Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Tidbits

October 31, 2012
Boo!  It's October 31, 2012 ... probably better known as Halloween 2012.  When I accepted Jesus as my Lord, I stopped celebrating Halloween and, instead, enjoyed the festivities of Autumn.  My grandsons love Halloween and I have had fun helping them decorate and gradually I found myself back in the celebration of ghouls and goblins.
I decided to do a little reading about Halloween today and learned some new things...  Did you know traditional Halloween symbols (witches, black cats, pumpkins, candles, masks, parties and pranks) appeared in the US during the late 1800's?  In 1848, millions of Irish emigrants poured into America as a result of the potato famine.  With them came their traditions and beliefs.

The Jack O' Lantern is the festival light for Halloween and is the ancient symbol of a damned soul.  Originally the Irish would carve out turnips or beets as lanterns as representations of the souls of the dead or goblins freed from the dead.  When the Irish came to America they could not find many turnips to carve into Jack O' Lanterns but they did find lots of pumpkins.  Pumpkins have been an essential part of Halloween celebrations ever since.

Pumpkins were cut with faces representing demons and was originally intended to frighten away evil spirits.  They would have been carried around the village boundaries or left outside the home to burn through the night.  Bats, owls, and other nocturnal animals were originally feared because people believed that they could communicate with the spirits of the dead.

Black cats were considered to be reincarnated beings -- it was believed that witches could turn themselves into black cats.  Speaking of witches, they were the dominant theme of the holiday.  Witches generally believe themselves to be followers of an ancient religion, which goes back before Christianity and is called 'wicca' - a modern revival of paganism.  To witches, Halloween is a festival of the dead.  Supposedly, the power of the underworld is unleashed and spirits are supposedly freed to roam about the earth.

As I read about the history of Halloween, I wondered, once again, if Christians should adopt such practices.  The apostle Paul said Witchcraft is one of the acts of the sinful nature and those who practice it will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:16-21).

As believers, we are called to "Test everything.  Hold on to the good.  Avoid every kind of evil."  (I Thesalonians 5:21-22)  Who can deny that virtually all the symbols of Halloween are evil?  Witches, monsters, ogres, vampires, ghosts, ghouls, boglins, devils and demons all portray evil.  Is Halloween just another innocent holiday that doesn't harm anyone?  Is it really childish fun?  Should the church be compromised by accommodating itself to the culture?  I may be getting into touchy territory here ... I am just throwing out food for thought.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." [Romans 12:2]
"For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Satan?" (II Corinthians 6:14-15)

When America and the world celebrates the Festival of Samhain and the powers of darkness by masquerading as evil creatures or decorating our homes, schools, businesses and churches with occult symbols, Satanic power is glorified. The sort of practices celebrated on Halloween are what defiled the ancient nations (see Leviticus 18:24-30). The Israelites were warned against such practices when they entered the Promised Land, "When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations." (Deuteronomy 18:9)

How about this... As an alternative to the celebration of evil and death, Christians could use Halloween to do what we are supposed to do every day and that is shine the light of Jesus Christ.  We could emphasize the Christian influences and strive to make Hallow's Eve a celebration of the acts of God through his people.  We could make it a day when acts of charity instead of vandalism and hatred abound.  A day that emphasizes the light of Christ instead of the darkness of evil.

Once again, I was convicted about my easing back into the "fun" of spooks and witches.  Halloween is serious business for Satanists and witches.  Those who oppose Christ are known to organize on Halloween to observe satanic rituals, to cast spells, to oppose churches and families, to perform sacriligious acts and even to offer blood sacrifices to Satan.  I hear this pretty often ... "But we only do this in fun...we don't practice witchcraft," those things that represent Satan and his domain cannot be handled or emulated "for fun".  Such participation places you in enemy and forbidden territory and that is dangerous ground.

As evil prevails, Americans have embraced an evil day of Satan, with the pranks of 'would be' hoodlums, combined with 'demon faces' on pumpkins, clothing of 'death' being worn, and calling it fun. When Christians participate in Halloween, it sends a message to children that witchcraft, demonism, Satanism, and the occult are something fun, entertaining and harmless.
Many years ago, C.S. Lewis wrote that one of Satan's most deceptive tactics is to convince people that he doesn't exist. Apparently he has done a good job in his deception. Sadly, many people think of the devil as no more than a symbol of evil: like Santa Claus, he is just a fictional symbol. Many people today also do not think of witches as real people who practice magic, but simply as imaginary figures who represent the supernatural world and everything that is 'spooky.'  Not true!!

I'm probably going to get some backlash on this blog ... that's okay.  I just wanted to share some thoughts with you and hopefully get you thinking about how you could use Halloween as a way to entertain the guests at your door to the glory of God.  Last year, I was in McKinney, Texas and had over a hundred children ring my doorbell.  I took pictures (with permission), gave candy out, and prayed for each child.  I did notice that the little ones were dressed in innocent costumes; I also noticed that the older the child the more gruesome the costume.  Hmmm...

I bought a huge bag of candy to give out tonight.  After reading more about this history of Halloween, I decided not to participate.  I am making Autumn baskets for the two little girls next door and will pray for the safety of those children walking the streets.  I have enough evil in my life; I don't need to give Satan a toe-hold in any way, shape, or form.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Find the goodness in the beauty of Autumn.  Celebrate at Fall Festivals; carve a pumpkin!  Remember, clothes make a statement.  Costumes tell a story!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Come for breakfast tea

October 30, 2012

Come on over and join the party!  I am serving breakfast tea this morning.  I decided yesterday that I needed to do more neighborly things...

My friend, Beverly, brought over a slice of raspberry angel food cake yesterday afternoon.  I was watering my gardens and she thought I needed a 3 o'clock break!  It was so nice of her.  She even brought the tea bags so we could have tea.  We chatted for awhile then I went back to my watering ... I felt refreshed and special!

Jesus did not condemn receiving. But He stressed that a better blessing will come from giving than from receiving (Acts 20:35).

While she was walking away, I was convicted ... I stopped her and said, "How about breakfast tea tomorrow morning at 10:30?"  (Beverly sleeps til 10 so I figured 10:30 would be about right.)  I added, "You can even come in your jammies if you like."  She laughed and said she'd be over...

Giving and serving are simply putting God's love into practice. Paul wrote: "For you, brethren, have been called to liberty (from being slaves to sin; Romans 6:20-22); only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another" (Galatians 5:13).

As I was watering, I wondered why I hadn't used my talents for baking, cooking, and entertaining to get to know my neighbors better.  I began to plan a wonderful breakfast ... scrambled eggs with cheese, center cut bacon, bananas/peaches, strudel coffee cake, and, of course, breakfast tea.  When Michael got home I excitedly told him of my plans and that I needed to go tot he grocery store.  He laughed ... "I hope you'll have some leftovers for me!"  I assured him that I would.

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."~~I Peter 4:10-11

I woke this morning with a renewed purpose, vim, and vigor!  I was having company!!  I dug through my stash of Fall cloth napkins and special silverware.  I was humming as I mixed the batter for the strusel coffee cake and placed it in the oven.  The kitchen began to take on a new patina and heavenly aromas!  I just love my little gourmet kitchen!!

Beverly arrived promptly at 10:30.  She smiled, put her hands over her mouth in surprise and said, "Oh, my..."  We chatted about our pets, our day ahead of us, and our plans for the week.  It was nice to greet the day with good food and even better company.  When Beverly left, she said she felt loved and refreshed.  (Funny isn't it ... that was how I felt yesterday!)

I wondered why I hadn't been doing more of what I love to do.  Maybe it's because I've been in a rut for too long of a time ... the rut being trying to get things pared down to a manageable level and feel settled.  I still have things that need to be done but those projects can wait for awhile.  Hmmm...time to plan a dinner party.  Whom shall I invite?!!

Are you finding that you are too busy to enjoy your God-given talents?  If you're like me, getting in a rut can be very easy to do.  Sometimes we need to focus as much on having some fun as we do working!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!
Miss Dottie

PS  "Many small people, in many small places, do many small things, that can alter the face of the world."~~Anonymous 

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Frost is on the Pumpkin

Father, help me to work diligently and remember that I am working for you, not man.  Take my hands and guide them as I write.  Help me to focus on you - clear my thoughts - allow me to be a light for you.  Protect me from myself.  I know this day will be filled with your goodness and mercy.  Amen!

October 29, 2012

Brrr!  I have a fire going in the fireplace ... the sun in pouring through the french doors ... I am enjoying this first real burst of the coolness of Autumn.  The frost was definitely on the pumpkin this morning!!

In the fall of 1940, George Patton gave an inspiring Armistice Day address about duty, honor, and country to the students of the prep school that his son George attended.  The school fathers cautioned Patton about using the salty language he was famous for.  Patton kept his word - at least until the football game.  In the final moments, George III dropped a pass in the end zone that would have won the game for his school.  His father stormed onto the field and turned the air blue with vulgarity aimed at his son.  Patton undid everything he accomplished in his earlier speech.

When I read about General Patton's actions, I thought about how many times we make speeches then totally screw up by our actions afterwards.  We can look good to the outside world but what about our inside world?  This morning I read 2 Thessalonians and got some good lessons from Paul.

Anything that lives grows.  If we're not growing, we are dying whether that growth is physical or spiritual.  That includes faith and love as well.  My faith has grown by being tested and my love grows as I love others as I love myself.  As I read the Bible, I come to know God better and am able to show others the goodness of living a life that honors my Lord.

What does Paul say about my reactions to people who ignore God's advice?  He says in 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17:  "My fiends, the Lord loves you, and it is only natural for us to thank God for you.  God chose you to be the first ones to be saved.  His Spirit made you holy, and you put your faith in the truth.  God used our preaching as his way of inviting you to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  My friends, that why you must remain faithful and follow loosely what we taught you in person and by our letters.  God our Father loves us.  He is kind and has given us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope.  We pray that our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father will encourage you and help you always to do and say the right thing."  In other words:  PRAY and speak the truth in love!

For such a short book in the Bible, there sure is a lot of meat in there.  Paul also talks about laziness.  As Christians, we are to set a good example by not being a burden to others.  He tells the Thessalonians that believers "must never become tired of doing right" (2 Thess 3:13).  Ever hear the saying, "She's so heavenly minded that she's no earthly good"?  Think about that one for awhile ... we must be active in our faith.

Yesterday, the Cowboys football team literally lost the game by a finger tip to the Giants.  Dez Bryant caught the football with "part" of his finger out of bounds.  The rest of his body was in bounds but that didn't count.  It was NOT a touchdown and he did not win the game for his team.  My heart was pounding waiting for the decision to be made ... I could just image how Dez felt.  Elated then crushed...  There have been times when I caught the ball of life thinking I had won only to find out that I didn't.  If I stayed too long in the throws of disappointment, I missed new opportunities to gain from my errors and try again with success.  There comes a time (just like that game yesterday) that time runs out and the game is over ... life is over ... no more tries.  I am praying that my touchdowns will far outweigh my failures!

Let's not waste time looking backwards today ... let's count this as a new day, a time to get in another try ... maybe, just maybe, we'll take home a win!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie

PS  If you never try, you'll never fail.  I count my mistakes as stepping stones to success!  Ye Haw!!  Think I'll try something new today, how about you?


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mama, can't you hear me crying?

October 27, 2012

It's dark outside.  The wind has died down and temperatures are dropping once again.  Fortunately, it warmed up today enough for us to make a trip to the Texas Country Reporter Fall Festival in Waxahachie.  There were thousands of people lining the streets to shop at the hundreds of little tents filled with vendors of all kinds.  It was a great day to breathe in the fresh crisp air and enjoy the festivities!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  I've written about domestic violence quite often and will finish up the month with a story told to me by a young woman (I'll call her Ann).  As a lay counselor of battered women I listen with empathy remembering what it was like for me.  Our stories are different; yet, they have a common thread.

Ann was a young teenager when her parents divorced.  Her parents were busy dating and getting on with their lives while she was trying to figure out where she fit in the one family that was now two.  She was lonely and needed affection and affirmation. "Mama, can't you hear me crying?"  Mama was busy; Daddy had moved out.  Ann was lost in the shuffle.

Like many teenagers, Ann was in love with love when Ben entered her life.  He was older and showered her with attention and affection.  He filled her life with everything she was missing ... or so she thought.  She was in high school which should have been the best years of her life.  She was pretty, had lots of friends, and looked forward to the future.  Her smiles turned to panic when,  four months after she met Ben, she was pregnant.  Pregnant?  "Mama, can't you hear me crying?"  Mama was angry; Daddy was moving to a city far away.  "Get out ... you've disgraced our family!  What have you done?"  Embarrassed and alone, Ann turned to Ben.  Relief ... Ben was excited about the baby, he'd give her a place to call home.  His parents didn't mind when she moved in.

What seemed like an answer to prayer for a young woman, began to unravel into the abyss of domestic violence.  "Where are you going?"  "You're bad ... you're ugly."  Could he be saying the truth?  Her parents said so too.  At first, Ben began throwing things at her ... eggs, cups, anything he could get his hands on.  If she didn't live up to his expectations, his anger flared.

Several weeks before Ann's due date, Ben's anger turned physical.  He began choking her to scare her.  During labor, the nurses removed him from the room because of his outbursts.  A time of joy became a time of fear.  Baby Susan was born with a tumor and needed surgery.  Ann felt lost and afraid ... she had nowhere to go.  She was a Senior in high school ... she was a new mother with a sick baby ... she was a teenager being bullied and abused mentally and physically.  She was embarrassed and ashamed.  "Mama, can't you hear me crying?"  Ann was out of sight and out of mind.

Susan was released from the hospital before Christmas and was introduced to Ann's family.  Ann arrived sporting a black eye and bruising.  Her family was suspicious but Ann and Ben explained that she had tripped and fallen on the ice ... after all, she was very clumsy.  "Mama, can't you hear me crying?"  Ann was with Ben ... they had a new baby.  Ann was clumsy after all...  No one saw the fear in Ann's eyes.

The new year brought a new apartment.  They were caretakers and had janitorial responsibilities.  Ben was tired.  Ann strapped baby Susan on and went out to shovel snow from the walks.  No breakfast?  Ben threw her down and kicked her.  Ben's anger escalated.  Ann came home from a new mother class one day to find Susan with bruises on her face.  A trip to the hospital revealed that Susan's hip had been broken.  "Mama, can't you hear me crying?"  Ann had nowhere to go - she lied to the police and to hospital personnel.  CPS came to visit; nothing seemed amiss except they did note that the father seemed volatile.  Lies, cover-ups ... embarrassment, shame...

Ben's abuse began to take on new forms.  He would tie Ann up, take her clothes off and circle her flaws with marker.  One night, he and his friends were high on drugs.  They tied her up, and taunted her telling Ben what a piece of crap she was.  Ben began using various objects to rape her.  If she cried he would slap, hit, and kick her until she stopped.  Ann became numb.  "Mama. can't you hear me crying?"  No one did ... she had nowhere to go.

Ben's drug use and anger spewed out to his partner and his child.  In an argument, he pulled Susan's arm dislocating her shoulder.  He broke Ann's jaw and ribs.  Ann had reached a breaking point.  She filed a restraining order against Ben and her friends moved her out to a place of safety.

I would like to say that Ann's life got better but it didn't.  Ben was granted visitation rights to see his child.  One day, while Ann was at school, she received a call from the police department.  Ben had overdosed on cocaine and they had Susan in custody.  Ben's rights to see Susan were limited to supervised visitation; Ben chose to not see his child.  "Mama, can't you hear me crying?"  Life became a lie ... a cover-up ... Ann was a victim ... a young woman lost...

As I listened to Ann share her story, my heart broke knowing that there are so many young women out there caught in the web of domestic violence ... young girls who think they have nowhere to go.  I asked Ann why she stayed.  She said she was afraid -- Ben told her that she was a bad mother and would lose custody of Susan .. he also told her that she couldn't leave if she valued her life.  Ann had been broken down and she believed her tormentor.

I asked Ann if she had ever thought about adoption when she found out she was pregnant at 17.  She told me that she was in love and that Ben promised her that everything would be okay.  She had lost her family and rarely saw them ... a baby would mean that she had a family, someone she could love and who would love her back.  She felt abandoned and would not abandon her child.

What happened to Ann?  She struggled to survive with the mindset of a teenager.  She became numb; her life had been so out of control she began to control everyone and everything around her; she was guarded, scared; she feared rejection so much that she sabotaged good relationships; she wasn't aware of the tapes running in her subconscious ... "You're not good enough."  For many years, her life became a self-fulfilling prophesy of doom.

Today, our police departments, hospitals, and doctor's offices are equipped with personnel trained to recognize domestic violence victims.  Pamphlets are given out and follow-up visits are more common place.  The problem is ... fear.  Usually by the time domestic violence victims go to a doctor or hospital they have been worn down and brainwashed by their abusers.  Lying has become commonplace and making up stories to cover for the abuse second nature.  They think they have no way out.  Often times there are children involved which complicates the situation.

Sadly enough, Christian women are some of the toughest to counsel.  They believe they have no grounds to leave their husbands and partners.  They feel flawed and that God has forsaken them.  So many women cry out in the privacy of their homes to mothers who have abandoned them either emotionally or physically at a time when they needed them the most.  "Mama, can't you hear me crying?"  I hear you Ann ... and my readers will hear your story.  There will be mothers and fathers who read my blog and hopefully their hearts will be softened to their daughters who need them.  Most of all, God hears the cries of the wounded ... victims become victorious in Christ Jesus.

Please, when you see a woman with bruises don't turn the other way.  I keep some slips of paper in my purse with the domestic abuse hot line written on them.  Who knows?  You may just plant that seed of hope in someone who desperately needs someone to notice ... to care.

Always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  I've kept track of Ann for many years now, praying for her and loving her.  I am excited to report that Ann accepted Christ as her savior and is on the fast track to wholeness one day at a time.  The secrets that kept her bound to a life of sabotaging the good coming into her life are slowly fading...  When she feels guilty about her past, I remind her:  Romans 8:1 says "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  And, folks, Jesus doesn't lie!!

There is hope!  I am living proof and Ann is living proof.  It's all because there was a man who died on a cross for our sins and for the sins of women like us.  One in four women are being violated mentally, physically and/or spiritually.  Look around you!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

1st Blog February 2008

October 25, 2012

The wind is blowing and temperatures are dropping.  I am sitting in the cottage watching the leaves blow past the door.  It's one of those afternoons that makes staying in and reading a good book pretty appealing!

My neighbor and I went to the courthouse on the square to early vote this morning.  We walked down into the basement ... I was taken aback by the stone walls dating back to the 1800's.  Beverly voted for President Obama and I voted for Governor Romney.  Afterwards, I went over to the annex and got my address changed on my driver's license.  It seemed like everyone in line was talking about the upcoming election.  I encouraged everyone to vote.

On February 29, 2008 the climate was quite different in the political arena.  I wrote my first blog that day and thought I would share it with you.

"It has been an interesting week in Dallas.  Police officer Lazado, a member of Hillary Clinton's motorcade, was killed in the line of duty last Friday.  His funeral was held today at Prestonwood Baptist Church with burial at Restland.  The funeral procession proceeded east on George Bush Freeway then south on US 75 going past the building in which I work.  We lined the windows on the 14th floor looking down at an amazing sight ... a low rider, motorcycles, the hearse and countless cars carrying family, friends, and dignitaries (supposedly including Hillary Clinton who attended the funeral).  A powerful farewell to a dedicated officer, husband, father, and friend.  I would like to think that Hillary Clinton paid homage to Officer Lazado because it was the right thing to do; however, he was Hispanic and she is really counting on the Latino vote here.  I am very leery of Senator Clinton and her motives.

Barack Obama is drawing thousands of people at his rallies and has so much charisma.  Everywhere I have gone lately, there has been the buzz of politics in the air.  Even died in the wool Republicans are being won over by his demeanor and focus.  People are lining up for hours outside the facilities where he is speaking.  He is reaching the hearts of the common man offering hope of a new future.  In a time when paychecks are stretched to the max and doom and gloom hovers over us, we that hope, vision and energy.  His uncanny ability to unite independents, Democrats, and on the fence Republicans has been a breath of fresh air.

That's me second row, 2nd from left!
In the workplace, there is the tendency to shy away from discussing politics and religion.  I am fortunate to work in a place where we openly discuss those topics.  Some get pretty hot and red in the face with their views.  Others of us listen intently for context and truth not being for one specific party or religion and keeping an open mind.  I grew up in a small town where the "preferred" religions were either Catholic or Lutheran.  My grandmother had her knickers in a knot when she heard that the nuns across the street from my home loved to hold me as a baby.  I never did understand that ... to me, those ladies in the funny dresses were very nice!  Anyway what did a baby needing love care whether someone was Catholic or Lutheran?

Texans have always prided themselves on being Texans.  When I came to Texas in 1970, I was quite taken back by the warmth and friendliness of those native born.  As the state has grown to include those of other states and countries, some of that innocence and friendliness has given way to a more stoic atmosphere in the Lone Star State.  Funny though, that pride of being Texan has risen once more during the presidential campaign and people have taken their "job" quite seriously in listening to Clinton, McClain, and Obama and knowing their vote is pretty darn important.

Women were granted the right to vote in 1920.  I think, as women, we need to take that right seriously and use our brains in making good decisions regarding the upcoming presidential election.  To vote for a candidate simply because they are white, black, female, or various and sundry other things, is, in my opinion, stupidity at the highest level.  We need to do our homework looking deep into the heart and abilities of the person fit to lead our country.  I gritted my teeth when I listened to a Hispanic woman on the news last night say that she was voting for Hillary Clinton because the blacks have "always" been unfair to the Hispanics.  Another man (again on the news) said that he was voting for Obama because he was a "black brother" and he wanted to see "black" in the White House.  How sad is that?!

Several weeks ago, the pastor at Cottonwood Creek gave a sermon on leaving a lasting legacy.  I made the decision at that time to start writing and speaking more to my family about my values, choices (bad as well as good), and what I stand for as a person.  I am looking forward to taking some time in late Spring to go back to my "roots" in Glenwood, Minnesota and do some research and writing.  It was the values, hopes and dreams of my Norwegian grandmother who shaped me the most in my early years.  It will be a much needed time of balancing reflection, research, writing, and visiting friends and family.

As this day closes, I must reiterate that this has been a memorable day filled wit history making moments, thoughts of hope, and the wish to stand for something of importance."

Fast forward 4 1/2 years ...  Barack Obama was elected President of the United States.  How has that worked for the American people?  Well, the national debt has climbed so high, I wonder how we will ever come out from underneath the weight.  I know many who are scrambling to find jobs and others who are having a hard time keeping their homes and putting food on the table.  The rich have gotten richer, the poor have had handouts, and the middle class has been squashed.  Our economy is struggling ... the American people are disillusioned with Washington and our president.

As for truth and light ... There is more darkness and hidden truths than ever before.  Thank God for the Internet where I have spent many an hour fact checking.  I wonder how our people could have been so misled.  Well, I do know ... we were hungry for a change.  We were scared and we wanted to believe the then Mr. Obama.  We were sheep led to the slaughter...  Now, I know others will disagree with me but I would encourage those people to start digging deep into the underground of politics ... it's possible, you know.

I voted for Governor Romney and for Paul Ryan to lead the country.  Am I leery about being duped again?  You bet I am!!  This go around, I researched deeply and thoroughly.  I kept an open mind trying as hard as I could to defend the present President of the United States.  In the end, I hung my head realizing that the hope promised four years ago has erroded.  With all the truth being revealed, I am taking a deep breath and praying that the Lord will protect his people.

It's so interesting to go back in time and remember the truth as we all saw it in 2008.  The American people were pointing fingers at President Bush, blaming him for all it's woes.  Time will tell, won't it?!

Where were you in 2008 as the political arena heated up?  Are you happy with the change and campaign promises yet to be fulfilled?

Popular or unpopular, it's Miss Dottie signing off and encouraging you to vote for the man you believe will move us forward...


Something so simple can bring the biggest smile

October 26, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  It's a chilly day in Central Texas.  Temperatures dropped during the night giving way to some light rain showers.  The wind is blowing and leaves are tumbling from the trees.  Looks like I will need to dig out my sweater today!

With all the seriousness of the election, the economy, and other troubling things going on, I decided that I needed to have a day that I focused on smiling and laughing....  My FB friend, Marian, got me going this morning with a funny photo she had posted.

Psalm 47:1 Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!

I am enjoying my Woman Cave aka the cottage so much.  It's been like having a play house!  I mentioned in one of my previous blogs that I decided to have an Autumn Tree.  I put the final touches on it yesterday and got the biggest grin.  I took some photos of the different ornaments and added the topper.  My neighbor brought over some additional ornaments ... I think she is getting my decorating bug!  She sat down and we chatted for a few minutes and she kept looking at the tree and commenting on the different decorations.  She said I was a big kid!!  Now, that's the truth!!

“The men whom I have seen succeed best in life have always been cheerful and hopeful men, who went about their business with a smile on their faces, and took the changes and chances of this mortal life like men, facing rough and smooth alike as it came.” ~ Charles Kingsley

There is one ornament that gives me a BIG grin ...  the Raccoon!  His little beady eyes, black nose, and bushy tail make him a stand-out!  I also found some squirrel ornaments.  I have a feeling that I'll be on the lookout far into the future for more "Autumn" ornaments!  I've found birds, nests, piks of bright leaves and deer antlers.  Michael likes to come out and gaze at the tree too.  He said he wished we could have one inside the little casa too.

“Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” ~ C. S. Lewis
My friend, Beverly, and I are about as alike as black and white.  Our friendship has helped me to be accepting of her just as she is and, I know, she is accepting of me.  She has a very strong personality and there are times when I need to tell her "Whoa!"  I listen to her, then go about my business.  I guess I could get defensive and all bent out of shape but what good would that do?

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

I have started thinking about Christmas ... I know, I know, it's not Thanksgiving yet!  I walked down into the storm shelter yesterday and saw all the tubs of goodies just waiting to be opened.  I wanted to do something different for the cottage so I have a notebook in my purse to record ideas I see when I am out and about...

Philippians 1:3-5 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

Sometimes, when you look at the whole picture, you lose sight of the individual occurrences that helped make the journey a memorable one.  It's like that with my Autumn Tree.  From my perch on the couch, it looks fun and whimsical ... when I examine each ornament, I remember who gave it to me and the time it was placed on the tree.  Don't you think life is like that?  Sometimes we forget the journey seeing only the end result.

I decided I would name the different ornaments for people who have been instrumental in my life.  I have a living Autumn Tree filled with those that have given me smiles when I had no smiles inside me...

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. ~Author Unknown

As you journey through your day, I hope that you will take notice of the simple things in life that make you smile ... the simple things that make you laugh out loud.

There are little trees at Walmart and Target; maybe you could create your own Autumn Memory Tree.  I promise, you'll not regret it and it will make you LOL!!

Miss Dottie & Granddaughter Katrina
 invite you to have a LOL kind of day!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just for Today, I Choose...

Good Morning Sunshine!
October 20, 2012
Some years ago, I was in a meeting.  The facilitator handed out a paper entitled, Just for Today.  I've kept it in my special box as something to review every now and then.  Today was just one of those days ... I woke up to two sets of black eyes staring at me.  My dogren were wagging their tails, "Get up Mom!"  Michael had brought me a piping hot cup of coffee and I sat up thinking ... "Today, I have the freedom to choose."  I jumped out of bed, flipped on my radio, and danced towards the bathroom excited to start my day.
Yesterday, we had visited Mom in the nursing home.  She was very depressed and sad.  The nurses had put her to bed -- she had developed a sore on her tail bone and they wanted to get off of it for awhile.  She was sure that we all were keeping something from her -- she wanted to know how many days she had to live.  I told her that only Jesus knew...  She was inconsolable...  The visit stayed with me throughout the day.  I was doing all I could for Mom; but, what could I take away from her experience at 86?
I dug out Just for Today!
Just for today, I will try to live through this day only,
and not tackle my whole life problem at once.
I can do something for twelve hours
that would appall me if I felt that I had to
keep it up for a lifetime.
Just for today, I will be happy.  This assumes to
be true what Abraham Lincoln said, that
"most folks are as happy as they make up
their minds to be."
Just for today, I will try to strengthen my mind.
I will study.  I will learn something useful.
I will not be a mental loafer.  I will read
something that requires effort, thought and
Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is,
and not try to adjust everything to my own
desires.  I will take my "luck" as it comes,
and fit myself to it.
Just for today, I will exercise my soul in three
ways:  I will do somebody a good turn, and
not get found out.  I will do at least two
things I don't want to -- just for exercise.
Just for today, I will not show anyone that my feelings are
hurt; they may be hurt, but today I will not
show it.
Just for today, I will be agreeable.  I will look
as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low,
act courteously, criticize not one bit, not
find fault with anything and not try to improve
or regulate anybody except myself.
Just for today, I will have a program.  I may not
follow it exactly, but I will have it.  I will
save myself from two pests:  hurry and indecision.
Just for today, I will have a quiet half hour all
by myself, and relax.  During this half hour,
sometime, I will try to get a better perspective
of my life.
Just for today, I will be unafraid.  Especially I
will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful,
and to believe that as I give to the world, so
the world will give to me.
I thank the person who wrote this ... for the facilitator who handed it to me ... and,  for the reminder that I have the freedom to choose what I do with my days ... to reach out to others and to complete the work that the Lord has for me to do on this earth.
Hopefully, you too will print this out and keep it in a special box, reviewing it every now and then...
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie
PS  There is a Psalm that I always say to calm my nerves...Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God."
Be still, and know that I am.
Be still, and know that.
Be still and know.
Be still.