Friday, December 17, 2010

I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve!

"I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve"
Countdown to Christmas continues...
Christmas greetings are being sent to you on this chilly Texas day.  My husband is reminding me that I need to finish up our Christmas letter and card ... I just may need to do one for New Years if I don't plunk myself down and "just do it!"  By the time I do my blog each day, my fingers need a rest!!  The flowers in my Winter gardens don't seem to mind the cold weather we've been having at night.  Those little pansies just keep on smiling!
"Jeg er sa glad hver Julekveld" A Norwegian Christmas Song
Jeg er sa glad hver Julekveld ("I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve") was composed in 1859 by Peder Knudsen with lyrics by Marie Wexelsen.

This song was sung in Norwegian each Christmas Eve at the Lutheran church my family attended.  My grandmother spoke fluent Norwegian as her parents were Norwegian immigrants arriving in the United States around 1851.  She was so proud of her heritage; however, she impressed on her family the value of speaking English.  Her English was grammatically perfect with lots of uf da's inserted!  I know there's a real party going on in Heaven this Christmas! Those Norwegian ladies really knew how to cook and bake ... I miss the yearly gift of lefse although the flour tortilla here in Texas tastes pretty similar.

I wish you could see the stained glass windows in the church ... just imagine a snowy Christmas Eve with this sanctuary full of men, women and children all holding candles. The midnight service was always so moving.  I would go home excited about Santa's arrival and another day of festivities ahead of me.    We would sing and greet one another with love and good wishes!  I wonder if they still sing in Norwegian?   Anyway, I remember and it's a calming wonderful memory!!

I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve - Norwegian Lyrics:
"Jeg er så glad hver julekveld,
for da ble Jesus født,
da lyste stjernen som en sol,
og engler sang så søtt.

Jeg er så glad hver julekveld,
da synger vi hans pris:
da åpner han for alle små
sitt søte paradis."

I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve" - English Lyrics 
"I am so glad each Christmas Eve,
The night of Jesus' birth!
Then like the sun the Star shone forth,
And angels sang on earth.

I am so glad on Christmas Eve!
His praises then I sing;
He opens then for every child
The palace of the King."

Isn't it odd what the closets of our mind hold?  It has been amazing to me that once I got all the dirty stinky old clothes out of my closet, there was room for so many good memories.  It's almost like when I knew for sure that the Lord and I were going to be fast friends.  There was a gradual change then whammo, I really started to see, feel and think differently.  I was the same person but truly understood what it meant to be born again in Christ.  The old washed away leaving me squeaky clean!!  All because there was a baby born 2000+ years ago.

Love is having a partner who loves you just because!

My Bible reading today was 1 John 1-5 ... fellowship with God.  John was called the "beloved apostle."  After reading these chapters, I can sense his tenderness towards the believers of the day.

 "...let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them and show it by our actions.  Then we will know for sure, by our actions, that we are on God's side, and our consciences will be clear, even when we stand before the Lord."~~1 John 2:18-19

I heard a saying not long ago ... "Going to church makes you no more a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car."  John who knew firsthand the joy of fellowship with God, desired that his readers experience the same delightful walk of faith ...a walk characterized by obedience to the commands of God and selfless love within the family of God.  When Christians live in harmony there is love in abundance.

There is a common thread in the Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel on TV ... there is a need in the heart and love fills that need.  Do you know of a need this Christmas?  In all of our abundance, do we walk past your brother or sister leaving tears to flow?  I've found myself saying, "I'll pray for you" when what I should be saying is "what can I do?"  Walking the Christian talk is very difficult.  Do we really know the sorrow in a man's soul?

I had a friend that told me that she had a hard time being empathetic to others.  She wasn't able to see how she affected those around her.  When criticized, she became quite defensive and angry. She knew this was a problem for her at work and with family and friends; however, she didn't know how to fix it.  Friendships were quite self-serving and superficial.  She asked me how she could change and my only answer to her was to allow the Holy Spirit to work in her heart.  The lesson I took away from our conversations was to be more aware of my own superficiality and confess that before God.  We can become so blind to our own faults.  I think a lot about that lesson at Christmastime.

Brrr ... baby it's cold outside!  It gets cold here and the cold cuts to the bone!  I was looking at some photos of the snow blanketing the Midwest and almost (I said almost) wished I could hop on a plane and do a little visiting.  Then, I had lunch yesterday with a friend and as we walked out of the restaurant the memories of slipping and sliding out on the sidewalk and getting into a cold car came to remind me that just the Texas cold would be good enough for a taste of Winter!!  The "snow birds" should be arriving in droves from the northlands quite soon!

Have a wonderful day.  Be careful out there mixin' and a minglin' with crazies who are shopping for those last minute gifts!  Parking spots are at a premium I hear!  Keep that Christmas spirit ragin'!!!  Until Monday...enjoy your weekend!

A special Texas Christmas thanks to my followers around the globe ...  It's been quite a ride this year!!
Remember you are loved & prayed for ... YA YOU!!  

1 comment:


    How beautiful the Norwegian voice...thank you for sharing!! It pulls at my heart strings which means I must have heard it more than once as a child. It is a shame that when families moved to America they willingly gave up their native language and traditions for the country. I wish I could pass that heritage onto my children.

    jeg elsker deg (I love You)
