Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 14, 2012

Good Morning ... it's a great winter day here in Central Texas.  Good grief, the birds were really yakking up a storm this morning.  I think they were upset because the wind blew over their birdbath and they were having to try swish their feathers in a puddle near their feeding station.  I'd best get their comfort zones back in working order this morning!

I took my blanket outside with me yesterday and sat in the sunshine for awhile.  I closed my eyes and drank in every bit of sunshine I could.  It felt sooo good.  I was thinking about the time when I could move my patio furniture from the house in North Texas down here.  Since I spend so much time here, I miss being able to curl up on the settee and read.  I'm not a cold weather person so I'm looking forward to some warmer days.  I was considering heading out to Florida again just to get warm!

A couple days ago, I had a note from the real estate agent who showed me the little turn of the century house in Minnesota.  The couple who was going to purchase the house couldn't get financing and their deal fell through.  Oh, I would just love to purchase that little gem!  I keep looking at it and drooling.  I guess someone else would say, "Dottie, that's just an old house void of modern amenities and a screwed up floor plan."  I see history ... I see warmth ... I see my roots ... I see possibilities ... I see being able to meet with friends there.  I see a diamond on the rough waiting for my magic wand to make it an exciting place for my family to vacation and me to write more Hamilton Elf books.

Speaking of houses, I mentioned that our home in North Texas had an offer presented.  It wasn't a bad offer ... just not a good one for us ... one that needed some tweaking.  Our real estate agent was in a meeting Thursday so communication has been, well, quite lacking.  I am trying very hard to be understanding while realizing that this is a business deal and if we don't look out for ourselves, _____________.  You go ahead and fill in the blank.  The good news is that showings are coming fast and furious.

Michael has been continuing his job search.  The economy and availability of new jobs has been increasing which is good.  I worked on my resume' and would like to find something that is totally fun to do part time.  Problem is, what I love to do is write, teach, garden, cook, bake, read, do floral arrangements, read, and love on my family.  Guess I was born one generation too late!  Or, just call me a traditional lady with a touch of spunk and spice!!  It will be nice though when Michael finds something he enjoys as we need some grass in the backyard this Spring!!

My Fibromyalgia has raised it's ugly head after my leg and toe incidents.  Anytime my body needs some oomph to heal, I get the spasms of pain from head to toe -- this time my skin feels like I have a bad sunburn and it hurts to touch it or wear clothes.  Yesterday, I cleaned up the little casa then had a total rest day.  I filled the tub with lots of hot water and bubbles and soaked til I looked like a prune!  I found some good smelling body lotion and kneaded it in to my wrinkled flesh.  Ahhh, I just love the scent of Tuberose!  I fixed myself some hot cocoa and noshed on popcorn while watching an oooollllddd movie.  I read my Bible study for the day and settled in and read another chapter of 11/22/63.  I changed the sheets on the bed ... I just love crawling into a bed with fresh, crisply ironed sheets!  (I know, I know, I'm weird!)  I fixed myself some chicken soup, poured it in a big cup and sipped away.  When Fibromyalgia hits, it's time to stop (!) and fill my soul with warmth.  It's not selfish to take good care of moi.  I listened to my CD of Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. and drifted into a wonderful sleep refreshing my tired muscles and bones.  I woke to a few wet Toby Mommy kisses letting me know that it was time to fill a couple of bowls with kibble!  Toby is NOT shy about letting me know when his tummy is rumbling!  I did crawl into bed last night feeling much much more relaxed with less pain.  Did you notice all the "I's" in this paragraph ... I put them there on purpose, I had a totally selfish day from start to finish!!

Beverly and I are headed to Burleson in a little while.  I always feel better when I get out and move around rather than think about my aches and pains.  Burleson has quite a few stores that Waco doesn't have which makes looking fun.  Maybe we can find a few antique stores to check out!

Didn't forget my Bible reading this morning ... Joseph has now told his brothers who sold him that he is their brother.  His father has been brought to Egypt and the family has been reconciled.  What joy Jacob must have felt to have his lost son returned to him.  What joy the brothers must have felt knowing that the brother they so shamefully treated showed mercy in a time when he could have put them in prison or worse, done away with them.  Good stuff!  I used to love Biblical stories told on flannel boards when I was in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.  I wonder if teachers still use those??  They should if they don't...  I am on to Exodus tomorrow!

It has been quite cold here in Central Texas this Winter.  Toby and Sadie don't like laying on the cold wood floors so I have been laying folded blankets on the floor in each room for them.  They follow me from room to room during the day so it gives them a place to nest while I am writing or working or just watching TV.  I love watching them ... they give me such peace!  I got a new toy for Toby and he is protecting it from Sadie (she kills his toys in a few seconds flat!).

My doorbell is ringing and I hear some tap, tap, taps...  It's time to sign off, wish you love, and go out into the world and play!  Oh ... a quick one before I head out ... Did you know that STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS????  Guess it's all in how you look at life that determines the quality of your day...  Have a good one!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to read that you are spoiling yourself for a day. You are actually blessing those around you because you'll be able to give the best version of yourself when you feel good.

    I pray the right family and/or person buys your house. I am sure it is frustrating to have a fish on the line and then ......days of no news. As you said, the economy is turning around, so anyone house-hunting should realize they are hitting the sweet spot.

    Well- I am off to start the evening routine. Have a good one & talk w/ you soon~
