Thursday, October 18, 2012

ABC's of Mental Health

October 16, 2012

Good Afternoon, Readers!  I picked a great day to work outside cleaning up after the garage sale and getting keepsakes back in the shed and underground storm shelter.  I feel so much better now that things are manageable for me.

An unexpected chat with my daughter this morning brought a smile to my face.  She was out walking their Corgi, Teddy.  Teddy was wanting to stop and visit each tree, while she was out to walk (uninterrupted!).  I am so fortunate, I have such a wonderful open relationship with Jane and each day I thank God for her.  We giggled and laughed and talked about what the girls were up to and how she was spending her 30 day leave from work.  Like me, Jane doesn't know the meaning of doing something a little at a time.  We tackle projects full speed, keeping that speed up until we finish.  She is going to run a half-marathon so is in training.  She ran 8 miles yesterday ... good grief,  that would be torture for me!!  he he

The leaves are falling ... Mr. Squirrel was out again this morning.  He's gotten used to playing with the dogren and watches me as I work below him.  I enjoy nature and all God's creatures so much.

There are times when I get feedback that I am playing God when I speak from scripture.  I had that happen today and I had to sit down and ask myself: who is speaking to me; what are they doing that has caused them to be so defensive; am I playing God (really); and, what are my expectations when I speak.  Am I speaking truth in love?  After I ask those questions, I pray about what was said and ask God to reveal himself to me.  He never disappoints me.

I am so glad that I have reached a point in my life where I am comfortable in my own skin and am able to have conversations without taking it personally and getting defensive.  I give others the freedom to speak their minds and give advice and, when asked, give mine.  I feel all emotions and stay balanced.

It wasn't always that way.  There was a time when my heart and feelings were so raw.  I beat myself up then allowed others to beat me up as well.  I deserved it right?  No, no one deserves to be chewed up and spit out just for being human.

My thoughts in October always turn to the process of the journey from abuse to wellness.  I embrace life with full-on acceptance and optimism. Instead of saying "Why me?" I say "Why not me?" I am no longer a victim; I am a survivor.   Someone who takes life head-on and lives boldly!

I am not afraid to call something for what it is even when it's unpopular to do so.  My knees may knock when I open my mouth, but I do it because it's the right thing to.  To tenacious individuals it's not "if" they'll reach their goal but "when." Another's doubts may actually even spur on my determination and progress. Someone may say to me, "I don't think you can do it…." And I will say, "Watch me!"

At this time in my life, I have little to hide and offer few excuses or justifications.   I always tell people, "What you see is what you get!"   I have learned to be resilient amidst adversity.  My faith in God is my rock ... He gives me hope when hope seems so far away..   My faith has helped me survive challenges and even thrive in the midst of chaos and hardship.

My daughter reminds me that staying physically active will help me stay mentally fit.  What are the ABC's of mental health?  Well, according to Miss Dottie they are:

ACT:  Never stop growing!  Stay mentally, physically, and socially active.  I enjoy walking, meeting new people, and maintain my relationships.  Crossword puzzles keep my mind sharp as does playing cards.  I keep up on what's going on in the world and stay focused.

BELONG:  I don't know what I'd do without the relationships I've developed over the years.  I thoroughly enjoy learning and attending classes interacting with others with similar (or different) interests.  I've learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable in new surroundings.  I'm a shy person so that's been a big thing for me.  Now, I am needing to find new friends in my new surroundings!

COMMIT:  It's so important to make your yes "yes" and your no "no".  If you make a promise, keep it!  Stand for something ... make a difference.  Look outside yourself  to become less "self" centered.  Fibromyalgia has been a challenge for me because it has forced me to keep going even when I'd rather crash and burn!!

I love photography!

As long as we learn from our mistakes, they are our stepping stones to wellness.  Go ahead, don't be afraid ... those heart's desires weren't put there by accident!  When I stayed in the shelter, we had to make a poster of ourselves using cutouts from magazines.  I had trouble getting started but, my goodness, when I started cutting and pasting, I realized that I really liked me.  I was a woman of many facets ... complicated yet simple.  Even now, I smile thinking about all the things I put on my poster.  I was a trail blazer, a leader and, most of all, I was a daughter of the most high!

If you've never done a poster about yourself, give it a go.  It can't be about anyone else ... not even a smidgen!!  I think you might just learn something.  If you have children or grandchildren, have them make one.  Sometimes, we listen to others views of us and we get uncomfortable because we don't feel we are who they say we are.  I knew I was leading a healthy life when others views of me matched my own views.  I knew I was walking in truth and light for all to know and see.

Always remember you are loved and cared for, YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--how well I know it."~~Psalm 139:14 NLT 

1 comment:

  1. It makes me feel wonderful that you value our relationship; I do too! You are very accepting and have an open heart, so it is easy to open up and talk with you. I love your idea about the poster activity. It would be fascinating to see what my children put in their posters. Right now Madison is getting ready for a job interview. She is wearing skinny jeans, a beautiful crochet sweater, and to make it 'her own' she is donning a headband. The conservative in me questioned her about the headband. Well, you know Madison--fashion forward, strong headed, and a little defensive. He! He! Today I will pick my battles and this is not one of them.... times change, so I will trust her instincts that this trendy teen store looks for those who can create fashion.

    Love you sooo much- have a blessed day~
