Saturday, October 6, 2012

Brrr! A Day on the Ball Field

October 6, 2012

Brrrr! Baby, it's cold outside!! The alarm went off at 6:30 this morning ... I promptly punched the snooze button hoping that Michael wouldn't forget coffee this morning.  He didn't and it sure tasted good on this windy, cold morning.

We got dressed and headed for North Texas to watch our grandsons play baseball.  As usual, I enjoyed my views from the car ... it almost looked like Winter.  The sky was overcast and sprinkles of rain dusted the windshield.  We had dressed in layers hoping that it would warm up in time for the games.  No such luck!

Baseball - A Family Affair
My daughter in law was saving us seats and had some blankets with her.  The Red Sox were out on the field warming up...  What??  The opposing team didn't show.  They had a choice ~~ they could either win and not play OR reschedule the game for 2:15pm and risk a loss.  The main coach and boys wanted to play and were raring to go.  We headed for Tommy and Angie's home to warm up and have some wonderful coffee.  Wasn't long and we headed back to the field ~~ Nicholas's team, Team Prodigy was to play at 1pm and the Red Sox at 2.  We took extra scarves, blankets, gloves, etc.

We sat down on the bleachers and wrapped up in blankets.  Since Zach was going to pitch we had to make sure his pitching arm and hand were kept nice and warm.  Readers, I don't know about you but when we huddled together as a family, there was more than just a sense of being warm ~~ I felt that joy in my heart that comes from the bond of Family ~~ For Better or Worse.  We snuggled and laughed and got set to cheer up a storm for Team Prodigy!

Nicholas struck out his first time at bat.  Bummers!  Rats!  The score began rising until it was tied 9-9.  Nicholas warmed up on the pad and headed for the plate.  BAAM!  A hit!  Nicholas ran to 3rd base and his teammate ran home making the game 9-10.  What??  The main coach from the opposing team ran out on the field claiming that the score was really 10-9 before the last batter came on home.  The game was stopped as players scuffed their feet in the dirt and danced around trying to keep warm.  Okay, game on!  Next batter up slapped that ball a good one and Nicholas got his little legs in gear and crossed home plate!!  Final score 11-10 ~~ Team Prodigy won!!  Everyone was hooting and hollering.  Nicholas came through!!

My grandsons are fine young men.  They are focused and genuinely good to the core.  They are so different, yet alike.  Zachary, at 9, is thinking about which college he wants to attend  and knows for sure he wants to go into the Air Force. He is extremely bright and talented in so many different arenas and excels at everything he tries!!

Nicholas is a warrior.  He's shy but my goodness, when he gets out on that ball field, he comes alive.  At 7, he was selected to play on a tournament team, The Stix.  Coaches are amazed at his talents in baseball.  He is a great student ~~ his teachers melt when he gives them "that grin."  He is my youngest grandchild and there are times when I wish I could just keep him 7.  I was hoping for one more grandchild but they all tell me, "We're done."  Rats and double rats!!

In all the craziness going on in our nation ... in all the selfishness and meanness ... there are times when I experience so much serenity and joy.  My family means so much to me.  After the games today, we all went to Palios for Italian food (and to celebrate Zach's birthday).  We laughed, we stuffed ourselves, and enjoyed the closeness of just the normalcy of living life.  All we had was today and boy howdy, we made the most of it!!

The Lord God has taken me on a wild and wonderful journey this year.  I have been tested and retested over and over again.  I have been asked so many questions that I THOUGHT I knew the answers to.  I had prided myself on being a follower of Christ for many years.  I've been so humbled at what God has been showing me.  Last night, I cried out ... "Lord, why didn't someone tell me?"  Was it because so few people actually read the Bible and study it?  How could I have been so blind?  Why now after so many years??  Maybe I wasn't ready ~~ OR, maybe I just didn't want to know the truth about my own choices.  I'm still trying to figure it all out.

Scriptures state that God alone is the One who can opens our eyes to see Biblical truths as He wrote them. This is implied in Deuteronomy 29:4 which says – “Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day.” It is the workmanship of God to give “eyes to see” – the ability to understand and learn His wonderful truths.

It is night and my bones are weary from the cold.  I lit a fire in the fireplace and it warmed the cottage within a few minutes.  I read some articles on the Internet tonight and decided to spend some time with the special people who read my blogs.  I know that many of you have had some pretty fantastic days like I did and that's awesome!

Until we meet again, always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Miss Dottie

PS  While Nicholas was waiting on third base (and for the game to resume), I snapped a photo of Nicholas and Coach Tommy (his dad).  As third base coach, Tommy was there to tell Nick when to head for home base and when he should stay put.  You know, our Heavenly Father is like that.  He's there to protect us from bad choices and moves and also there to say, "Go for it!!  Come on, get moving!"  How does He talk to us?  Through prayer, Christian brothers and sisters, and, most importantly through his word, the Bible!

Listen to me, son ...

1 comment:

  1. What a great story --wish I could have been there to help cheer on the boys!!
