The First Nutcracker |
Once upon a time long ago there was a little girl who went to a Christmas Party at her Great Aunt Betsey's. She was enamored by the beauty of Great Aunt Betsey's home and especially a nutcracker that came from Norway. She played with the nutcracker for hours talking to it and wishing that it was hers. She loved the carved face and was sad when it was time to go home. There was two things that the little girl never forgot ... the opportunity to see the room where her father was born and the beautiful nutcracker.
Fast forward to about 1983 ... There was a little boy who loved his Mommy very much. It was Christmastime and he wondered what he could get his Mommy. He had visited a friend and his friend's mother had a collection of nutcrackers. He decided to gift his Mommy with a special nutcracker music box. The little boy didn't know how much his mother loved nutcrackers but he felt that would be a good gift. Upon opening the gift, his Mommy felt tears of joy not only for the nutcracker but for the way the nutcracker was wrapped and presented.
Each year it became a tradition for the little boy to gift his mother with a nutcracker. At first the nutcrackers were small then they became larger and finally came the Steinbach nutcrackers that were oh so grand and beautiful. The nutcrackers were carefully chosen by the hands of a child ... the hands of a teenager ... then, the hands of a man. Each year I knew what my gift would be but was always surprised at what it looked like. The nutcrackers are the first thing unwrapped at Christmas, displayed then carefully put away until the next Christmas season. It is my hope that one of my grandchildren will love my beloved nutcrackers and cherish them when I am gone.

There are two nutcrackers that stay out all year ... I don't know why but these two remind me of my son's love for nutcrackers as well as mine. Each time I come in the front door I look up to see them and smile. Christmas 2000 brought two things: the last nutcracker (the grandest of all the Steinbach's) and the introduction of my son's special girlfriend and her daughter. It is a wonderful Christmas I will never forget!
The Last Nutcracker...
Most of the time parents gift their children with traditions; in this case, my son is the one who gifted me with many years of the gifting of the nutcrackers...the first as special as the last!
Ahhh..Christmas Memories! It is my hope and prayer that each of my readers has a special memory of traditions with family and friends!
The countdown to Christmas begins!!!
Remember, you are loved ... Ya YOU!!
Tommy is so generous with his money. I remember he would usually take an entire paycheck and go out in quest for the perfect nutcracker. As a bystander, I think he has received as much joy giving the nutcrackers as you receiving them. They are beautiful--you hold an extremely special place in Tommy's heart (and mine).