were paralyzed with fright, she stepped in taking charge of the situation.  Afterwards, she told me, "Mom, God prepared me eight months ago for what happened today.  Without learning from the cardiologist, I wouldn't have been able to be as effective."  God is good!!

It is my hope that you, my precious Readers, will have an absolutely wonderful Fall day ... don't forget ... you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Tidbit for today:  "God wants you to serve Him on His terms, not yours.  He wants you to leave the 'why's' ... and the 'whens' ... and the 'wherefores' to Him and concentrate instead on the role of being restfully dependent and instantly obedient!  Are you willing to do that today?  Then carry this thought with you.  'I try ... I fail, I trust ... He succeeds ... through me!'"~~Daily Walk Bible



1 comment:

  1. Delayed gratification is a hard lesson to learn. Yet, your story exemplifies the reward. Hind sight is 20/20 and I am amazed at how God prepares us for future events. Often times the preparation involves struggles and heartache, yet God can see the ends justify the means. He knows what he is doing, even when it isn't visible.

