Saturday, January 28, 2012

A January Morning...

January 28, 2012

Good Morning!  It is REALLY cold here this morning and I had to crank the heat up a notch.  Good day to stay in, watch an old movie, and catch up around here.  Might take a trip to Corsicana later to look for some material to make some valances for the living room and dining room.  I haven't touched a sewing machine in years but am willing to give it a try!!

I am so excited I can hardly stand it.  My first blog book (2010) is published.  It's not perfect yet I am happy.  I'm not perfect, life's not perfect so why should my blog be perfect??  It's my legacy ... it's what I know about life and even what I don't know and understand.  So often I wish my grandparents and parents would have kept diaries.  I do have my father's letters to my mother in WWII and I cherish those.  I am grateful for the historical society in the little city I grew up in for having so much on my family ... my research was successful.  I know that history often repeats itself and my heritage was so fruitful (good people who brought forth good fruit to be exact!).

Last week I was at our home in North Texas.  Michael had gone down to the little casa and had taken Toby and Sadie with him.  Would you believe I couldn't sleep?  I am so used to my family being all in one bed ... yes, including the little furry critters!  So ... last Thursday I drove down here too.  I had also been asked to attend a women's Bible study on Trusting God that met on Fridays and wanted to do that.

Sometimes, life is about the little things ... it's about the joy of sharing life with beloved pets ... it's about family being in one place to "be family" ... it's about making new friends and staying centered around what's really important.  When life gets crazy I know I need to slow down and get back to basics.  If I do too much, life gets watered down and I am savoring nothing.  I am reading John Eldredge's book, WALKING WITH GOD, and he talks about just that ... savoring life.  We get our mind's set on something and go hell bent on achieving our goal ... that can be good yet what about the gifts that God sends.  If we are too busy to notice, we miss the splendor of the moment.  I take pride in being a multi-tasker but is that always good?

Speaking of John Eldredge, it was nice to know that someone else has conversations with God.  I will tell someone that God told me ____________ and they say, "Suurree He did."  (chuckle)  I will ask God questions and He will answer me in scripture ... many times in Psalms.  Anyway, it was comforting to know that I am not alone.

I have been having a tough time letting go of my home in North Texas.  I second guessed myself in selling the house and had myself in quite a dither.  I prayed that God would affirm my decision and immediately the thought "when God closes a door, another opens" came to mind.  The appraisal on the house should be done this next week so that will be the final thing to be done before closing the end of February which will be an answer of either go or no go.  Another (affirmation) answer came when I was invited to attend a Bible study on Trusting God - Even When Life Hurts.  The lady who invited me was Debbie (the mother of the young man shot on a family hunting expedition).  She said that the study was helping her through her grieving process.  Besides, I like Debbie very much ... she is a warm, caring lady and her lifestyle appeals to my love of the country.

My alarm was set for seven on Friday morning so I would have plenty of time to get ready and find my way to Debbie's Ranch (they have sheep and horses).  We joined forces and meandered down more country roads to pick up Tania at her ranch (goats and horses).  I was in pig heaven ... the trees were so beautiful and the animals frisky.

We motored over to Whitebluff (a resort community on Lake Whitney), checked in at the gate then found our way to the home where the Bible study was being held.  We walked in the front door and I was in awe ... there were over twenty women there and the laughter was catching.  I am a little shy when I first go somewhere unfamiliar but this wasn't the case Friday morning.  I felt so at home with my sisters in Christ.  At ten, Susie rang the bell to start the class and we all took our seats.  Yes, all of us fit in the den in a circle!

The study on trusting God is a deep one and I will be stretched which is good.  The group is on Chapter 4 so I spent some time last night reading the first three chapters and doing the workbook.  It feels sooo good to be back in learning mode.  There are times when I wish I was an orator so I could express myself better in talking with others.  I am an extroverted introvert and do better with the written word.

(Laugh)  Sadie is laying at my feet snoring up a storm.  Her feet look like she is running at times so she must be dreaming.  Toby has gathered his toys and has them under his chin.  It is so peaceful right now and I am content.  Oops, I spoke too soon, Sadie jumped up and is peering out the backdoor.  The hair on her back is standing up and her tail in attack mode.  Sometimes, the squirrels taunt her then run up the tree chattering at her.  She keeps an eagle eye out and I love watching her hunt and play.  She and Toby had discovered that they could jump over a blocked area by the garage and were getting out to wander the neighborhood.  Michael replaced the smaller blockage with a larger/taller one and they are frustrated.  It's funny watching them go to their escape route wondering, "What in the heck ... this used to be our tunnel to freedom!!"

My sweet daughter had abdominal surgery last Monday.  Being so far away, I was on pins and needles.  I knew that God was in control but you know how mothers are!  Thank goodness Tim kept me informed.  I was so relieved (and grateful) that the surgery turned out to be day surgery and that the findings were more positive than negative.  She has been tired ... surgery is trauma to the body and it takes time to recover.  It was after my many surgeries since 2004 that Fibromyalgia moved in.  I am now learning that it is IMPORTANT to take good care of oneself and allow the body to heal when it's hurt.  Jane is a go-getter so I hope she is following doctor's orders!  She is off work for two weeks -- I hope that if she isn't 100% that she will decide to stay home a little longer.

Today is a new day and I want to make my mark on it whether it be touching someone's  heart or discovering something new.  I am learning that we make plans but those plans can succeed only when they are consistent with God's purpose.  I want to align my life with that purpose and that takes a whole lotta prayer and listening to what He has to say!!  I'm sure He won't mind if I run across the street and visit with Beverly a minute or two!!

Know what?  My recovery has been like peeling an onion one layer at a time.  I think that I'm about to have another layer taken off.  Hmmm.  Am I ready for that?

Always know that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, I am taking doctors orders. I tried it my way for a few days and ended up frustrated, tired, and in pain. So, I came to peace with resting and relaxing.....guess what? I ended up with more energy, no pain, and definitely an easier person to be around. I have learned a valuable life lesson the past week. I am surrounded by friends and family that love me and it's okay to let them take over.....

    Your Bible Study sounds wonderful. I think you have met some incredible women. God is taking care of you--giving you a life that you didn't have in McKinney. Everything is falling into place. Funny how life takes us in different directions than expected, yet it's all about the journey.

    Have a great week! Thanks for another wonderful blog.

