Friday, October 19, 2012

The Wisdom in Matthew

October 19, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  Come on over and enjoy some coffee with me at the little casa.  I sure like it when we can chat.  Seems like I do all the talking but, after all, I am the blogger!  It's chilly this morning ... won't be long and we can enjoy some fireside chats in the cottage!

Yesterday, I spent the whole day in solitude, prayer, and reading.  I was led to read in the book of Matthew.  In my mind, I thought I'd read the entire book; but, God had other plans and I only got through a few chapters.  The words seemed to come alive as I read them one at a time.  I'd read and say, "Oh my gosh ... oh my gosh..."  Then, I'd read the passages again.

The Sermon on the Mount, the Lord's Prayer, and the Golden Rule are all in the book of Matthew.  It is perhaps the best known and the most quoted of all the books that have ever been written about Jesus.  That is probably one reason why Matthew was placed first among the four books about Jesus called the Gospels.

One of the most important things found in Matthew is that God expects his people to obey him ... a man or woman who is obedient is called a righteous man or woman.  Matthew wanted to provide a record of Jesus' message and ministry.  He wrote this book to make sure Christians knew that their faith in Jesus as the Messiah sent from God.

Matthew starts out giving the lineage of Jesus and by giving an account of the birth of Christ, his baptism, his temptation by the devil in the desert, and his selection of his disciples.  I'd been taught this since I was a wee child so that was, well, interesting but I whipped right through those passages.

Then, I got to Chapter 5 and I had to put the brakes on at the Sermon on the Mount.  God blesses the people who are treated badly for doing right?  It's right there in verse 10.  After I digested that, I went on to verse 11-12:  "God will bless you when people insult you, mistreat you, and tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me.  Be happy and excited!  You will have a great reward in heaven.  People did these same things to the prophets who lived long ago."  Really?  Really...

Jesus was the ultimate lawgiver; however, the laws God had given Israel had been perverted into nothing more than a list of do's and don'ts.  The law is important but God is most concerned with the condition of our hearts.  We all know murder is wrong but we must also guard our hearts against hatred which is a form of spiritual murder.  Adultery is and grounds for divorce but we must also guard our hearts from lust and pornography.

Our promises  and behavior should be completely reliable, because we are the children of the most high whose word is ALWAYS trustworthy!  When other people make us angry, we may want to get even, but Jesus says we must do good to those who harm us.  (Matthew 5:38-42)  Now that's a tall order.

I must have spent a good 3 hours reading and rereading Matthew Chapter 5.  Jesus covered The Beatitudes, Salt and Light, The Law of Moses, Anger, Marriage, Divorce, Promises, Revenge, and Love.  When my eyes were telling me, "Stop(!)," I closed them in prayer remembering the wisdom of Jesus written by the Apostle Matthew.  I've come a long way in my walk ... and, I sure have a long way to go before I leave this earth.

To Jesus, life was simple.  He was obedient to his Father in Heaven and trusted him with the outcome.  As his followers should we be any different?  There were good reasons behind the Ten Commandments!  I could take a year and just study those!!

I have decided to take another day of solitude, prayer, and study.  I am hungry for knowledge of God's truth and his will for my life.  I asked myself, "What is God's will for my life?"  In a split second, I answered that question:  "To be more like Jesus every day!"  Pretty simple, huh?

I think I'll take a nice long walk through the garden.  It clears my mind and energizes me.  Come on ... join me!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "...Don't use the Lord's name to make a promise unless you are going to keep it."~~Matthew 5:33


  1. I didn't realize the book of Matthew contained all of the information you are referring to in your blog. It has been awhile since I have read the book and you have inspired me to do so.....luckily I have a beautiful Bible sitting right on my nightstand that you gave me after I was baptized. We all need to be reminded to live more like Jesus!

    Love you~

  2. Your flowers and pumpkins are vibrant and inviting. So are the words of your blog. As an outsider I can say your heart shines. Although you must be careful that people don't take advantage of your generous spirit, you are a testament to God. You are always striving to grow and live as he instructs.

    Have a blessed day~
