Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Saturday in TX

Merry Christmas Countdown ... Hamilton Elf and I wish you all joy and happiness this day!   And, I might add that we wish you patience as well.  The malls are crowded ... the parking lots jammed and I'm not sure why but the Scrooges are out in force!  Whatever happened to the merriment of Christmas?  Is it because our expectations are set so high that we can't possibly live up to them?  Are we afraid that we will disappoint someone if we have to "cut back"?  I wonder if it's because Christmas has become so commercialized ... a way of judging our economic status.  Hmmmm...
When I was on the Speaker's Forum for the Women's Shelter, one time that stuck out as being especially violent was Christmas.  The stories the women would tell would give me shudders of sorrow.  When I was in Alanon and taught the steps, one time that stuck out as being especially hurtful was Christmas.  Why is that?  Too much stress?  Too much selfishness?
I've learned a lot from Hamilton Elf in the short time, he's been on assignment at my home.  He follows me from room to room and we talk a lot.  He likes philosophy and so do I.  There are so many different things that we share.  I talk, he listens ... when I hear myself talk, I start to cry or laugh or experience a myriad of feelings.  It is all good...I truly feel!
This year is coming to a close and, I don't know about you, but it has been a good one for me even though there have been challenges galore!  It's been a time of  speaking out and speaking up for myself and for abused children and adults everywhere.  I worry less and less about hurting the offender and caring more and more about the offended.  I speak truth in love and give grace where warranted.  I am at peace...
Today, I came across this poem and felt that it was important that I share it with you:
Family Secrets by Raymond A. Foss
Little and big secrets
silence, unsharing
from shame, for protection
blank spots
in the telling
of our story

Carved off areas
sometimes casually shared
As if we knew, forgetting the secret
the missing words
names crossed from address books
pain pushed down

Missing memories
scraps of childhood

The poem ends abruptly like many of the unspoken stories of our lives.  In the past few years, there have been so many new programs on TV having to do with secrets and the solving of crimes.   It must be on many viewers minds or they wouldn't be watching week after week.  For some time, I couldn't watch these shows but after I was well on my road to recovery, I wanted to watch them mainly to understand the "whys" that made people do such terrible things ... one of my favorites is Criminal Minds.  I am always wondering why a person born of innocence converts to a life of crime, murder, lack of empathy, etc.  Last night. I watched a program where a man lost his mother at age 7 ... from there, his life became a living hell as his father, a religious fanatic, beat him and berated him.  His personality split and when his father died,  he became a murderer when the personality of his father surfaced.  The pull of good and evil ... so apropos for today's world.  Yes, there was the horror of what he was doing but who was really to blame?  Where does the violence and addiction come from that holds so many of us in bondage?  The sins of the fathers go from generation to generation.

I FINALLY received my book, Give Me 40 Days - An Invitation for an Encounter with God by Freeda Bowers.  I will be starting my book on Monday and I am very excited.  I will be doing a 24 hour fast before I begin to clear my head and open my heart!  I will be in prayer for others while God is meeting my needs...
The North Wind doth blow!  It is really cold here today.  The wind is whipping around the folks brave enough to be out walking their dogs in our neighborhood.  I hear that the north land is getting snow ... lots of it!  I will settle for a short Winter with maybe a snowfall or two.  Toby is thinking a good romp at the dog park would be a treat ... he is such a social butterfly who loves meeting and greeting!  Funny, how we, as dog lovers like to congregate to talk about our pets, the challenges of being a good master and how much love we receive in return whether it's Christmas or any other season!
I guess my blog is kind of somber today but on the other hand, it is my hope and prayer that someone reading it would realize that there are programs available and counselors standing by to help.  You don't have to suffer in silence and suicide should not be an option.  Children's minds are so pliable by what they hear and see as well as how they are treated.  Balance is the key!!  Mothers and fathers protect your children allowing them to grow and be all that God created them to me.
My family is telling me that it's time to head out to enjoy this December Day!  I wonder if Hamilton Elf would like a ride?  I so enjoy his company this Christmas!  Maybe it's the child in me looking at the upcoming Christmas holiday with hope and wonder!

Texas Christmas Blessings from
 Hamilton Elf and me!
You are loved ... YA YOU!
Yee Haw!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be thinking of you as you start your 40 days / wow starting out with a 24 hour fast!! I admire your focus on those who can't protect themselves-children and animals. I feel the same. Yes, there is a story behind every abuser, yet at some point we need to be responsible for our actions and get help when we are hurting others. That is that sad part of abuse....the cycle keeps going when it is passed to another innocent victim.

    On a lighter note-enjoy Christmas!! We received our Christmas box from YOU and Michael today. We'll open it tonight after dinner and enjoy our evening from y'all. Thank you so much!! Happiness and love have a dramatic impact on people, so as you give to us we'll pay love and happiness forward to someone else.

    Take care- xxoo Jane
