Friday, October 7, 2011

The Bucket List

The Bucket List ... Trailer

“Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” ~ William Ross

Grandma "."
Nicholas & Zachary
Good Afternoon, Readers.  What a gorgeous Fall day in North Texas.  I decided to give myself a manicure outside this morning.  My polish dried in a jiffy with the wind gusting around me.  I almost ran back inside to get a sweatshirt it was so chilly. Ahhh, what a great way to start my day!  Nails done (in beautiful Plum Night I might add), I can do my Bible reading and do my blog while they dry...  I am a multi-tasker!!

Best gal pals in crime...
Pam & Elaine
Lately, I have heard so much about the Bucket List.  I hadn't seen the movie (that's now on my own Bucket List) but when I was in Minnesota, my friends Elaine and Pam shared theirs with me.  As usual, I need to mull things around in my mind before deciding whether or not "something" is for me.  Ultimately, I decided that I really did need to do one.  I've always had goals and aspirations and loved making lists.  There's just something about checking off my to-do's that makes the doing rewarding.

Ready, set, get in the car & drive!!
When I developed fibromyalgia and had multiple surgeries, it became easy to lay around waiting for my body to heal.  After laying on my back for six weeks after 360 back surgery, I thought, "This is for the birds..."  It has been one of my goals to do what the doctor prescribed so that healing could come quicker.  At my last visit with my Rheumatologist, Dr. Brodsky said that I was doing well, not great, but well.  He was amazed at how I drove to Minnesota and did as much as I did.  I wasn't surprised, I was a lady on a mission and my mission, although not on a Bucket List, was just that ... something I wanted to do sooner rather than later.  

Time with granddaughters?
At times in my life, I have felt like my days pass me by without any tangible output.  Having a Bucket List reminds me of what's really important so that I can become a doer not just a thinker.  My Bucket List was a wake up call ... all the things I wanted to experience and accomplish whether big, small or random.  My Bucket List gives me hope for what lays ahead and I move past what was in my yesterdays.  I want to leave something of myself on this earth that down the road my great great great grandchildren would know me, the REAL me.

This will be my resting place like
those of my family whohave
gone before me... 
One thing I've realized is that a Bucket List doesn't have to be logical ... it just needs to come from my inner core.  It's okay to dream and conceptualize ... As I made my list, I realized that so many of the things that I wanted to do had come true ... prayers answered.  If I knew my death was coming tomorrow what would I do with my today?  I started there then worked out to one month, one year, five years, ten years...  I also asked myself the question, "What would you do with unlimited time, money, resources?"   I was surprised at that one because it made me think even more deeply.  Would I spend my resources on myself or would I make a difference in other people's lives and in the world I reside in?  As a giver, I take such enjoyment in seeing someone's eye's light up when I do something special for them.  Funny, gifts are not my love language but I love gifting others in the areas that are important to them.

Grandpa at the check out line...
"I'll take this little guy!!"
 As a grandmother, it has been so special to spend time with my grandchildren.  Oh yes, we make trips down the aisles of the toy stores but there is also a learning experience, a sharing and an adventure that goes along with our trips.  As my granddaughter reached her teenaged years, it was special to lay on the bed, each of us staring at the ceiling, talking from our hearts.  I want to know my grandchildren, what makes each of them tick, then encourage them on their own journeys of life.  I have no ulterior motives just giving them a part of my heart.

I am fortunate ... my inner liveliness wants to live life with the gusto of a locomotive.  Why cry in a closet when there are opportunities to feel healing and be heard.  Self does matter in life so does selflessness.  Some things that are on my Bucket List are meant to be checked off many times.  As a Christian, the biggest question I have asked of myself is, "What is God's purpose for my being here?"  I truly believe that in fulfilling that I will have discovered the serenity that comes when transcend from this world to Heaven.

I declare this make a Bucket List day.  Let yourself go ... just write what comes to mind.  You might be surprised at what is really important to you!  As I sign off, I make a check mark on my own Bucket List ... prayers and love go out to you, my Readers .. Who?  YA YOU!!

PS And, for you, Lynda, Elaine, Pat and Pam who are fulfilling their dream to visit New England in the Fall, I am with you in spirit.  Have a wonderful day today!! 


1 comment:

  1. What an inspiring blog. I loved the trailer to the movie. Jack Nicholson is a hoot and, of course, gotta love Morgan Freeman. I had never heard of a 'bucket list' until lately. I love the idea and plan on working on MY bucket list. I have done so much, yet there are so many more adventures that I'd like to experience. Thanks for the gentle and loving's to bucket lists and check marks!
