Hi everyone! Today is my 64th birthday! Woo Hoo! I’ve made it this far and, hopefully, will be around for many more years. Some years ago, my granddaughter, Madison, called me an “eccentric grandma”. I think she meant it as a compliment … I must admit my life has been rather “out of the ordinary.” Let’s take a trip down memory lane…
I was born at 7:40am in a tiny little town in central Minnesota. My mother kept a baby book for me – at least until my baby brother arrived eleven months later. It’s always been a joke that we’re the same age for a few weeks every year. From talking with other family members, I was a much wanted baby other than they were hoping for a boy not a girl. My mother, dressed me impeccably in little dresses and bows. I remember her telling me that she loved dressing me up but sure hated all the washing and ironing. Almost every photo I have of me as a tot, I am dressed in a white dress … everything was made of either silk, linen or cotton in those days so I don’t blame her for hating the ironing!!
For my high school classmates who read my blogs, the little guy in the photo with me is my cousin and classmate, Philip R. Aren’t we cute? (We’re about 1 ½ years old in the photo)
For my high school classmates who read my blogs, the little guy in the photo with me is my

I am in first grade in this photo. Each year on my birthday, I had a birthday party – actually two, one with friends and one with family. Birthdays were important occasions for a good many years – at least until my grandmothers passed. I enjoyed my parties and have fond memories. I smile when I think about my birthday parties growing up.
Sweet sixteen …my graduation picture from high school. My birthday parties in junior high and high school were lots of fun. I had my first boy-girl party in 8th grade and we decorated the basement and danced around the furnace. Birthday parties also included slumber parties … my friends were so wonderful … we laughed and giggled and did all the things that teen aged girls do!
I am in my mid 30’s in this photo. I had done a lot of moving and living from the time I graduated from high school until this photo was taken. I married at 19, gave birth to Jill in 1967, Jane in 1969 and Tommy in 1974. I attended 2 ½ years of college; moved to Yuma, AZ; Minneapolis, MN; Houston, TX; Plano, TX; San Antonio, TX; Lakeville, MN; and back to Plano, TX. Birthdays went by the wayside for the most part of these years. It was then that birthdays began to bring tears to my eyes and I blocked out the pain. After 15 years of marriage, my first husband and I were divorced. It was a time of fear and turmoil for me.
The most memorable birthday present I have received is my carved wooden cigar store Indian…Wimowee… He was carved in Dallas, TX and came to me on my 36th Birthday. He's been with me a long time. First he graced the foyer...then my kitchen...then stood by my front door...now, he watches over my gardens! I just love him!!
This photo was taken on my 50th birthday. I was working at Great Expectations as member advisor, author of the Relationship Corner, authored of the Dr. Romance column, developed the Dating University and did relationship coaching. I had also been trained as a Stephen’s Minister and ministered to people in crisis. Before I worked at GE, I was a co-partner in a medical equipment business. Life was busy… Some birthdays were off the chart and others not so good. During these years I was called the Energizer Bunny…always on the go! By the time I was 50, I had been remarried twice and divorced and was married to my 4th husband. Something was becoming blaringly amiss!!
Last night Mom S called me and said that she was giving me a birthday party at the nursing home. She also called her friend, Debbie, and asked her to go to Wendy's to get us some burgers and frosties. What a sweet thing for her to do. Mom is a delightful Southern Belle -- a bit demanding at times but I love her sooo much. We have a great relationship. I tease her and she teases me right back! Thank you Mom for making my birthday a special one!
Happy Birthday today from Michael. My favorite flowers… He knew we were having a party at the nursing home so he sent them there. Was a surprise! They are beautiful…thank you, Michael for making my day special!!
My children and grandchildren and son in law phoned today which always makes my day! They are very spirited and thoughtful!! I also received many well wishes and cards ... I am blessed!
Today, I am reading 2 Thessalonians. 1-3. I love reading the letters written by Paul. This particular letter is a correction letter regarding Christ’s return. More than anything on my birthday, I am grateful for my faith that has carried me through a life-time of peaks and valleys.
“May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper uderstanding of the love of God and of the patience that comes from Christ.”~~2 Thessalonians 3:5
The restoration specialist from Blackman Mooring was just here to check on the humidity levels in the house…not good. The adjuster from Allstate and our contractor will be here at 3pm. The restoration specialist said that the walls and ceilings damaged by the water have to come out NOW!! I was hoping that the living room restoration could wait until after Christmas but it doesn’t look like it will be able to. Ought to be an interesting month or two!
Blessings and love sent to you, my blog friends … I love you, YA YOU!!
It was fun to call and sing/shout Happy Birthday to you!! I look fantastic in all of the photos. Your smile is infectious. 64 years young...do you know the Beatles song? Will you still need me, will you still feed me,when I'm sixty-four.