Monday, November 15, 2010

Blessings Come When You Least Expect Them!

Jane and Madison aka MaddyBelle
A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Charles Dickens

I had the joy of talking with my daughter today -- twice.  One was just chit chat and the other was on a much more serious tone.  All mothers know when that tone of "Mom..." means something serious.

Jane had gone to Target and coming out saw a man that looked just like her father-in-law, Rich who passed on about six months ago.  Rich was a jolly old soul always thinking of others.  He called my daughter Lady Jane and was one of her biggest fans!  Jane is a Southern Lady with charm and compassion and Rich liked that bit of Texas about her.  Maybe because he was like that (except he that the bit of Minnesota Charm).  She had a special place in his heart and he in hers.  Her encounter shook her up and I was glad that it opened a door for us to laugh, cry and appreciate each other and the people in our lives.

It is a blessing to be able to be so open with my children and talk about stuff that really comes from the heart and soul.  I couldn't ask for more wonderful children than the ones God blessed me with.  They are imperfect people growing right alongside me and I love it!

Talking with Jane tonight brought up a myriad of subjects including do those that pass watch over us and give us messages...  I think they do.  After my mother died, my son inherited her car which he named "Gram".  He and some friends had gone to a movie and was turning right out of the parking lot.  At the same time, a lady changed lanes and hit the car to the left of the driver's door completely totaling the car.  Tommy's head went to the right then back to the left breaking out the window.  I received one of those calls all parents dread..."Your son has been in a serious accident, please meet us at the hospital."  Tommy had a concussion but other than that no one was hurt.  Later he told me that his grandmother was watching over him.  I am trying to remember more of what he said but he was sure about what he was telling me.

With that memory, came another memory that I had forgotten,  I live in Texas and my mother lived in Minnesota.  She had come to live with me for about six months and had decided she wanted to go home.  She missed her home, family, and friends.  I had taken her to a rheumatologist while she was here and she had gone from severely handicapped with RA to bouncing on that plane to go home.  Two months later she died...  I mourned her death horribly and I'm sorry if this sounds gross but I hated it when they closed her casket and I kissed her and told her that I loved her.  Then....quietly the undertaker closed her coffin.  To put her in the ground was almost more than I could handle.  I hate being closed in and I think she did too.

I didn't understand my reaction to my mother's death.  I was staying at her home while I was there and it seemed so empty.  I cried with the sobs of a small child...I curled up in a corner and wailed.  Now, I know that my mother's death triggered a PTSD episode.  I drove her car back to Texas and cried all the way.  I couldn't seem to get beyond the feeling that we had unfinished business.  Shortly after I returned home, I remember waking up and seeing my mother sitting on the bottom of my bed.  She looked at me and smiled and said, "I'm in a better place now, I love you."  I had forgotten that but now, I do and I need to retract my statement that my mother never said that she loved me.  She spirit!  It would have been nice to hear it while she was alive but I'm going to call it an unexpected blessing!

Zachary - Concentration!
 The little boy who almost wasn't...  My daughter in law was scheduled for surgery in December  2002.  Because it was Christmas, she decided to reschedule her surgery until January.  Tommy, Angie, and I were in the hospital room waiting for them to come get her for surgery.  It seemed to be taking longer than usual and we were all sitting there chatting and thinking that "it's going to be better now ... maybe you can get pregnant."  The doctor came in with this serious look on his face with the news, "No surgery today and not for a long time."  We were looking at each other blankly when the doctor gave the rest of his news with a smile ..."you're pregnant."  I was sitting in the corner of the room so I could see my son's face and my daughter in law's face.  SHOCK!!  Zachary was a real unexpected blessing who has been an amazing part of his parents, grandparents, and others lives.  What if that surgery had been done?

I think the messages from those gone before us are to remind us to appreciate those who are still with us.  The time to say "I love you" is now ... the time to visit is now ... the time to mend fences is now ... The messages may come in the form of a sight of a loved one, the feeling that someone is there.  It's important to be aware and to celebrate those times!

Santa honoring Baby Jesus

I have started decorating for Christmas.  Yes, I know, I'm one of those nuts who love everything about Christmas...the sounds, smells, music.  What a blessing Christmas is!  One of my favorite Christmas decorations is Santa playing homage to the Baby Jesus.  An unexpected find ... a welcome reminder.

Well, it's time to spend some time outside.  I noticed that my roses are still blooming like crazy.  I look at them and smile.  The Pansies are poking their smiling face up.  I am blessed to be looking at flowers in November!  The rabbits have been hopping around tasting the Kale.  Looks like Sadie needs to spend more time outside hunting.  Luckily most of them can run faster than she can and it keeps them at bay.

Remember to keep your eyes, ears, and senses awake as you go about your day.  Someone or something may unexpectedly be there to remind you or lead you...

Until tomorrow, consider yourself loved...Ya YOU! 


1 comment:

  1. Wow- I didn't know Angie was suppose to have surgery, which could have affected Zachary. It is a true blessing that something inside her, as well as Christmas, made her reschedule the procedure. You are correct, instead of rushing through the day, it is nice to make a concerted effort to notice all the sights, smells, and sounds.....who knows what you will experience.
