Monday, November 1, 2010

Cherish Your Human Connections

Cookies shared with Zachary are always extra yummy!

"Cherish your human connections, your relationships with friends and family."  ~~Barbara Bush

In November of 2002, this was my Journal entry.  It was the first time I had prayed about writing a book.  Now may be the time.

Journal entry November, 2002

"Oh yes, I do treasure my human connections!  Tonight I've been writing thank you notes to those who have walked alongside of me on my journey to freedom these past months.  It wasn't that long ago that I wondered where I was going and what would happen to me.  I used to hide in my bedroom...afraid.  Oh how painful this divorce has been.  However, I must not put a ? mark where you, Lord, have put a period.

Today, Barbara S. colored my hair (again) and I love it.  Lord help me to share You with her.  She's had cancer and is not well.  She needs hope!  I would say that she's an artist because she is so good at what she does. 

Tonight I got a table and a tablecloth.  Yipee!  Such a long search it's been.  It may be pressed board covered with a tablecloth but I love it.  Thank you,, I need a couple of chairs.

Lord, give me rest tonight.  I've been having such strange dreams...I don't understand them and they disturb me.  I think there is something in my life that needs to be exposed but I'm not sure what it is.  At this point, I feel like such a failure.  What is it about me that makes me prey for abusive people? 

"Each moment is sacred - a time and place where we encounter God--life itself is sacred."  ~~Jean Blomquist

How very true...cherished hopes and treasured dreams.  In writing notes to those who have been my cheerleaders, I am so in awe of the light they have brought to my life.  Thank you for the group You brought together.  I pray you will send a special blessing to each of them today.

I thank you for from the bottom of my heart for bringing me though one of the darkest times of my life.  I look around me and am so very awed.  My apartment is so beautiful...the view, well, words cannot express the beauty.  And the table I so agonized over - $25 at Linens and Things.  I also pray for a comfy chair for my bedroom so I can snuggle in and read before bedtime.

Father, if it be your will, I want to write a book for those women like me.  It will be in your time frame and my prayer is that you will be the author and I will be the instrument...a voice of hope to others in the dark.  Fill my mind with words that pour out on paper.  Give me passion and fire and let me not be afraid.  Help me to put pen in hand as I write that others can know you are God!

As I venture out to my job today at Jenny Craig, I pray that you will move in me and through me.  Bring those who need hope in their weight loss efforts.  Let my voice bring encouragement and hope.  Over the past few months, I have lost 25 pounds so I know the program works.

Walk with me this day.  Light my path.  Give me clarity and direction in my cherished hopes and treasured dreams."  End of entry...

I have journaled for years and have found that it has been so important to check out the days from different years and see if I have made good progress on my journey of life.  For the most part, YES!

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."  ~~ James 1:12

Today, I am praying for my granddaughter, Brittany.  Her surgery has been completed and she will be in the hospital for 3-4 days.  The pathologist will take 24-48 hours to give the results on the tumor.  God's will be done...  In the meantime, I will be spending lots of time with Zachary and Nicholas.

It's gorgeous again here in Texas...I wish you a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. I remember moving you into that little apartment. It was cozy, safe, beautiful, and had the presence of peace.
