Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Thursday!!

October 4, 2012

It's a great day ... yes, it is!!  Sadie woke up hell bent on conquering the varmints living in the wood pile.  She has been so fixated, that she is unable to hear me calling her in.  I sat outside taking photos of her.  She was so funny.  She managed to scale to the top of the wood pile and poke her head down inside ... then, she'd do circles around the pile, her tail straight in the air.  My dogren give me such joy ... they entertain me all day long.  I also took some photos of Toby.  He loves to follow me wherever I go.  I call him my velcro buddy!

Mom isn't doing well.  There are times that I think she has small strokes -- she was unable to hold her head up straight last night.  I'd bought some shoes for her to try but they were a no go.  She has gotten sores between her toes and is only able to wear socks.  That wouldn't be so bad except that she had polio as a girl which left her with crippled feet.  Without shoes with a wedge heel, she is unable to stand.  The aides now use a small crane to get her out of and into bed.  I was sad when I left wondering what the future holds for her.

Even to your old age, I shall be the same, And even to your graying years I shall bear you! I have done it, and I shall carry you; And I shall bear you, and I shall deliver you.
~~Isaiah 46:4

Going to the nursing home makes me realize how very precious each day is.  I am so thankful that the doctors were able to rebuild my right foot when it got arthritis in it.  I had gotten to the point where it was either using a wheelchair or surgery.  Dr. Crates opened my foot from the top on down to my toes.  After the surgery I competed in a million step contest at work and completed it!!  Oh the miracles of modern medicine!! 

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
~~Psalm 119:105

I did a walk through my gardens and am so pleased at how many mums made it through the hot Summer.  They are so colorful.  I moved the hammock that poked me in the eye to the back of the yard.  My eye is still black and blue!!  My neighbor brought me a lily and some German Thyme to plant so I got out my trusty shovel.  I was surprised to see that the Lime Tree had a big mature lime on it -- think I'll have a Gin & Tonic tonight!  The little Fig Tree I planted has sprouted another little fig ... maybe I'll have a little treat before Winter comes!

The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.
~~Isaiah 58:11

I just HAD to make a trip to Walmart today to pick up manly stuff for Michael and some coffee for me.  We were out of coffee this morning and I sure missed my morning treat.  Already looking forward to tomorrow morning!!  I laugh every time I go to Walmart ... I think it's a daily stop for almost everyone in the town!!  At least I got a chance to dress up ... I got out my boots, leggings, and put on a top I got yesterday at Belk.  Several people stopped me and told me I looked chic.  At 65, I'll take all the compliments I can get!!  :0)

Did you watch the presidential debate last night?  I'm so glad that I've been doing a lot of studying and digging into each candidate (including the vice presidential candidates).  For once, I can say that I'm a very informed voter.  Thank you to all my friends who send me facts on their candidates of choice.  We are so fortunate to live in a country where we can agree to disagree!!  I like it when people try to change my mind ... it only makes me dig deeper into the facts!

A leader of good judgment gives stability.
~~Proverbs 29:4
I am looking forward to the vice presidential debates.  Now that one is going to be interesting.  Mr. Biden has a tendency to "open mouth, insert foot" so we'll see what he has to say!  Hold on to your hats, folks!!
Evening is just around the corner.  It's time to fold another load of clothes and round up Miss Sadie from the wood pile.  No rats, mice, or snakes at Miss Dottie's!!  It's also time to fill the claw foot tub with bubbles and pull out my jammies.
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie

PS  A word to the wise:  don't take B12 vitamins before bedtime.  Couldn't figure out why it was taking me forever to go to sleep at night.  Was taking all my energy boosting vitamins in the evening.  Duh!!  Wonder what my pharmacist daughter would say??!!


1 comment:

  1. You definitely see the breed personality come out with Sadie!! My Cricket was the same with herding. The girls would go swimming and Cricket would run circles around the pool until the pads of her feet would wear out. The next day we would have to pick her up to go outside because it was too painful for her to walk on her blistered paws. Oh my goodness those natural instincts can get them in trouble.

    So sorry to hear about Virginia. She is such a sweet lady and it seems each system of her body is giving her challenges. I am glad she is surrounded by friends and family.

    Again - I will tell you that your gardens are beautiful. Luckily, it is cooler outside (at least in TX) and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    Love you!
