Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Family That Communicates...

This song sung in 1949 by Doris Day got me going this morning!

Don't have any Bluebirds but lots of
beautiful Red Cardinals!

Good Morning, Readers!  The sun is out, the air crisp and chilly, and it's a great day to be alive and tapping my toes to the music of life!  Let's change our morning up a little and have a steaming hot cup of cocoa, some of my sweet blueberry bread I baked yesterday, and let's sit on the sofa and have a little gab session!

Yesterday, Sadie scared me to death.  Late in the morning, she began to limp -- by evening, she wouldn't put any weight on her front right leg and was quite listless.  I sat with her checking her paw for any signs of stickers -- the only thing I did find was one toe nail that needed some clipping but it wasn't bad enough to cause her to stay off her leg.  I lifted her up on the bed for the night and we drifted off to sleep.  Yea!  This morning she is full of pep and vinegar!  I always worry about snakes and fire ants as she is definitely a hunter.  Who knows what happened but thank God she is back to her wiry self!

We got an offer on our house in North Texas yesterday afternoon.  We'd had many showings last week so it wasn't totally unexpected.  I don't know about you but when those offers come, negotiating skills have to be sharpened up.  We are so blessed to have children with whom we can truly talk.  Their input is invaluable to us.  I had asked for prayer as we walked through the offer at hand. I think the good Lord expects us to do something ourselves as well and we did.  Together as a family, we weighed options and put in a counter offer that we were at peace with.

I must say, my family has come a long way the past few years in learning to communicate in a healthy way.  We all have differing opinions and slants on things and rarely totally agree.  However, we all have opinions that are valued and taken into consideration.  What is our secret?  We truly love one another and want the best for our families as a whole.  As with all decisions, there has to be a spokesman who gathers all the information and makes the final say so.  That spokesman is the head of each family unit -- Michael, Tim, and Tommy.  Interestingly enough, these men have three strong women who walk alongside them with definite views on the way things should be as well.  Makes for some healthy logical and very illogical talks!!!

Have we always been this way?  Well, when I was a single mom, it was my view that children should have a say so in the general day to day operations of our lives.  We loved each other enough to be honest ... well, pretty honest.  Most teenagers go through a rebellious streak thinking that mom doesn't know a whole lot and mine were no different.  Yet, when hearts got broken, they were never too big to sit on mom's lap for a good cry saying, "Life's not fair."  I love my children (and now my grandchildren) enough to let them go and experience life.  I gave them a foundation in knowing Jesus Christ as their savior and loved them no matter what.  Oh goodness, there were many times when I had to bite my lip and suffered a hurt heart.  You know, though, I think that's pretty much normal with moms!

My family is special because we are truly joined by for better or worse.  When we have joy, we share it.  When our hearts hurt we make those calls to say, "I just need a listening ear."  When faced with big decisions, we know we can count on good, sage advice.  We accept one another as we are encouraging each other to stretch and grow.  We also talk about the tough stuff ... the warnings of you're off track ... better think about what you're doing and saying ...  We don't stick our heads in the sand just hoping things will go away.

When I taught classes for battered women, I used to have one woman stand in the middle of the room.  I asked other women to push (gently) on her.  What happened?  Ultimately, she would fall down and (in real life) would get hurt.  Then, I asked some women to gather around her closely telling the woman in the center to try fall down.  She couldn't!  The moral of the story?  Surround yourself with good people ... people who love you enough to tell you the truth and support you.  Want to know who your real friends are?  They're the ones who love you in good times and the not so good times allowing you to make the decisions on how to live your own life.

I have some friends who I know surround me with wisdom and love.  I also know that my family surrounds me with wisdom and love.  I am blessed beyond blessed.  And, to think it all started when I began to walk in the light ... as my daughter says, "the bright light."   It's been quite a journey that continues as I type right now.

As you begin your day, I pray that you will gather your family together and let them know that you are one ... for better or worse.  Allow each member to walk in the light and be real ... listen more than you talk and love more than you criticize.  Set healthy boundaries and move forward.  You won't regret it.

I always have my hand out for those who want to walk this path of life with me.  I have takers as well as those who reject my peace offerings.  As Scott Peck said, "Life's not fair."  Once we accept that, we can get on with the pleasure of the day!!

Until we meet again, I am lifting my mug to you letting you know that you are love and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

August 19, 2003
Michael & Dottie
A New Family Begins
Where?  At the little casa!!
Yep, we were married here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mom~I am very grateful for our relationship and the open communication. I look forward to our daily (or every other day) chats. It's like free counseling- he!he!

    I love the 'game' you did with your battered women. is so true! We have to let the good people around us close. Sometimes it is easy to give the squeaky wheel attention when we should actually cherish the relationships that are grounded in goodness.

    Enjoy your day & talk with you soon!
