Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Time to Begin Anew...

Oh what a beautiful day!!
January 5, 2012

And a rousing good afternoon, Readers!  I hope that you are enjoying your day as much as I am.    We're having one of those perfect winter days in central Texas ... not too hot, not too cold.  I don't know why Fridays continue to be my favorite day because since I have retired (?) all the days should be Fridays...  Habit, I guess.

Come on!  I need my breakfast!!
As usual, the doggies got me up this morning ... I no longer need an alarm clock if I need to be up by 7 or 7:30am.  I slipped my feet into my new Scottie slippers and we all scampered to the back door.  My neighbor thinks I get my dogs too riled up by my "let's go outside and go pee pee!" but I'm a happy morning person and they are too.  I think of that song ... If you're happy and you know it clap your hands...  It doesn't say ... If you're happy and you know it shut your mouth.  Oh well ... let's just call me a happy exuberant soul and leave it at that.

The fragrance of gardenia fills the air!
 I made my daily trip to Walmart and got some great potpourri ... Gardenia.  They were stocking the shelves with new bags so I knew it was fresh.  Oh goodness, it smells so good.  A big bag was $4 ... enough to fill my bowls throughout the little casa.  Now, when I walk from room to room, it smells like a wonderful garden.  Ahhhh ... the beauty of the simple things of life.  I also got three new bushes for my garden at $3 each to replace those that died last summer.  Looks like I will be working outside today digging in the dirt.  Yea!!  I was looking for some dried flowers to make a wreath for the bathroom (to replace the Christmas wreath) but I think that a trip to Michael's would better suit my purposes there.  I just love having projects to do ... makes me feel like I am accomplishing something.

Family – For Better or Worse
Abraham & Isaac
My blog gives me purpose ... I guess it's my own form of a reality show in written form.  What you read and see is what you get.  I have been reading in Genesis about Abraham ... an imperfect, sinful, man of God.  Despite his faults, Abraham left a legacy of faith and obedience for his son, Isaac, and future generations.  God gives a realistic picture of Abraham and I like that.  If God used Abraham, why can't He use me (and, you too!)?  He can, you know.  Forget about what was and move forward to what is and what can be.  My blog allows me to be myself and share that self with you, my Readers.

Once upon a time, the tapes in my head, ran with faulty thinking.  I have to be ever so careful or the tapes come back stronger than ever and I have to be on guard instantly recognizing that I need to stop the tape.  One reason I write my blog is that it is an effective weapon against Satan.  I want to tell other people what Christ has done for me.  My life of secrets ended when I gave my testimony at a church in Plano to hundreds of listeners on a Sunday morning and, ever since then, I have inched my way forward.  FREEDOM!!  When you think about it, everyone who has received an answer to prayer has a testimony.   The purpose of my blog is to glorify God, encourage people and lead people to faith in Christ.  Amen!  Simple or as complicated as that.

Some years ago, I taught a class to women who were struggling in their marriages.  Who better to teach a class than someone who had "been there, done that."  I told my ladies to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) that they would be able to stand firm in their battles of life.  I do that verbally and visually each day (the sword, breastplate, belt of truth, shield of faith, shoes of the gospel of peace...).  How can I not be filled with joy and confidence knowing that the Lord Jesus has my back??

My life is led by someone and something bigger and better than me.  I speak through divine initiative using my fingers on the keyboard.  My life is an open book ... some of the pages I look at with shame and sorrow, others are filled with new life in a new day.  I am an instrument the Lord uses each day (if I give up my own control!).

I have been given the gift of discernment of spirits.  When I walk into a room, I can sense the spirits that have resided there.  God has used me as an intercessor and prayer warrior on the battlefield of life ... good vs evil.  In the mid to late 1990's, I asked the Lord to put me on His front lines.  Be careful what you pray for because, He did.  He girded me with a faith that was supernaturally strong.  I am just an ordinary lady living an ordinary life among ordinary people used by God to wrap my arms around my fellow man giving them hope.  That's not crazy, is it?

As we go through this day, let us remember to walk tall!  We all have choices ... we can either be defeated and sad OR we can be warriors claiming the victory of this day and those to come.  I'm not afraid to step out in faith, are you?

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!         


1 comment:

  1. We need you here in Florida guarding our home. You could let your intuition scan all of Madison's boyfriends. He!he! Consider yourself lucky to have the gift. I'll have to take you house shopping if we ever move.

    I'm impressed that you are getting ready for spring. Gosh, I'm still reeling from Christmas. But, I can feel the energy coming back. Just needed to give my body a day or two to re-coop from the weekend of cleaning, decorating, and organizing.

    Thanks for a great blog!
