Thursday, November 18, 2010

To Everything There Is A Season

A Season of Joy

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
~~ Ecclesiastes 3:13

Have you ever felt a prompting to call someone, send them a card or a gift, go for a visit?  That's the Holy Spirit speaking to you.  Many times, I have obeyed and found that I was a blessing - on the other hand, I have ignored the prompting and missed out on the joy of being in season with God's perfect timing.  I've found that when God speaks, I need to act immediately.

As I am about to embark on 40 days of prayer, I realize the importance of the covenant I am making with God.  If I am too busy to pray, I am too busy.  I found the last time I did this study, that when I put God first in my day, my day went so much smoother.  The things on my to do list plus going to work, got done with less effort.

Please allow me to share my journal entry from February 10, 2006:

I am now 48 hours into my fast.  So much is happening around me.  I am praying not to go backwards or to move into the future but to stay "in the now" and watch/listen for God's voice.  He is speaking through co-workers and through Freeda Bowers book.  I am moving into position for my 40 days of 40 minutes of prayer which will begin tomorrow afternoon.  I am so grateful for the cover of prayer my friends have so generously afforded me...I could not do this without it.

God is bringing me back into alignment with Him and reminding me of things that I knew and know.  Some of His words bring me comfort; others bring me a message of truth which sometimes is much less comfortable.

My covenant for the next 40 days of prayer will be to seek Him in the morning hours.  That will be a challenge because I already rise at 5:30 am.  However, I hear the voice and am obedient.  Spending time with God in the morning will help redeem my time.  If I am too busy and tired to pray, I am too busy and I need to go to bed earlier.  Prayer is more important.

With the trauma counseling, I've had anger spewing out all over everywhere.  Oh my gosh, I didn't know I had that much anger inside me.  I have become unsettled and my conscience has not been at peace - obviously there has been a breach in my relationship with the Lord.  True peace only comes from God.  I need more light here and I am sure that God will reveal the source of my turmoil and give me direction.

Repentance:  There is a difference between being sorry and being repentant.  If there is no turning around and moving away from what was wrong, there is no genuine repentance.  I know that in the past, I have confessed my sin to God acknowledging that my sin was against Him.  I forgave myself (or so I thought).  I have asked for forgiveness from others I have offended, made amends and asked for reconciliation.  NOW, THIS IS WHERE I HAVE FALLEN SHORT:  I did NOT speak death to the fruit of the crops that I sowed with my sinful ways.  When I sinned, I planted crops of destruction in my life.  Sin becomes a seed that begins producing crops of destruction.  Sin becomes a seed that begins producing crops of iniquity UNLESS death comes to that seed.  Just as I must speak death, I must speak life to the fruits!

I was so shocked today as I read Chapter 3.  Freeda Bowers attacks from Satan came as attacks against her physical body which is the main reason I decided to do the fast and 40 days of prayer.  My doctors have told me time and time again..."get out from under the stress - it's killing you!"  Stress is a manifestation of fear and it is a killer.  I must speak death to the roots of fear in my life and speak life to faith.  Yesterday, I told Michael, "I do not want to talk about the pain in my body or focus on it."  It was the seed planted of not speaking of pain and death but speaking life over my flesh, praying for others and continuing to walk in my purpose.

I've always known my purpose ... to come alongside others - to love them as Christ loves them - and, to give them hope.  I've never stopped doing that so that is another area where I am sure God will reveal clarity to me.

Standing in the Gap:  Intercessor ... thank you Janene, for that time in my life when you fed me book after book about prayer ... for inviting me to join the prayer group at Grace ... for encouraging me to unleash the tongue of the Spirit which first came forth in song ... for helping me to learn that an intercessor does not take on another's burden but to be a warrior praying for the Father's will in others' lives unleashing the Lord to cause circumstances to change.  Thank you Frances and Janene for doing that for me at this time.

Tomorrow, I will break fast and begin another journey ... as I prayed today, I saw a sunrise - oh how beautiful it was ... I am moving toward that light and the power of God and the Holy Spirit.

I read a poem given by the Holy Spirit to Karen Hart.  It really sums up the reason for this journey I am about to embark on:


Give me 40 Days-
How more Scriptural could it be,
And will I not answer
Those who are seeking me?

What is the greatest need in your life?
It's not too great for Me.
So, give ME 40 Days
And the answer you will see.

Read My Word, fast and pray
And I will become larger than the need.
When your eyes look to Me,
That's when I'll reveal the answer that's to be.

It's those who seek My face
That will hear My voice
For as their God
I am their choice.

And all they need
Will be given by Me
Because to Me
They have bowed their knee.


A Season of Thanksgiving

Let us be grateful!  Let us give thanks for what we have and be satisfied.  As I have mentioned in previous blogs, my family hosted Thanksgiving and it was a glorious celebration filled with warmth, joy and, of course, lots of good food.  I can remember the aroma of that turkey cooking when I woke up on Thanksgiving morning.  Sometimes there would be so many people there that we had to set up tables in the basement.  Each family contributed their specialty and believe me, there were some great cooks in my family!!  As an adult, I am grateful for so very much...I couldn't even start to tell you how fortunate I am!

The Freshness of Spring

A time of planting ... a time of watching little seeds turn into flowers and pop up out of the ground.  A time to inhale the freshness of nature and celebrate the passing of Winter.  Spring always reminds me of Easter.  My mother's sister, Eleanor, always hosted Easter.  One year we had rabbit for Easter.  They raised them and after seeing their cute little faces, I had a hard time eating the rabbit.  It's a good thing that I wasn't raised on a farm because all the animals would be my pets and I would starve ... no, I'd probably become a vegetarian!  Between my mother's and father's families, holidays of any kind were HUGE affairs.

The Season of Winter ~~ A Time to Rest

You know, I enjoy each season of life.  Last December 24, we had the most glorious snowstorm.  What a gift.  I love to read and Winter is the perfect time ... throw a few logs on the fire, wrap up in a favorite blanket, sip on some cocoa and veg...  Since moving to the South, my blood has thinned and I freeze when the temperatures get below 80 degrees.  I leave projects that can be done indoors for the Winter months.  Out comes the paint and paintbrushes!!  We need times of rest in our lives ... everyone seems in such a rush doing this and that and going here and there.  Personally, I need some down time.  As a child, I tried ice skating (a whole lotta times!) and failed at each attempt.  In the late 70's I lived in Lakeville, MN for a short time and my neighbor and I decided to get in shape and run and do some cross country skiing.  Well, we lived in the country and while jogging one night, a dog bit me in the derriere and as for the cross country skiing, let's just say, I gave it a good try.

Besides the seasons, there are times of joy and sorrow.  If you are in a season of plenty and joy give thanks ... if you are in a season of loss and sorrow, look to the Lord, lean on Him and pray that He will give you strength.  There are times of sowing and reaping.  What we sow, that shall we reap...  We become what we dwell on whether it be good or not so good.  I've gone through a season of discovery and healing.  What a bittersweet process!  The good news is that I have found peace with my Maker and those who made my life a living hell.  I vowed that not one more moment would I allow those bad tapes to claim my life.  I live in Victory!!!

It's late at night and the house is so quiet.  Sadie is at my feet and Toby, Khelsea and Michael have long disappeared into the bedroom.  I look around me and feel loved and safe.  I love crosses and Santas and they are scattered throughout the house making me smile no matter where I go.  My body is aching from the Fibromyalgia so I will be taking tomorrow off from writing my blog...thus the reason I am up late tonight.  I need the rest because we are doing something really special tomorrow night...  I will update you on Friday!  


Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul
to take!

G'night everyone - God bless!
Talk to you Friday!

1 comment:

  1. ahh the suspense is killing me...can't wait to read on to the next blog.

    He!he! I remember when you got bit in the butt. It probably wasn't funny at the time. I know a lot of runners, ups, and postal workers carry treats in their pockets to distract/calm down animals.

    Your blogs are very positive. I feel you fighting--keep going!!!
