Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Freddy the Scarecrow says BOO!

October 9, 2012

Happy Autumn, Readers!!

I swore I would be in bed by 9 tonight but here I am wide awake and bushy tailed.  The vitamin B12 that I take must be hyping me up.  I've even given up cokes with caffeine in them.  Guess, I'll just have to be content being the Energizer Bunny!!  For most of my life, I've been a morning person ... now, I'm a night person.  Go figure...

Today has been a great day.  Right on time, hubby brought me my morning cup of coffee and a couple scones.  I like to wake up gradually and am always in a good mood when my baby blues open.

I finished up getting the gardens ready for Fall/Winter today.  I moved Freddy the Scarecrow out to the center garden and surrounded him with pumpkins.  Toby was so funny, he would creep up on Freddy, bark, then turn tail and head for behind the big tree.  This went on for a good 30 minutes.  It was like Freddy was saying, "Boo!"  Gotta love that wimp Toby the Yorkie-Poo!!

Ever get the heebie jeebies when you want to approach someone.  You gradually approach, getting your nerve up and they turn around and say, "Whatttt??"  You squeak out a "Nothing" and retreat.  There have been times when I pray about talking with someone ... I practice my speech in front of the mirror ... I read up on communication skills.  Then, the time comes ... I take a deep breath and move forward...

As a relationship coach, I counseled many people on how to communicate without driving someone away.  You'd be surprised at how many shy people there are in this world AND people who hate confrontation of any kind.  You've heard the statement, "What I don't know, won't hurt me."  Well, that's not entirely true.  What you don't know can bite you in the butt!!  Even, if the person you are approaching gets upset, it's always better to be honest and speak the truth in love.  We're only as sick as our secrets...

One thing that I worked on for a very long time was being approachable.  In fact, I have become a very good listener.  It feels so good to be comfortable in my own skin and allow others to have their own opinions without my becoming defensive.  I WANT to be teachable ... I DON'T WANT to be one of those Freddy the Scarecrows who goes around with a scowl on my face shouting "BOO" to those I don't like.

Some time ago, I took a class on The Mind of Christ.  Boy!  That was a tough one.  "I" thought I was a pretty good Christian.  Each chapter of the book, burst every bubble I had about being like Christ.  I was humbled.  Thank goodness others in the class had the same feelings.  We would slink in the door and slide into our chairs.  The facilitator was wonderful ... before long, she would have us laughing at our fumbles and views of ourselves.  It wasn't funny though when we got down to work and peeled off our glorious cloaks of self-righteousness.  Jesus is approachable; we need to be approachable.  Jesus is forgiving; we need to be forgiving.  Jesus holds out his hands; we need to hold out our own hands to others.  When we signed on as members of the Lord's Army, we were transformed (one day at a time) into men and women of a higher calling.

I love the What Would Jesus Do bracelets.  Would He be condemning, unforgiving, and judgemental of us?  I don't think so.  Good grief, he died on a cross for sinners.  The robbers next to him deserved to be on crosses, not Jesus.  The world has become a place where Satan is having a party.  He loves to smile, get into our hearts and minds, and tell us we are okay.  He plants seeds of mistrust with that bit of truth.  And, what do we do?  We buy in, don't we.  We've all bought in to the serpent in the Garden of Eden.  "Aww come on ... Jesus will forgive you ~~ you know what you really want to do and it's not all that bad."  Ya, right!  Been down that road a time or two!

"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
~~II Corinthians 11:14

Now, that I'm really wound up, I think I will go fold some clothes and clean my bathroom.  I glance at Sadie and she's dead to the world.  Now, why can't I fall asleep like that??

Until next time, always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Each day is a brand new opportunity to be Jesus to the world."~~R. Falcon  Miss Dottie says, "Start at home and, like tossing a stone into a pond, watch the ripple branch out to others." 

1 comment:

  1. I don't think B12 causes insomnia as it is a water soluble vitamin and what the body doesn't need will pass through. Yet, you could always try taking 1/2 a tablet and see if that helps.... I'm an every other night insomniac. (he! he!) I have learned to embrace the insomnia and use the time to read, play cards, catch up on the news, etc.

    Your fall decorations look wonderful!

    Love ya~
