Monday, January 2, 2012

Gotta love that Scottie Sadie!

Happy January 2, 2012, Readers!  Don't you just love the ring of that sound?!  Maybe we can start out the day with a little rap song ... One, two, two-o-one two, the year's a startin' so be good to you too!  I know, I know, don't give up my day job!

I go to sleep listening to Sadie snore and wake when she sits up and gives me that very vocal yawwwwnnnn and nudge.  Today was no different.  I opened one eye then the other looking into the face of a very impatient Scottie.  I asked her if she had to go outside and she stood up on her back legs, raring back with the most exuberant bark (she is very loud)!  Her short little legs slip on the wood floors so I lifted her down off the bed.  Her feet were already going a mile a minute when they hit the floor and we raced to the back door.  In a matter of a few seconds she was off to check out her domain.  Sadie is the head dog at our home and she does rule the roost in a very gentle way allowing Toby (our Yorkipoo) to think he's in charge.  What a comedy those two are.

Those squirrels sure are
up high in the tree!
Sadie was my first anniversary gift in 2004.  I'd never had a Scottish Terrier before; however, one trip to meet Sadie's Mom and Dad and her brothers and sisters and I was hooked.  She was a strange looking little girl ... all ears!  I wondered if she would ever really get to resemble the Scotties I saw in books and at the dog shows.  The breeder assured me she would although she probably would be a bit bigger than a show Scottie.  She grew into her ears and has become quite a prissy beautiful lady if I don't say so myself.

Do I have to wear this coat
to Dickens on the Square?
Despite her appetite for the finer things in life, Sadie has never been accused of being a lap dog. Known to be opinionated, aloof and even stubborn on occasion, I just can't resist her regal canine style.  She looks fabulous in red; however, her favorite color is pink ... it's always amazed me how she can sort out the dog toys according to color and grab her favorites ... always pink.  She does have a purple coat trimmed in white fur to wear when winter weather really gets beyond cold...  For some reason, Scotties aren't one of the most popular breeds of today; therefore, wherever she goes, she attracts a lot of attention.  Often times people wonder if she's a black Westie.  Sadie could care less what they think she is as long as they ooh and aah over her and pet her gently.

Come on ... I'm ready!
With her remarkable nose for seeking out comfort, the sophisticated Miss Sadie keeps us entertained.  She prefers her blankets to be soft and her dishes made of glass.  She is a dainty eater and savors her food vs her canine friend, Toby, who wolfs his down in a few seconds flat.  Her groomers love her calling her a sweetheart and a princess.  Sadie loves lookin' good and oh my how she struts her stuff after a visit for her oatmeal bath and oil conditioner.  Her black hair glistens!  I'm afraid as much as Sadie is prissy and sophisticated, she is also a hunter and loves to dig.  She has brought in squirrels, birds, mice, rats and laid them at my feet.  She has rolled in mud puddles until she is caked ... ah yes ... life with Sadie is never dull.  I'm sure glad that the Lord created pets.  Sometimes, it's just nice to watch Sadie play or rest.  At other times, I welcome her to sit beside me or at my feet.  Somehow, she just knows when I am sick or just a little blue ... I couldn't ask for a sweeter companion!

Speaking of the Lord and creation, I have been reading in Genesis.  A week or so ago, I was watching a program on the History Channel on TV about the combination of man/beast drawings in Biblical times.  I listened with great interest wondering if these creatures really existed.  Today, I was reading Genesis 6 ... "Now a population explosion took place upon the earth.  It was at this time that beings from the spirit world looked upon the beautiful earth women and took any they desired to be their wives ... In those days, and even afterwards, when the evil beings from the spirit world were sexually involved with human women, their children became giants, of whom so many legends are told."  Don't believe me?  Go read it for yourself.

There are other things jumping out from the pages at me and I am thinking, "Good grief, I've been reading this for many many years why haven't I seen this before?"  Maybe because the Lord speaks to us through other avenues ... people, radio, TV, the Internet.  Then, as we read the Bible we know yes this is what He is talking about or no, that story is probably fabricated.

The devotional today in my Bible was Psalm 139 ... I read it out loud and thought, "How appropriate for the first few days of 2012."  "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts.  Point out anything you find in me that makes you sad and lead me along the path of everlasting life."~~Psalm 139:23-24.  I want that ... I want to be better this year and only God can make those changes in my  heart.  It is true, the Lord has examined my heart and knows everything about me (Ps 139:1).  He charts the path ahead of me and tells me where to rest (Ps 139:3).  He saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life (Psalm 139:16).  (Sigh ... contentment...)

I rest in knowing that He is in control ... I just need to keep on growing in faith and doing what I need to WHICH INCLUDES PRAYING FOR AND LOVING YOU, my Readers!

Sadie and I wish you a wonderful New Year!
It's going to be a great one ... mark my words!!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of Sadie--she is a beautiful dog. Her personality reminds me of Cricket, my beloved Corgi (who I miss dearly). Not a day goes by that she doesn't pop in my head. Enjoy all your days with beautiful Sadie.

    I agree with you, regarding the Bible. As soon as you think you have heard all the stories and parables, God reveals something new. Even reading the bible from the point of view of a mother and wife is different than when I was in my 20's. So much wisdom is offered in the Proverbs--words to live by!

    Love ya- XXOO
