Friday, November 26, 2010

Wisdom, Discernment, & Revelation

The Cross ... A Reminder
The Cross oh the glorious cross!  I think I have said before that I collect crosses.  Each has a different story and meaning!  I love each and every one of them!!

I purchased this cross for our Anchor Class at church.  It was so beautiful that I decided to go back to Hobby Lobby and purchase one for myself.  How wonderful ... half price!

In the early 1990's, my husband and I were brought before a church elder board.  The accusations against us were totally false and as I prayed I didn't understand why they couldn't see the truth.  I can't go into much detail about this because it involves someone I care very deeply about.  I can tell you what happened though which is more important.

I knew the accusations were false and it was then that I decided to read the Bible from front to back.  I was not ready to take someone else's word for what was in there and judge me.  As a Christian, I'd read passages but not the entire book.  In fact from that time, I have read the Bible from front to back for many years and will begin again January 1, 2011.  Besides that...if I call myself a Christian wouldn't I want to know the man I followed?  Yes, we go to church but we hear the message from a man or woman who may have a bias.  I wanted to know EXACTLY what Jesus said ... I wanted to know EXACTLY what God said.  I wanted to know the helper, the Holy Spirit.  It was then that I began to know my Lord as my leader, my maker, my Redeemer!

Product Image The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children Book of Prayers (Paperback)While waiting for my book Give Me 40 Days, I am reading and praying through The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children.  I have found that I like to learn something new every day and Stormie Omartain has been one of my favorite authors.  I taught the class on The Power of A Praying Wife and it not only brought peace to me but to the women in my class.  What a blessing those classes were.  I still go back and do the book praying for Michael.  I am kind of a control freak and that helps me let go and allow God to work in Michael's life and bless him.  I knew that as a Christian after the meeting with the elder board that I needed to grow in wisdom, discernment and revelation.  I want this for my children as well.  To be accused of something you did not do is tough ... to be accused by an elder board of a church was doubly hurtful especially when it came from someone that I loved dearly.  The good news, it was then that I truly began to grow in my faith and knowledge of who I am in Christ.  His provision and protection came forward ten fold!!

As parents it is so difficult to stand by and do nothing when our adult children are straying off the path.  We can offer advice but when it is rejected, where do we go and what do we do?  Like the story of the prodigal son in the Bible, we pray and wait.  We have to trust God to answer our prayers.  There is no permanent change in anyone who does not allow the Holy Spirit into their hearts.  My son would call it a spiritual awakening.  I'm never going to be perfect; however, I can learn each day to become more like Jesus.  Our actions speak louder than words which I learned from my Grandmother Maggie.  Hopefully, my legacy will be one of a woman who is Christ-like!

Wisdom ... As Stormie says in her book, "No one can get through life successfully without wisdom, discernment, and revelation from God..."  The toxic society our children have to wade through on a daily basis perpetuates so many lies and deceptions that only by having an understanding of the Word of God -- as well as having a word from God in their hearts, given by the Spirit of wisdom -- can they navigate around the pitfalls set as a trap for them to fall into.

The Bible says that all we have to do is ask God for wisdom and He will give it to us.  "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."~~James 1:5  When we have wisdom, we can see the consequences of our actions before we act, which enables us to make the right decision as to what action to take. 

What happens when someone refuses to accept wisdom?  Proverbs is a great book in the Bible to read ... there are 31 chapters ... one for each day of the week.  Proverbs 1:28-32 says, "They will call on me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently, but they will not find me.  Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD, they would have none of my counsel.  Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way..."  In other words, the Spirit of wisdom wants to pour out wisdom upon us, but if we do not seek to have it and we refuse wise counsel, we will suffer the consequences.  However if we seek wisdom, we will live safe and secure lives.

A cross from an old church in favorite!
Discernment ... oh, how important this is not only for us but for our adult children!  For example, it is so important to be able to discern the true character of a person, which can save us all tremendous grief and trouble.  The good news is that we can ask God for discernment in prayer.  What is it that you are seeking?  Ask Him!  If you go from person to person until you get the answer you want, that may not be the right answer.  Been there, done that!  Now, I seek wisdom from my pastor, my friends who walk their talk!  I may not like what they tell me, but I have prayed to be teachable not stubborn.

Revelation ... I have prayed for revelation from God in all areas of my life.  Revelation from God means that He reveals who He is to me.  Revelation from God helps me to make a right response--a response I would not have known to make without it.  Without revelation from God, I have made disastrous decisions not only affecting me but my whole family.  I pray for clarity for my children in this area.

The Lord is my Shepherd...
Prayer ... This is my rock, my peace, my direction ... it is in my prayer closet that I talk to the Lord and listen for His direction.  It is there that I find calmness in the eye of the storm.  Some years ago, I attended a Sunday School class and the topic was Psalm 23.  It has been one of my favorite classes.  When browsing through an antique store, I came across a shepherd's staff.  I knew immediately that I needed this.  Every time I look at it, I am reminded how my Shepherd protects me.  He looks after me day in and day out.  Did you know that a shepherd would sometimes break the legs of a lamb who was wayward then carry that lamb on his shoulders until the lamb healed?  That's what God has done for me ... He brought me to the bottom then carried me to recovery from childhood trauma that continued on into adulthood.  I am so very grateful.

Michael & Lupe discussing the renovations!
Moving forward ... When we started redoing the little house that Michael grew up in we thought it would be a quick job.  We found out that one thing led to another and we had to take the house back to the studs then move forward.  Our lives are like that too ... we go through the Refiner's Fire to become whole in Christ.   We had to stabilize the foundation before we could do anything.  As a result, the little casa came to life and we love her.  We had prayed for a contractor who was a Christian and  who took his work seriously.  We were blessed when we found Lupe ... quite by accident.  Ask and ye shall receive!  You bet!! 

Today is "Black Friday" and the pictures of the malls on TV are crazy.  Not for me!!  I'm not one for pushing through crowds and standing in long lines.  I may choose to shop later in the evenings when the crowds dissipate.

My first Mark Robert's Christmas Fairy!


Have a blessed day ... Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the Way!!! are loved...YA YOU!

PS:  I walked through the garden center on Wednesday and the fresh smell of the cut trees, wreaths and table centerpieces brought back memories of cutting our tree and using the cut off branches for decorations!  I think I'll go get some Christmas Tree fragrance and spray it around the house today.  Or, better yet, maybe a candle or two that brings in the scent of the "real" Christmas tree!  Oh, how I love Christmas!!!!!  Don't you?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I love Christmas!! I avoided the malls as well. Not out of choice, but obligation to my job. I work tomorrow as well. In a round about way, my job is saving me money by keeping me away from the malls. Actually, I can't wait to go out and find a special gift for my loved ones. You are rubbing off on me....I should feel blessed to have so many people to buy Christmas gifts for!!

    I listened to the bible when we moved to Florida. Every day I would download a section..a little from the new testament, proverbs, and old testament. I learned a lot and felt so close with God. I highly recommend bible study, a teaching bible, or podcast with the first reading. It helps to have a community of support, wisdom, and encouragement. Some of the books are quite lengthy and repetitive and it helps to have someone motivate the journey. The 2nd year we were here I read the bible again and it instilled a constant connection with God. I don't know how to explain it...yet, explanation probably isn't needed--I think you are that way too -- Love you!! Jane
