Saturday, October 13, 2012

Suffer the little children not...

October 13, 2012
It seems like night time has been the best time for me to do some blogging.  My days have been filled with getting ready for the garage sale that was held today.  We were open from 8am to 2:30pm then shut down because of the storm rolling in.  Weather permitting, I will be open again tomorrow.
Garage Sales seem to be a good way to meet people in town and neighbors.  Several wanted to take a peek at my little cottage (Woman Cave).  Everyone who has seen it wants one for their very own.  I guess it's because it's a small space that can be personalized depending on someone's personality.
I especially enjoy the little children who come through.  Little Valentina lives next door ~~ this morning, she peeked through the fence ... "Oh Miss Dottie, here's a flower for you."  She's been picked some flowers off her mom's hanging basket and bringing them to me, one little flower at a time.  Her big brown eyes sparkle; her small voice so sweet... I am blessed to have Valentina and her family next door.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  This afternoon, there was a grandmother who brought her small granddaughter to the garage sale.  When they left, I asked my friend Beverly if she saw the hand/finger bruises on the little girl's arms.  Beverly said maybe they were birth marks.  I don't think so.  It made me sad and I began praying for the child and for her family.  Whoever grabbed the little one by her arms sure left some nasty marks.  It's hard caring for a two year old ... the terrible twos can make the best parent frustrated at times.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
~~Matthew 18:6

Because of my own history, I am an advocate for children.  I believe in discipline and I believe that a good swat on the butt is needed if the crime is big enough.  I also believe in edifying and encouragement ... that bad actions can be stepping stones to learning good manners and having good character.  To know right from wrong is important.  I used to ask my children questions when they were little ... if they hedged at all, I would say, "Let me see your tongue, if you lied it will be green."  Sometimes they would stick out their tongues as far as possible and say, "See!"  Other times, they would clam up and put their hands over their mouths.  I heard my son use that on his boys last time I visited ... I got a good giggle out of that!

Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.~~Matthew 18:14

Being a good parent is tough at best.  We give birth and our babies don't come with instruction manuals.  We muddle through those first few months and are lucky if we don't have to deal with colic.  My brother had colic and my mother said she got only cat naps for several months.  I was 11 months old when he was born so she also had a toddler to care for.  No wonder she was so disillusioned with motherhood.  I spent hours alone in my crib while my mother attended to a crying baby.  Abuse for me?  Survival for my mother?  Tough call...

A few fortunate children get to experience the love of Christ in their daily lives. Most however, do not. Sadly, there are many young children who do not know what real love is. They do not know Christ's love, oftentimes they do not even know parental love.
When I look back at the first few years of my life, I see that the experiences I had then were very crucial to making me who I am today. This causes me to realize that the influences and experiences every child has will help to determine who he or she becomes later on in their lives.

Everything that happens from the time someone can remember, (or in some instances, before they can remember) leaves some type of imprint on their mind. Some imprints are good and some are bad. We need to make good imprints on childrens' minds when it comes to teaching them about Christ and Christianity.
My conclusion to this rambling, and probably confusing thought is this: Jesus said, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven."

My point is... It's our job as Christians to lead them and maybe not just our own children, but children who aren't raised in Christian homes, who need us as loving examples to lead them to the Way, the Truth, and the Life, which is Christ.

Let us remember the children who are caught in the tribulation of domestic violence.  If you know of a child that is being abused mentally or physically, make that call to Child Protective Services.  Let them make the determination if something is amiss!

Take gentle care ... Sweet dreams ... always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven."~~Henry Ward Beecher      


1 comment:

  1. He! He! I remember the lie detector 'tongue test'. Funny how we actually believed that our tongues would change color if we had lied...children are very gullible!

    Abuse often happens when a parent feels overwhelmed. It is important to reach out to your spouse, neighbor, friends, or family when you are at a breaking point. Cutting words can be as damaging to children as physical abuse. Clearly 'the tapes' that haunted you for years were from neglect and demeaning words. I pray that we all (including me) reflect on our words and actions to ensure we are honoring God in all we do and say. Thank you for shining light on this topic.

