Monday, November 29, 2010

When Life Throws A Curve Ball!

“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but not crushed and broken.  We are perplexed because we didn’t know why things happen as they do but we don’t give up and quit.  We are hunted down but God never abandons.  We get knocked down but we get up again and keep going.” ~~II Corinthians 8-9

I’ve been talking in my blogs about how the Lord speaks to me and how much faith I have in Him.  Saturday, I mentioned to Michael that I thought we needed to go to the little casa and me spend the week.  He said he’d rather go next weekend because my birthday is this Thursday and he wanted to be with me on that day.  We had a nice time taking in the Christmas decorations at the mall and watched the movie Christmas Vacation to end our fun day … I went to bed uneasy though still thinking that a trip to the little casa was in order.

I woke yesterday morning at 7 and told Michael we needed to go to the little casa.  He got rather perturbed with me and gave me a flat out “no.”  I wasn’t feeling good – in fact I was throwing up and really feeling miserable so I did go back to bed and slept until noon.  I woke up with a start and told Michael that we HAD TO GO to the little casa.  I started putting together some things I would need for the week and he finally agreed to go with me to make sure I got there OK and that everything was in order.  He was still arguing with me though even as we were getting into the cars, saying that I had no business going when I was sick.  As for me … when I get that nudge from the Lord, I am obedient and whether he was going with me or not I was going to go!!

The closer we got to the little casa, the more uneasy I felt…  I was so happy when we pulled in the driveway.  Michael had given me a new key so I was the first to enter.  Oh my gosh, a water pipe cap had cracked and water was spraying all over.  The ceiling in the kitchen had collapsed, there was water dripping into the refrigerator and dishwasher plus the water had soaked the oriental rugs in the dining room and living room, and the ceiling and walls in the living room were about to cave in.  Our beautiful little casa was in dire straits!!

I praised God for telling me that we needed to come here.  Michael looked at me and said, “I will never doubt you again when you say we need to do something.”  There was another blessing … our contractor, Lupe, had been in Mexico and had just come back Sunday evening.  He and his worker bee came right over and helped us carry the rugs out and clean up all the water.  The rugs are hanging on the fence; hopefully, they don’t get moldy!

I guess I could be ranting and raving but what good would that do?  Michael will call the insurance company Monday and Lupe will need to get started redoing the kitchen and parts of the living room and dining room.  There’s nothing that can’t be fixed!  We came just in time…

The Lord works in strange ways.  I don’t know why that pipe broke but for a reason unbeknownst to me it did and it did make a mess … a huge mess!  You know, bad things happen in life all the time; however, God is with us and helps us deal with the messes.  Not only is Lupe set to go with repairs, my dear friend, Etta, picked up my Pomeranian, Khelsea, and will care for her til I get back.  We need the Lord and we need friends and family to help us deal with our messes.

None of the furniture was damaged which was a blessing and the bedrooms and bathroom escaped any damage.  Tomorrow is a new day and I know there will be blessings around every corner.   I am sitting here in awe.  It was one more time that God let me know that He was in control.  I normally am a fretter, not about the little things in life, but about the big things like my long term disability which is still being reviewed.  How will I live?  What will I do?  God knows … and, just like the mess at the little casa, He is prompting someone to do something on my behalf.  I am blessed., are loved and prayed for .... YA YOU!!!

P.S.  It’s Monday … I got Michael up at 4 this morning to help me elevate one of the rugs.  We were laughing at how crazy the past few hours have been.  This afternoon, the rugs are almost dry and there doesn’t seem to be any permanent damage!  As if having water damage wasn’t enough, I was in the kitchen and dropped something behind the stove … I smelled gas.  Michael called the gas company and the “gas guy” came out … sure enough, we had a leak.  Poor Lupe, it seems like we’ve needed him for something every few hours.  The gas leak is now fixed and we’re now waiting for the insurance adjusters to come out.  I will be here the rest of the week …  We have lots of trees and I made a feeble attempt at raking and gave up.  Lupe knew of a man who did lawn mowing, etc. so he’s coming to help me.  Yikes!  I will be ready for a good night’s sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you--I know it can't be easy to walk into your home and see water damage everywhere!! Tim read your blog to me as we were driving. Suddenly the traffic, finding a place to park, and fatigue from the day didn't seem so bad :0) You have such a great attitude. Let me know what I can do to help.
