Friday, October 14, 2011

Happiness is a choice...ya think?

 Who made this mess?

Thought I would start out my blog with a giggle video today.  I could relate ... usually the one making the mess at my home is Toby.  All I have to do is ask him, "Did you do this" and he hangs his head in shame and heads for under the bed.  Anyway, it's a beautiful Friday in North Central Texas!  It's been so nice to go outside and read my Bible and work on my study of John.  The back yard at the little casa looks like a wasteland but I have my pretty chairs to sit on and am able to get into my own little world.

Friday has been my favorite day of the week for years going back to when I was a kid.  This past weekend, I read Joel Osteen's new book, EVERY DAY A FRIDAY: HOW TO BE HAPPIER 7  DAYS A WEEK.   Anytime anyone can help me extend my Friday enthusiasm, I'm ready to listen.  Are people really happier on Fridays?  I don't know about you but I would certainly say yes.  I would also say that just as many have the Monday morning blues.  Are we so stressed during the week that our weekends mean that much?  In the time that I worked outside the home and was raising children, weekdays were hectic at best.  Saturday was cleaning day but with my two neatnik children, that didn't take long leaving us plenty of time to play.  Retirement has brought forth a different way of life but I still like my Fridays!  Personal thing, I guess...

I enjoy watching Joel Osteen on TV (the pastor with the smile) and reading his books.  My daughter, Jane is reading the same book so we are critiquing it.  She used to listen to his Podcasts and enjoyed them.  I am grateful that we both have Christ at the forefront of our lives and share a love of reading.  It's fun to share a book or event from my prospective then listen to hers.  We're both very open with one another and willing to grow and learn from others and each other.

It is true, the people around us and our situations can certainly influence us; yet, ultimately our choices and how we live our lives is up to us.  When I was in counseling, it was important for me to take out old tapes and put in new ones ... tapes built on the word of the Lord and truth.  By being very aware of the thoughts I dwelt upon, my days became better and better.  One day at work, I gave one of my (Christian) co-workers a compliment.  She looked at me with a smile and said, "Thank you, I will accept that!"  I asked her why she said that and she said, "Because, I take every word captive and decide whether or not to accept it."  She left me with a good lesson.  I choose what I will and won't accept.

No matter how much I have tried, I have found that I can't change other people.  Only God can do that.  Joel Osteen says in his book, "If somebody wants to be a weed, no matter what you do, they will be a weed.  Spending all your time and energy trying to change them will keep you from blooming."  I totally agree, I just want to be the biggest bloomer amongst those blasted weeds.  Makes me smile and think of when people would ask me about how my garden was growing.  I would say, "With Silver Bells and Cockleshells and one damn weed."  I've talked about this before in my blogs ... bloom where you are planted (even if it's amongst the weeds!)!

Did you know that 25% of the people you meet will not like you; the next 25% won't like you but could be persuaded to; 25% will like you but could be persuaded not to; the final 25% will like you and stand by you no matter what.  That being said, I've stopped wasting my time and energy trying to be a people pleaser.  I'm a God pleaser instead!  Less frustration ... I have way more energy to spend time with those who really want to be a part of my life.  I guess I am the eternal optimist!!

What do you do when you are surrounded by people who are down in the pits, unhappy, angry, vengeful and enjoy swimming in negativism?  I can only tell you how I live my life.  I limit my time with negative people while staying polite and respectful.  I also know that I need to be filled with people who are upbeat and forward thinking.  I read my Bible, do a Bible study whether in a group or self, pray, journal, blog, guard my quiet time religiously, read uplifting books, laugh, and, in general, make sure that I am being filled with the right things -- most of all, I count my blessings and smile!  I can tell when I am losing steam -- my own "self" gets out of sorts and I get cranky.  It's then that I need to give myself a good talking to and get back on track.  It's up to me to do that no one else!

Each day, I have a few more tools to put in my personal tool box and have become a better person.  I think that's all God expects of us ... growth!  I have lived on that treadmill of guilt and shame where I was constantly working and struggling and wondering why I never got anywhere.  Now, I look back and think, "What took me so long to figure this out?"  I can't answer that except to say that God's timing is not my timing. I learned to forgive self and others then move on towards reconciliation ... or not.  I had to let "it all" go.  God knows my heart and that's all that matters!

I would love to say that all my days are upbeat Fridays but I would be lying.  I am human and thus am prone to ups and downs like everyone else.  I will say this though ... most of my days are pretty darn good!!      

There have been so many people who have been instrumental in making my life what it is today.  This new thing called Facebook has been a great way of connecting.  Pastor George at Grace Community Church had a short video on his sermon to be given last Sunday.  Just seeing his face and hearing his voice brought back warm memories.  Go God ... go PG!!  I have a tendency to invest heavily in my relationships whether family or friends.  I care about what happens in their lives and I fret when I am the cause of making them sad.  As the Lord Jesus says, "...forgive that you may be forgiven..."  I like to keep my slates clean.  One thing I am beginning to see is that people often plant seeds in our lives (just like we plant seeds in others lives) that grow and flourish years later.  That gives me hope!

I pray that you are having the best Friday ever and that your weekend will be one filled with activity with loved ones.  As for me, I am locked in at the little casa ... the lip to the driveway has been put in but there is a drop off to the street.  Good weekend for reading and walking across the street to visit my friend.  Soon we will have a new street and all the inconvenience will be worth it.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... Happy Fall Ya'll!!

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying Joel's book. I love the flower amongst the weeds. I can picture this gorgeous bright red and pink flower that is practically glowing even though it is surrounded by weeds. It gave me such hope. I want to be that flower. Glowing and giving off light and love. I also liked his view of our purpose. Sometimes we are put in someone's life for THEIR benefit. Perhaps, I am meant to be an example. Thank you for recommending the book. It has definitely given me a different perspective at a monumental time in my life. Who knows....may have kept me at my job.

    Talk with you soon,
