Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Late night thoughts

12:05 am, January 25, 2012

Yawn ... it's the midnight hour and I am still awake.  I should be really tired but I'm not ... maybe too much caffeine today??  I'm propped up in bed, checking emails, reading my Daily Walk Bible, and figured I would start a blog...  I'm sure I will be one tired lady come morning!

It's raining cats and dogs ... I stood out on the porch for a little while ago and watched the sprinkles turn to wind driven rain drops.  I'm glad that I finished all my outdoor chores today.  I wanted my gardens in ship shape so that the new owner wouldn't have to be outside pruning while they were trying to get settled inside.  To be totally honest, maybe I just wanted to spend one more time of tending before I passed the baton.

We got the inspection report on the house.  We were asked to fix the gate on the fence and unclog a slow moving bathtub drain.  Michael is handling the fence and I tackled the tub.  My son in law, Tim, recommended a tool called Zip-It.  I went over to Home Depot and got one (weird little gizmo!).  I also got some hair and grease drain cleaner just in case.  I had to take the plug apart so I could get the Zip-It into the drain.  Yuk!  Sure pulled up some nasty looking stuff.  It still didn't drain much faster so I used the Instant Power Hair and Grease Drain Cleaner.  I used half the bottle and it worked pretty good.   I poured the rest of the bottle in and am leaving it in overnight as suggested.  Hope it does the trick so I don't have to call a plumber!  I just love doing all these little home fixit projects.

One time I put Draino down the garbage disposal (at a different house) and it literally blew out the pipes under the sink.   What a mess I had.  I've always had my own tool box so I grabbed that I started the clean-up.  I was upset that I did such a stupid thing but proud that I managed to clean up the mess all over the floor as well as get the pipes back together.  Where there's a will there's a way!!  Handywoman Dottie to the rescue!!

Don't you just love the tick tock of a clock?  We have clocks all over the house, all with different chimes, dings, and dongs!  It's soothing for sure!  I find myself getting distracted and just listening ... my mind wandering here and there.

Memories of a Fall Day
 I was thinking about my day ... on Monday, I had pruned bushes so my goal today (since it's after midnight, I should say yesterday!) was to pick up twigs, leaves, and rake the back yard.  I figured since I was in the back, I would clean the wicker patio furniture and the patio.  Done!!  I cleaned and filled the fountain and stood looking over my gardens ... every stone, every tree, every bush, every flower, planted and placed by moi.  I smiled and knew how God must have felt when He looked at His own creation.  I've not lived in a home where I got to see my gardens mature and felt grateful to have spent more than a couple years here.

Come on in!
 After I finished outside, I moved inside washing windows, cleaning blinds/baseboards, mopping and vacuuming floors, and sanitizing the bathrooms.  As I moved from room to room, I took some time to remember the parties, the holidays, and gatherings with friends and family.  I am a homemaker and whether I worked outside the home or not, my nesting instincts took center stage.  I wanted my home to reflect the warmth and love that I felt for my family.  I don't live in a "no touch" home ... I live in a put your feet up and stay awhile place!

I am sure that others have or are feeling the feelings that I am.  My saving grace and final peace will come from gratitude.  Gratitude for having the opportunity to stay awhile myself ... gratitude for the time spent with family and friends while they are still around ... gratitude for having lived in different places long enough to learn the culture and make friends ... gratitude for being sixty-five and able to be active.

Wow!  The rain is really beating against the windows.  Should I be afraid?  Think I will go take a look outside and see what's happening.  (Pause)  I'm back ... it's kind of eerie and dark and I think the rain sounds worse than it really is.  In fact, I  am being lulled to sleep by the rhythm of the storm.  I have shelter, my bed is cozy, and I am safe.

G'night everyone ... sweet dreams.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!  Absolutely and positively...

1 comment:

  1. I know that feeling...Experiencing one of the last times you will be in a house. Taking in the unique events that occurred there--the smells and sounds--not an easy thing to let go. I am impressed with your hard work! Most people let out a sigh of relief when the house sells and wipe their hands of any additional work. You have such pride of ownership- he! he! I love it!!

    Get some rest-
