Wednesday, December 1, 2010
As I said earlier in doing my blogs, my blog is about me, my own perceptions, beliefs, feelings, morals and values, and what I have learned the past 64 years. The five years I spent as a relationship coach afforded me much knowledge in bringing people together mostly by developing healthy communication skills. The training I had as a Stephen’s Minister also gave me knowledge in helping people through crises. The motto? We supply the caring, God supplies the cure. If you need someone in a crisis, I’m the one to call. I have lots of head knowledge and a big heart for people. The change in me personally occurred when I was able to combine head knowledge with my heart. My perspective is based on my Christian beliefs and principles.
I am a writer. It is easier for me to express myself through my “pen.” Am I perfect? No, I am an imperfect human being, saved by the grace of God. As a child, I had to be perfect in order to receive any kind of positiveness. Thus, I became a perfectionist … I didn’t expect others to be perfect but I did expect that of myself. Not only did I need to be perfect before man, I also needed to be perfect before God. It took me a long time to get beyond those expectations. Others could be imperfect, abusive, and mean but I could not. I was not forgiven … I was punished … mostly in passive aggressive ways. I allowed this to go on until the past few years. It was difficult to express my hurt feelings but I’ve chosen to keep trying to get better at expressing that hurt. I learned that was okay because people who truly care want to know when they’ve hurt me. The others…well, I found that I couldn’t control those people. The Holy Spirit needed to soften their hearts…I just needed to speak forgiveness and move on.
I was feeling really down today. I am allergic to mold and the little casa is in full blown moldsville! This beautiful little house is showing signs of warped wood floors, crumbling sheetrock, peeling paint, etc. I decided to walk Toby and Sadie to get some fresh air and my daughter, Jane, phoned. Just talking to her helped me feel better. She was very empathetic and by the end of our call, I was feeling much, much better. Then, something else happened…
God works in mysterious ways. I had hired Manuel to clean up the yard for me. His wife was working right alongside him and is the only one who speaks English. She came to the door to ask about taking all the bags to the curb and we started talking. She told me that she and Manuel have been together eleven years. She spoke of him with such pride. We got to talking about age since my birthday is tomorrow… She is 68 and Manuel is 30. She looks much younger, believe me! She was telling me about where they lived (I knew where that was) and how they were paying over $500 a month for a house that should have been torn down long ago. I HATE slum lords!! She told me the story of how Manuel was working and nearly sliced his left hand off in a saw. He was in the hospital eight days and in rehab for months. I called Manuel over and told his wife to tell him that I was going to hug him and pray for him. I hugged Manuel and he pulled up his left sleeve exposing his scarred thumb, hand, and wrist. The scarring was absolutely horrific. I started to cry as I held his arm and I felt his pain. Before long, the three of us were standing in the front yard with tears flowing which was the spirit of bonding in Christ that passes all understanding.
The good news is that Manuel will be receiving some compensation for his accident from his employer and they should be able to purchase a small home on some acreage. Here was a couple who just wanted to feed themselves, love each other and have their own home that was clean and not falling down. Manuel is a good worker and very humble. He will be back in two weeks to mulch again and pick up (hopefully) the last of the leaves and loose branches. His wife will be beside him!
I was humbled today and my sadness turned to joy once again. I made two new friends and realized how fortunate I was. It is different living here where the Hispanic population is higher than the white population. I have changed my views significantly about them. Lupe (no he is not an illegal) is a fine husband, father, contractor and fellow Christian. He is very fair to his workers and teaches them trades when they come to this country. I still believe that if you live in America you should learn to speak English so I have a problem with those who don’t even try. The children often teach the parents.
I am reading 1 Thessalonians today and enjoying every moment of reading through the Bible. It is interesting to read my comments and note what I have underlined in different years. This passage really jumped out at me today:
“For we speak as messengers from God, trusted by him to tell the truth, we change his message not one bit to suit the taste of those who hear it, for we serve God alone, who examines our hearts’ deepest thoughts.”~~1 Thessalonians 2:4
It is my hope and prayer that by sharing my inner-most thoughts that I will touch someone’s heart and offer encouragement. I am not on this earth to judge, merely to tell you how life has been for me as I have traveled it’s pathways.
Until tomorrow, I pray God’s richest blessings would come your way ~~always remember you are loved – YA YOU!!
ohhhhh.....I have tears in my eyes--very touching. I love your open, trusting heart. You look at people with acceptance and believe in the innate goodness of the holy spirit that resides in everyone.