Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Something's Got to Give!

"Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving.  Prayer is a support for all other efforts."  ~~George Buttrick

Dottie & Madison, December 16, 2000

This is one of my favorite photos taken at the wedding of my daughter, Jane, to Tim.  After saying grace before our meal came the Amen.  Madison looked at me and said quite loudly, "I'm not done."  I leaned over to hear the rest of her prayer and at that time there was a special bonding.  Not just the bond of being Grandma "." but as a fellow Christian.  Madison is now 14 and I pray that she is remembering her Lord as she goes through the difficult teen years.  I love this child and pray for her daily.  She is one special young lady...a very special gift! 

If you haven't picked up on it, I am a prayer intercessor not afraid to step in the gap for my fellowmen and should I add fellow women?  I had the privilege of having a mentor, Janene, in my life for quite some time...she fed me book after book.  I devoured each one, hungry for the next.  I was driven to find wholeness and this was another part of my recovery.

I have decided to do another GIVE ME 40 DAYS written by Freeda Bowers.  I have done three of her studies and they are life changing especially when some extra difficulties come into my life.

Please allow me to share a letter I wrote on February 9, 2006:

"I am 24 hours into my fast.  Already I can feel the war between good and evil...God and Satan.  I know my faith will carry me through...I just know it.

My body hurts from my head to my toes.  I had Michael drop off my prescription and am in hopes that will help.  The bones in my foot are screaming, I will keep on keepin' on.

I thought a lot about what Chapter 1 had to say in GIVE ME 40 DAYS...  It is true, I am physically, mentally and spiritually spent.  I heard the Lord tell me to do the fast and get this book.  I am going to be obedient to His word.  Like the author, Freeda Bowers, I heard the words, "prayer is more important."  Yes, it is.  I am never  more at peace than I am in the presence of the living God.  "Somethings got to give."  I am giving the Lord my God my time of fasting then 40 days of prayer.

I am going to trust that God will supply my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 4:19).  I know that God will bless and provide for me.  I read that I am to pray for others and let God take care of me.

Father in Heaven open my heart in mind to pray for those needing your intervention in their lives.   The Lord brought Sally to mind.  (Today, I asked Sally how her father was doing - he is going to have another surgery - I told her to tell him that he is being lifted up in prayer)  Thank you Jesus.  Heal her father and use this surgery to speak to him that he would know you are God.

Pray for one another that you may be healed.  (James 5:16)  Continue to bring forth those needing prayer father that they may be blessed with your healing hand.  Help me to set aside my own woes that I might realize the heaviness that others' carry.

My burden has been so heavy and I give that to you, Lord.  At this time, I will feast my eyes upon your face and listen for the whisper of your voice.  This time of fasting and the next 40 days will be a covenant between you and me!!  Amen can move a mountain.  Oh how I remember that from Pastor C's sermon from so many years ago.  People jumping up and down...people on fire for the Lord.  Was I uncomfortable...YES!  However, it did make an impression!  I am going to stand firm on your word, Lord.  Faith - I will trust God fully.  Amen

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.  (Matthew 6:33)  Let me set aside self-condemnation for the past and concentrate on today and the days ahead.  Let me pray and live to the glory of God!!


The number 40 means divine order applied to all earthly things and flesh.  The 40 days I will have with God is "His time to bring His divine order into my life and into the lives of those for whom I will pray."

*  I will make prayer a priority
*  I will put all of my needs at the feet of Jesus
*  I will trust Him with every weight and care and give Him 40 days
*  I will seek God's face, trusting for a special new relationship with Him
*  I will commit to pray for the needs of others
*  I will abide in faith and obedience to His voice
*  I will embrace a mindset of faith.

Lord, "give me 40 days."

Quiet my soul..I love you, Lord!

Your servant "."

Part of healing is taking your eyes off yourself and serving others.  I am reminded of that especially at this time of the year.  I have always asked God to put me on the front lines and give me protection and strength for what is right.  A lot of this letter could be written by me today and that's why I shared it with you.  There are so many people out of work, hungry, downhearted, and just trying to make it through one more day.

I spent the afternoon and early evening with a friend on Monday.  She has been out of work for over a year, is alone and self-supporting.  I could sense the pain in her voice as she talked about her feelings of fear.  She is a dog lover and has lost her dog not too long ago.  She is so sad that she possibly will never have another dog because she can't afford the shots, etc.   My heart ached for her as I know how much we all love our pets.  Since she is alone, I can understand what it feels like to not having a pet to reach over, love on and help us with our feelings whether it be fear, sorrow, love, joy...  My pets have played a HUGE part in my recovery.  I had a landscaper once who was doing some work for day he said, "When I die, I want to come back as one of Dottie's dogs!"  I laughed but yes, I truly love my dogren!  Who else would have pee pads close to an aging dog because she can't drink and make it outside.

_22.jpg Yesterday, I gave you the Norwegian Table Prayer.  Today, let's inject a little humor and give you the dog's table prayer!  Take this puppy out and put in my Toby and it would be perfect.  He's my chow hound that would eat constantly...everything and anything!

May my readers' be blessed this day.  You are lifted up in prayer wherever you are.

Chat with you tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you and you journey through your 40 days of prayer/commitment to God.

    Pets are a huge commitment and giving them proper care takes time, money, and a lot of love. Yet, somehow they pay it back 1,000 fold. True unconditional love is a gift from God and pets give us this gift. I can understand why your friend is so sad, as there must be a large void in her life.

    on to the next blog....can't wait ;0)
